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Reviews for Everything Has Changed

By : princess1
  • From newtothis on October 29, 2011
    let me guess ron going to be a jerk,,like he is in every story. dont know why people have to write him that way.
    he a good guy
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  • From Madamdragon on October 28, 2011
    Poor Hermione. Hope things work out. If a guy I like doesn't show any interest in me I don't sweat it and move on. But I hope she makes him jealous cuz if he can't realize how special she is then he isn't worth it. Update again soon please.
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  • From SnakeGirl on October 14, 2011
    Very nice chapter! Poor Hermione. I hope that everything works out.
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  • From Bluedragon5544 on October 09, 2011
    I like this story and I am looking forward to reading more of it please update when you can.
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  • From Madamdragon on October 03, 2011
    Hard to believe Snape would dance. But good update. Hope to see more soon.
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  • From SSHGSHIPER on October 03, 2011
    ooh ooh love it
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  • From SSHGSHIPER on September 29, 2011
    Awsome (wonder whose at the door?) =)
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  • From Madamdragon on September 24, 2011
    Interesting. Wonder what happened. Update again soon please and I will return. :)
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  • From use2b2t2 on September 21, 2011
    Snape arrives I'm guessing
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  • From SnakeGirl on September 21, 2011
    I have to admit from your authors note at the end of chapter one(I think)it sounded like it would be a bash on Ron story - you just sounded so happy that his name wasn't listed it came off as a preparation for Ron Bash 2011. Which I do not particularly enjoy, I think it's a plot point that's WAY overused, and so try to avoid those stories. However, I decided to give it a couple more chapters, probaly to wait until Severus was introduced to decide whether to continue or not.

    I hate A/N's. Unless they are to translate a language that I don't speak into one that I do or to explain some historical or literary reference that the reader may not be familiar with I usually skip them(I have written this particual part of my review about eight times and this is what I am going to stick with, I really hope this whole thing doesn't come across as mean spirited - because I really don't mean any of it that way. Just giving my opinion and what I hope is some constructive criticism). For some reason authors like to put spoilers into their A/N's and it bugs me a little. Of course, I am now assuming that Ron is dead - I suppose it's possible that Lucius just can't bear to spit out the name of a Weasley...

    Ah well, guess I'll just have to keep reading, then.

    I'm willing to give it a bit more, but I am not a huge fan of the super short chapters, I usually don't read anything with less than 1000 words/chapter. Personally, I'd rather wait a week between updates and be able to read something more substantial - however, I understand that some people enjoy a different style.

    Other than the above things, I think your story is well written and has the start of a good plot. I look forward to your next chapter.
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  • From madmapper82 on September 18, 2011
    I love everything so far, too bad about the close mindedness of other readers. Keep up the good writing and don't let small minded people get to you.
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  • From Angie30 on September 18, 2011
    Im hoping she returns... look forward to more. :)
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  • From Christopher11 on September 18, 2011
    Another bash on Ron story? Suffice it to say that I will be skipping this one, like most that have that theme through them.
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  • From Angie30 on September 17, 2011
    Now you got me intrigued... look forward to see how this story develops :)
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