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Reviews for The End Shall Come, And We Will Dance Forever

By : makochan0217
  • From FairyBean on December 15, 2012
    I'm finding myself more and more caught up in storylines and less bothered about the smex scenes. It blasphemy to the genre I think lol.

    Anyway, this chapter was cute, and I can feel something brewing from the Ron side of things that I think the twins wont be able to stop. I am glad you got the confidence to work with Fred and George, they are great material most of the time, and yay for Fred being alive.

    in a non fanfic related thing, I passed that one exam (five more to go before I pass the course *_*) and thanks.
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  • From bloodshound on December 15, 2012
    sighs at Ron's possey of twats. they are such useless wastes of space. V wouldn't care if the mb s and halfbloods were close with har or not when it come to the whole maim, torture, kill thing...except that he might make their deaths a bit extra messy. they leave hogwarts though, they can pretty much count em selves dead.
    hopefully the twins can keep them from doing anything further on the moronicus much list.

    :p you so totally pinched my idea. Still, i KNEW that could come back to bite them. that pretty much sells sev up sewage creak as well huh. I hope he doesn't get dead. he's still useful n such and without him the greengrass girls are meat.

    ya know, all things considered, you'd think a super slyth like luc would appreciate and make use of such an ability rather than deride it. what happened to using all the tools at your disposal? a wife with future glimpse would be an extremely valuable tool. he shouldn't have let his squeamishness get in the way.

    Yay! make up sex! they're so cute and ridiculously hot together.
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  • From bloodshound on December 04, 2012
    2 chappies in a week? Nicccccccccccccccce.

    d'awwww. draco's cute when he's worrying aobut his other half. it won't stay like this though. draco didn't meant to stress him, he's just worried.

    oh, my, now there a combination to make the school tremble. malfoy and the weasley twins as allies. ickle ronnikings will never know what hit him. ^^ With bonus points for a har/draco make up.

    it's sad that being in love with her icicle of a hubby was willing to make her allow him to abuse her.
    i think cissa and andy will get along fine. Kreature better pull his head in and watch himself. he may have been able to bait the already excitable sirius but andy and cissa are made from far different stuff.

    0.0 was... was that a glimpse of belle belles poor kids future. oh, oh, oh, i doooooo hope so. no on should have to suffer bell bells as a parent and i reckon the kid couldn't grow up with better pseudo/ adopted/ surrogate/ whatever parents than har and draco, especially since they both will have plenty of experience to draw on. i wonder what the poor kid will get tagged, if bells remembers to name him anything. does bells have the future glimpse thing or is she too nutty?

    well that explains why the twins are back... do they have someone shop sitting or have they shut it for the duration? oh, yeah, ickle ronnie and co had better pull their heads in. if they don't they might find them altered beyond all recognition.

    hehe, there might be more going on with nev and mio than we think, and nev would have a pretty good idea how she felt with that whole mild empath thing.

    it's rather cute that the thought of draco wanting to speak to him makes har sit up and spark. dray just means that much to him.

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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on December 04, 2012
    Great! They are going to talk to each other. Just love those twins. They are the best of the Weesleys'. Charlie's ok also.
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  • From FairyBean on December 04, 2012
    Aaah I knew the grace of god thing. And I do like Muse, but usually only their more mainstream things, (time is running out being my favourite)

    This chapter indeed showed me why Narcissa is being calmer and i LOVE Gred and Forge. They are so often underused in fanfic (not by you) lol

    Short review today, have exams to revise for, but thanks for the cheer up chapter :)
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  • From bloodshound on December 03, 2012
    what a... unique form of revenge. nev and mio would be good for each other too. surely draco isn;t going to leave it at that though. ickle ronnikins deserves oh so much more. mwhahahahaha.
    it's nice to see cissa is still able to use her slyth caution, despite the fact she let her dear hubby and sister bat her about. well, if anyone could whip no. 12 and Kreature back into shape it would be cissa. she's going to have a great deal of work to do though.

    oopsie. oh, nicely done draco... as if har didnt have enough stress on him.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on November 27, 2012
    Oh boy! Trouble between Draco & Harry at such a critical time? I don't really like Dumbledore or trust him. He seems to always create more trouble & be sooo sneaky. I don't think I'd like to be that far away in London & pregnant like it looks Narcissa will be courtesy of Dombledore. Ron is still being terrible...he doesn't even seem to know that he did wrong!
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  • From FairyBean on November 26, 2012
    Haha, that is an eloquent way to put it. Indeed poor little ronnikins seems fucked.

    Like this chapter, kinda epected the way Draco reacted to the news of his mother going away (hes such a mummys boy) but didnt expect Narcissa to take it that calmly. I do however think that end "fight" with Harry is excellent. Its exactly how the 'real' Harry would act I am sure.

    Overall bril chapter as usual x Also if i didnt say it before. I totally love the stry title for this one, almost as much as 'here but for the grace of merlin'
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  • From FairyBean on November 19, 2012
    Ah I have stumbled upon another of your stories without realising it until now. :) Awesome.

    I love this story, I actually think this is the second time im reading it (though there were a few new chapters)

    Good work, cant wait to see what awaits them in the hall Ron wise. Should be fun.
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  • From bloodshound on November 09, 2012
    urrrg! shudders. bell bells is soooo freakin creepy.
    heh, har and draco have good friends... though so far i appears ickle ronnikins has gotten off pretty lightly.
    i think har and cissa will be able to get along just fine. Cissa is a lady through and through.
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  • From bloodshound on October 26, 2012
    sexual correction potion? oh, that bodes extremely bad things.
    i can understand why cissy might be dubious, she was out of the loop for the duration.
    wow, luc really is a prize bastard... going after bellabitch. he'd willing shack up with a complete nutter? I do hope he's planning on letting the house elves raise the kid cause nutty as bell bells is, she'd kill it. babies are such fragile things.
    oh, yay... sigh, Tom really knows how to make a problem of himself neh? so, he's essentially made himself a potter? Which means har as the current head of the house needs to straighten him out? How the hells blazing hinges is he supposed to do that? Still, kudos for a rather unique approach. haven't come across that idea before.
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  • From ANON - Sylvia on October 26, 2012
    I have only read two chapters and I am utterly hooked! I love it. Excellent and economical use of language, powerful writing style. Reminds me a little of the way JK writes, but with a little more visceral strength. Very, very good.
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  • From ANON - unneeded on September 14, 2012
    oh, oh, oh. Ronnikins just raised stupid to an art form. he should have the L for loser branded on his forehead. He pretty much just sold his so called 'best friend' out there and put everyone in massive amounts of danger. seriously, he should be in slyth with his lack of loyalty and back stabbing skills.
    I hope he gets payback reigned down on him HARD.
    ohhhh, drarry limons. Yummy.
    and Cissa's awake Yay! x 3
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  • From gossipgirl84 on September 14, 2012
    Ron is such a moron. It's not like Harry cheated on him. Anyways, I hope Harry tells them all, except Draco, to go screw themselves. Because Harry and Draco belong together, Harry and Ginny together is just gross. Can't wait for more.
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on September 13, 2012
    Ron doesn't care who he puts in danger! He needs a wake up call!
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