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Reviews for Parsimony

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From bloodshound on November 18, 2011
    *shakes head at draco. Seriously boy, get your priorities straight. what's more important, your pride or your life?! No wonder Snape was disinclined to help. What a silly little git. How can Har do anything if he doesn't have all the facts to work with?
    Interesting, Klien can admit her faults... don't know if it'll be enough to coax Har back to Auror consideration though. At least Har is willing to compromise enough to work with her now.
    As for the wolfwere, considering Fen was completely nutters... would it be a good idea to ingest that... 0.o
    It will be interesting to see if Har's theory was right and there is someone else out there tugging strings.
    Will Snape be up to brewing his freedom potion soon?
    Green huh. Nothing with Har can ever be simple can it. It'll be interesting to find out what yellow means.
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  • From ChaosLady on November 18, 2011
    and the plot thickens!
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  • From ANON - ang on November 15, 2011
    Wow, I think that is Draco's miscast spell. Why is he asking for help but won't tell this? Go Harry. Go Snape. Hermione and Ron are nice.
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  • From ANON - Zip on November 12, 2011
    Ehm, I didn t intended to chide you for not updating W.I.P and I am really sorry it sounded like that. It is just, that usually when, I make hearty comment to stories I like, they tent to go on hiatus and I just don t understant, why. I suspect that it have something to do with my life don t going according any plan, timetable or resolution. Like when you want to see a movie next evening and cinema is closed for technical reason at that specific day (worse and silly life occurences happened)or author struggling with they musa not kicking them suddenly, not best comparison, sorry. Babbling, ehm, I didn t meant to be rude with my last comment or this one, I suppose, I wanted to know how often this will be updated and I am happy that next chapter is already here, because I kept daydreaming about outcome of cliffhanger. It was little bit disturbing how selfishly Draco demanded help from himself from Snape, and it also showed he cared for potion master and don t want him leave (I dont want that either). Snape was just right, that he didn t want Draco involved in his come back to life matters. Draco and Severus discusion make me feel like they are trully Slyntherins, and I can hear what they are talking about, but I don t understand everything- especially about why they persuade completely they decisions and don t try on compromise. Harry sudden resolution, that maybe he can be healer is surprising, especially when he can t brew and I can t wait which carier will he pull off in the end. Elder wand, will he really use it? Why would he not just mend Draco wand like his own? It is too much devastated?
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  • From SParker on November 11, 2011
    about #14...

    Wow, intense emotions all around & some things not
    being said and it's been awhile since we've seen
    'Healer Potter'.
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  • From bloodshound on November 11, 2011
    As he does so very well. Snickers. Silly you indeed Har.
    I think Har might be on to something with the healer idea. His 'battle mind' might be useful for something other than kill/capture. You can't say healers don't have their fair share of pulse pounding moments and that focus might serve him well.
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  • From ChaosLady on November 11, 2011
    Wonderful update! I didn't expect Snape to really cooperate.
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  • From kimberboh on November 10, 2011
    AWW an update that really made me want the next chapter, nice cliff hanger. Hope you get some time off so you can write more I will be patiently waiting.
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  • From SParker on November 09, 2011
    about #13...

    Well now, this was an informative chapter...finally. I was
    hoping you'd explain in detail what was up with Harry's
    reaction to that potion. So, basically when Harry fights
    he feels that adrenaline rush that people feel when they
    go into survival mode during an intense fight. The kind that
    could be animalistic...'fight or flight' & 'kill or be killed'.

    But, considering who he is I don't blame him.
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  • From ANON - Zip on November 09, 2011
    Hmm, interesting development and this cliffhangers just .... ugh, just, I wish you updated this more often, I just worry it will end like Word in pieces. Question: Do you really write this... all alone, like one person? Sorry for rudeness, I don t know how to ask this more sensitively, but bloody hell, I wish to have your determination and still find myself wanting from you to update my favorite stories, I am awful, yes, I know, eeep, sorry. And: What will Snape really do with that blood? Is he really Snape? and that Harry murderousness, like really? He is so scary, so delicious, because I can t determine what he will do next, and I love that. (again, sorry for my English)
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  • From ChaosLady on November 08, 2011
    What happened to Malfoy? Why was he at the Whomping Willow? I can't wait for more!!
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  • From bloodshound on November 08, 2011
    good grief. As if Har wasn't sup[er protective already with his whole saving ppl thing. So, Har is going to be pair with Snape as well? Not quite sure how that will work as he's his usual ever snarky, 'charming' self. Be interesting to see how it gets to that point.
    that line in the previous chappie was brilliant by the way. 'that's not true. Greyback was defending quite well as well," snickers. classic.
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  • From SParker on October 29, 2011
    about #12...

    What the hell!!??!! Is Klein stuck on stupid or what???
    She gives the saying 'acting completely ignorant' a WHOLE
    different meaning. *rolls eyes*

    ..and on that note, "GO Draco!'' You know Harry & Draco
    would make a delightful tagteam, if it ever came to messing
    with someone's head. :-) They unconciously act like partners

    Personally, I think there was something different in that potion
    or Harry has something wrong with usual.
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  • From ANON - Cyador on October 29, 2011
    I love your story! I like the way you descripe the dynamics between Harry and Draco. Please continue!
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  • From ChaosLady on October 27, 2011
    I not sure to feel sorry for Klein or to hate her.
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