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Reviews for Sanctum Sanctorum

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From Leania07 on January 21, 2012
    Yay another chapter ^.^ So Draco got to see Harry create the Blood Bubble, and Draco took the potion. So both having taken the potion, would they get to share a type of mental conversation based upon the thoughts one receives from the other, and respond in turn? I wonder how Adam will respond to the Blood Bubble, seems he would be very cautious if he's been wary of magic thus far.
    Keep up the good work, I await the next chapter.

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  • From moodysavage on January 18, 2012
    I adore this story. I had a long weekend but it wasn't long enough and just stayed up all night to finish what you have so far. This story has so much detail, plot and depth... I just love everything about it. Their personalities and how they interact with each other is so realistic and I love how Malfoy was able to see those surface emotions and thoughts that Harry had and how they were so often opposite of how Harry appeared.

    I must admit though that I do hope they don't have to spend the rest of their lives in hiding. Their memories alone should be enough proof that those men are guilty and that Harry has been doing the kind of work he's supposed to be doing. I hope the ministry plays it off like he was undercover or something. But as long as they end up together I'll be happy :)
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  • From Leania07 on January 13, 2012
    Interesting so far; Blood Bubble hmm, sounds a bit dangerous. I can't wait for the next chapter, so glad you're still updating.

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  • From bloodshound on January 13, 2012
    now this promises to be very interesting. I find myself absolutely hanging for the next chappie. i want to see this plan in action.
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  • From ANON - Mark on January 12, 2012
    I guess Adam will be important in those battles ahead, because the reason for bringing him with them seems quite ill conceived. To bring a child into a battle is pretty crazy. It will put him in danger, he will be a liability and a distraction, and this spell will weaken Harry, putting him and everyone else in additional danger. There have to be dozens of places where he would be safer. Okay, he can only speak parseltongue, but that's the same as if he's mute, it does not mean he is completely disabled. People would be able to communicate with him in other ways. Even an orphanage would be better than in the middle of a battle. They could hire a muggle nanny. Tell Hermione's parents to take care of him, if they don't want anyone magical to do it. I don't get their reasoning.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on January 12, 2012
    about #28...

    Wow! I don't know about Ron, but I'm feeling a bit smarter just from reading this. O___O
    Who knew I'd be learning something today! That was very informative!

    ..and no wisecracks from the peanut gallery.

    Anyway, I won't come down on Draco on how he feels, because people are just like that. You
    have some who care too much & those who only DO care about the immediate people around them, it's
    human nature.
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  • From Sailorlorelei on January 03, 2012
    Ron would probably leave more of it alone if Draco simply expressed himself more explicitly, alas I doubt he will so Ron will have to deal with it. I didn't realize it was possible to hand items through the floo connection, that was interesting. I think Draco needs to explore why he wants Harry's full attention, it would bring about some necessary conclusions. In all I enjoy how Harry is handling everything, sane Harry is definitely better to work with than one crazy from the Dark Arts. I can't help but feel that this is a calm before the storm, you never give our boys much rest so I don't expect this to last. I understand what you mean about the phrase repeats sometimes there simply no other words that satisfy what one would like to say. Well written chapter, I am curious to see what direction this takes now. Keep up the good work.

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  • From SParker on December 31, 2011
    about #27...

    I'm not sure if I mentioned this, if not, I meant
    to last time. But, when this story is almost said
    and done, will we see the reappearance of the 'seer'
    who predicted this would happen with Harry & Draco?

    ...and I must admit I thought this story would SOME
    light-heartedness to it throughout the story, considering
    how it started, but oh well....
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  • From ChaosLady on December 31, 2011
    Great update!
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  • From bloodshound on December 30, 2011
    because if he didn't have Har's full attention, he felt Har would leave him.
    Maybe he just needs the concentrated ego stroking Har's full attention would give him. At any rate, i love Draco's 'shrugs' attitude towards the original vision now.
    poor adam, i hope they can do something for him.
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  • From Sailorlorelei on December 29, 2011
    Huzzah! Finally! That was fantastic, I love how they argued the whole damn time. You also managed this conversation without either of them confessing their love or going on and on about their intimate feelings, that takes skill. The point even made it across and sealed with a romp. For how they both act and are as far as their character development goes I don't think this could have gone any better. I can see Draco going either way with the terms of the thought reading. One as you said he would love being mysterious and enigmatic. On the other hand Harry knowing his thoughts would probably lower his frustration by several notches. Interesting how at the during the chapter Malfoy becomes Draco but Harry remains Potter. I'm curious what will happen to have Draco change to having Harry on a first name basis. Now we go back to saving those poor children! I can't wait. Keep up the lovely work.


    p.s. a lot of repeated phrases or words this chapter such as "on the other hand" it's not a big deal but they happened so close to one another it was noticeable. The phrases were so common though that they seem more purposeful than anything. I just thought I would share an observation. By the way it is fantastic how much depth you can put into these characters. I just caught up on Parsimony and Desire in a Day before this and even though they are the same characters they are worlds apart. Their growth through experience and age is apparent, and it really makes everything you write just that much more of a pleasure to read.
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  • From bloodshound on December 28, 2011
    oh my yes. Still, insecure much draco. Theiry're well on their way to that picket fenced house huh.
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  • From ChaosLady on December 27, 2011
    Wonderful sex scene but they really need to get moving.
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  • From SParker on December 27, 2011
    about #26...

    Draco's a cocky s.o.b., ain't he? But, that's
    alright..he may THINK he dominates in the bedroom.
    but this IS Harry Potter we're talking about. Just
    wait until Harry surprises him....he WILL right? O____O
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  • From Sailorlorelei on December 27, 2011
    Curse you and your cliffhangers, that was probably worse than any we have had thus far in this story. I do hope we get even a slight development between those two, with everything else they are worrying about, their dynamic moves seemingly slower than your other stories. Draco always makes me laugh, it's so easy to agree with him that his frustration is pleasing, it's nice to know at least someone is thinking what I am. It really would be interesting if the potion worked both ways wouldn't it? Now that I think about it, you're definitely right about Ron and Hermione having more to lose, lucky for Harry Draco will keep him company I'm sure. Keep up the good work, I hope you had a good holiday.

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