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Reviews for Parsimony

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From Leania07 on March 19, 2012
    Oh boy, was this a trap then? Seems like it...*shudders* I don't know what's worse, a mad Lucius, a mental mad Narcissa, or a pissed off Harry. I'm hoping Draco keeps with this backbone he seems to be gaining, and I wonder what the wolfwere is going to do. It obviously knew something was happening if just mere moments before Lucius appeared. What happens next?! I await the next chapter.

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  • From ANON - polka dot on March 19, 2012
    Honestly what was Harry expecting? Of course Draco was going to do something stupid and so he has.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on March 19, 2012
    about #32...

    *shakes head*...and she leaves us hanging again!

    By the way, I liked the atmosphere you built up in this
    chapter with the description of how Azkaban looked inside.

    It added to the chapter made it more foreboding, as a matter of
    fact I noticed you don't build the scenes up anymore like you used
    to in the past, with intense imagery. Why?

    If you don't mind me it too much trouble? Because when
    I think about it, it seems like they are few & far between now.

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  • From makochan0217 on March 18, 2012
    Hm, I really can't say who I feel more for, Harry or Draco. If I understand this spell correctly, when Lucius dies, so does Narcissa? It would be great for her, I guess, but it would leave poor Draco an orphan. And he manages to get Gregory back as a friend and then ignores Harry? Although, the kiss was nice, if not unexpected. And what the hell does the wolfwere think it's going to do with the three humans? Next chapter, please! ~ Mako
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  • From bloodshound on March 11, 2012
    blinks. okay, that's one hell of a kink in the works. how the hells bells are they sneak manwolf in. A nice bit of manipulation on Klein there btw. Har's Slyth tendencies are really coming to the fore and getting a good work out.
    I'm glad Draco has at least one of his friends back, especially considering the way his ma essentially dumped him for his da. He misses them even more than he shows i think.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on March 11, 2012
    about #31...

    1. And, uh, I think I'm doing a mystery story right now with 'Writ on Water.' I'm not talking about the CSI type of drama/mystery you're doing now, I'm
    talking ole' school mystery, like 'Ten Little Indians' & 'Clue', where you have a
    small group of people and you have to guess who in the group is the killer, because
    of the constant misdirection. Like the type of misdirection you did in 'Keep It Simple
    Stupid', without the humor.

    2. By the way, at this point in the story, what is the theme? Because you usually have
    one subtly tucked in the story.
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  • From ChaosLady on March 10, 2012
    Oh no! The wolfwere is going to muck things up! Great update.
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  • From Leania07 on March 10, 2012
    I see, very creative. So Draco now has one Slytherin friend back, lets see how long it takes for the others to slowly trickle back. Granted, Blaise my never be his friend again (that could always change, but I'm sure he'd be the last), but others may give him a second chance. Okay, so the wolfwere is going with them to Azkaban? Curious to see how the pups are tied into this mess Lucius has created. I don't think there's any saving Narcissa, and I'm still curious about that harp/Blood magic bit. Perhaps I have to go back and re-read a chapter or two, unless you haven't covered it yet.
    Thanks for the explanation, now it makes sense. Another wonderful chapter, looking forward to the next!

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  • From serenagold on March 01, 2012
    Ha! They pulled a Crouch!(sort of.)
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  • From ANON - polka dot on February 29, 2012
    So Lucius is the leader and he's insane, but what of Narcissa?
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  • From ANON - SP777 on February 28, 2012
    about # 30...

    Well, got ourselves a wee bit of a twist in ze plot, ya? :-)
    Veddy interesting, it almost feels like a mystery. Speaking
    of mystery, when was the last time you did a story that had a
    REAL mystery in know where we would have to guess
    who done it?

    Another thing, too bad this isn't a two parter..because that wolfwere
    has become interesting, he really needs more 'airtime' in the story
    or a sidestory.

    ..and last, the drama in this story flows nicely, it gets more edgier
    as time goes on.
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  • From ChaosLady on February 27, 2012
    Sounds like Narcissa did something very stupid. Great update!
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  • From bloodshound on February 27, 2012
    ... so much for loose ends being tied up. these are the sort of loose ends that comes back to smack you in the face.
    So basically, both draco's parents are nutters now and they split their time, half in the clink, half out. So that really was Luc in the forest of dean.
    and now har needs to look for a post cognetic spell as well, never let it be said har's life is slow and boring. :P
    I wonder if he could transfer some of the stuff he's learning across to helping find mio's parents.
    will har go share his new knowledge of luc and cissa with Klein and the aurors or do something else. I can't wait to find out.

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  • From Leania07 on February 26, 2012
    Ah I found this story again, I've been caught up in a long one these past few days. So what spell is this that Mrs. Narcissa Malfoy used? Sounds like something akin to a split existance. Is it actually 2 the original and a clone, or is it a way for Lucius to be in two different places like a soul travel? Congrats, I think you made my brain fry and melt, LOL!! Good to see Draco getting his spirit (a.k.a. spunk) back and not be such a...limp noodle. I await the next!

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  • From bloodshound on February 24, 2012
    pity sev couldn't see that a bit earlier. Hopefully the potion should confirm things one way or another. I do hope sev can go and make a good life for himself now. there shouldn't be anything holding him back. once those last two things are sorted, maybe he can help mio more with her parent searching.
    oh, Ick! I wonder what a dismembered human hand can do... i'm a bit afraid to find out.
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