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Reviews for Parsimony

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From bloodshound on January 05, 2012
    damn me but you're talented. fight scenes, sex scenes you just roll them out like they were nothing. I could practically see that fight scene. *sighs enviously.
    anyway, about the story... poor draco. this must have shocked him to the core. Harry though, Harry was awesome AND he did it with no fatalities this time. His natural talent just kicks absolute arse. I could feel a bit sorry for Klien whose only trying to do her job but sadly, Har's points are well made. the Ministry almost seems directed by the press and the press are screwy as a spiral stair case. the fall out from this, i think, will be major.
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  • From ANON - Zip on December 31, 2011
    Another clifhenger, Lomonaaeren queen of them. I still read my favorit stories of yours, just still don t have time to reply (more like month of work ahead of me). I just wanted to wish you Happy New Year and lot of ideas and strength for everyday updates, you are great, so I hope in this year your wishes will come true.
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  • From Sailorlorelei on December 30, 2011
    *facepalm* Draco just had to drop all of the artifacts, and they were doing so well. It was a fun chapter, it's always interesting when Draco and Harry end up sharing thoughts. I'm curious about what the rippling meant, so did the spell not work correctly or is it really Lucius? I really hope it isn't Lucius, that will complicate things exponentially for both Harry and Draco. I was delighted to see this updated, another cliffhanger but as you do them to me so often I believe I have developed a slight immunity, I'm not aass anxious for the next chapter. Still pretty anxious though, keep up the good work.

    Also what did you mean by Draco's eyelashes fluttering like a tattoo?

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  • From bloodshound on December 29, 2011
    hmmm. i wonder what changed luc's walk and poor draco is in shock. what a bad time to go into shock. I mean, come on, we all pretty much knew it was Luc, Draco just didn't want to admit it. Still, i look forward to seeing how the hell they get outta this one. maybe har should just send up a big firework like flare and then bolt... though he'd have to have draco in tow.
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  • From ChaosLady on December 29, 2011
    OMG. How did Lucius get out of Azkaban? I hope Harry is able to get them out of there-with all the artifacts! Great update!
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  • From Sailorlorelei on December 29, 2011
    Very exciting, more adventures and Harry is realizing how much he cares for Draco. Good all around I must say. I agree with you about it not being in Draco's pov, it's a nice contrast to some of your other stories. Really that chapter was so fun I don't have much else to say. Can't wait for the next one obviously and as usual keep up the great work dearie.

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  • From SParker on December 24, 2011
    about #20...

    You know, as time goes on you continue to have a better grasp on the
    personalities of Harry Potter & Draco Malfoy. To the point that you
    can write them equally without having to focus on one character then
    jump to another in the next paragraph or chapter. It just flows...almost
    like watching TV. :-)

    get what I mean?
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  • From ChaosLady on December 23, 2011
    I'm glad Snape has decided to help, even if it's only because he thinks Harry has finally started growing a brain! The exchange about 'groping' in charms class was funny and sweet. I can't wait for more.
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  • From bloodshound on December 23, 2011
    i think Draco might be splashing in Egyptian rivers where it comes to the id of the bloke leading the 'death eaters'. After, daddy's gotten out before and there aren't dementors to stop him now.
    interesting... snape's being helpful. I wonder if the world is going to end now. :P Oh I understand his reasons, it's just surprising.
    I'm glad draco has the good sense to take har with him at least. even if it's a rather hare brained scheme.
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  • From SParker on December 17, 2011
    about #19...

    Your inner comedian is slooowly shining through! :-)

    I think this was a fun chapter, the 'tit-for-tat' between
    them was a refreshing exchange, instead of the upfront constant
    worry over what concerns Draco at the moment. Yes, I know it was
    mentioned but the other things that was focused on like Draco's
    continued mentioning of Harry's forgetfulness of their meeting
    displayed how comfortable they've gotten with each other...whether
    they both notice or not. Then, there was Harry's wry humor shining
    through as well.

    ...and of course, Ron's near death experience of being 'flayed alive
    by words' from Hermione had me anticipating WHAT it was she would have
    said to the thoughtless & insensitive one.
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  • From Sailorlorelei on December 17, 2011
    Ah friendship, how nice. Sweet chapter in that sense, I couldn't keep from laughing when Ron was speaking with Hermione, the poor boy didn't realize he was causing his own death with each word. Poor Harry as well! He is developing a crush on Draco and he doesn't even have the time to think about it. I sincerely hope his life gets less complicated soon, the dear needs a break. Pansy being there wasn't odd but her being with Lucius certainly was, especially with her hating Draco. Even more interesting that Draco doesn't seem to know anything about what is happening. Lucius always manages to get into the worst situations, honestly you think the man would learn the lay low after all the trouble he caused his family. Glad to see you update this, keep up the good work and I can't wait until the next chapter.

    Also are we going to see Draco's development in all this? I know Harry surprises him and he trusts Harry but all of those are still in the friendship realm.

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  • From ChaosLady on December 16, 2011
    Is Lucius trying to destroy his family or what?
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  • From ChaosLady on December 16, 2011
    Lucius Malfoy?! His son owes Harry two life debts and Harry owes Narcissa one and he's plotting against Harry? He is mad?! Great update!
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  • From bloodshound on December 16, 2011
    oh dear, THAT's going to cause problems! poor Har, so much to deal with and not a decent nights sleep between them. I wonder what the wolfwere will do now?
    The bit with Mio preparing to tear strips out of Ron made me grin. Especially Har's most Slyth, but very intelligent, retreat. ^^
    I have a feeling Har's learning to manage Malofy's... or at least his malfoy, will be very important in the future.
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  • From undeademopixi on December 14, 2011
    I love everything about this. Once more you have taken a strange situation and made it seem as believable as the cannon story line! You write all the characters very well, but I must say that you have a particular skill for writing a believable post war Draco. I hate the way a lot of writers work him, it's like he's not even Draco anymore! Well done, and I can't wait for more! :)
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