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Reviews for All Desire in a Day

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From ANON - Em on January 11, 2012
    Oh no... is Draco going to end up in Malfoy's place!? ack!

    I do like how just because Harry has changed houses that doesn't mean he's lost the core of himself, it's just made him harder. Or at least to those he considers harmful to himself, which Malfoy certainly is and I can understand that; as why show your belly to the beast?

    I think, in this AU, Malfoy's behaviour towards Harry is not acceptable because they are housemates, whereas in the original universe it was, because they were in separate houses so that behaviour was just accepted as the norm and, in some ways, actively encouraged by Harry's peers to be as abusive back. In both universes, Harry had a support network that supplied the view that houses should look out for their own. It's just in this AU one that that view did not materialise. It is rather stupid of Draco to assume that not only Harry would be different but so would he. Draco thought their rivalry was due to this tension between the Gryffindor and Slytherin houses, when it was, actually, Draco that supplied the lack of understanding in and of the inherent differences between his values and Harry's, all on his own, without the benefit of his house, although Slytherin does support Draco in some of his views (and perhaps more so in the original universe).

    It is Draco that needs to change his view of himself and he forgot that there are two people in a relationship. He thought that if he changed the other superficially to be more like himself, somehow, that would translate to a better relationship with that person, without actually changing himself or at least truly empathising with that person. However, if he did the latter he, then, wouldn't have to have gone though this whole process to begin with, as he would understand that it is a superficial change to Harry and not the monumental one that Draco considers it to be. Draco considers it a significant change for himself then likewise it *must* be a significant change for others as well. Draco thinks that Harry should think more like him, and that Harry would, if he belonged to the same house and therein lies the appeal for Draco, because Draco would then have a better understanding of Harry. Draco wants the change in Harry when actually he should look for the change in himself, because that is the only real impact Draco can have; both to himself and to Harry in view of their relationship.

    Please don't trap Draco in Malfoy's universe!
    Draco needs to have a proper conversation with Harry that involves actually connecting with the other. And with the understanding that they both have different views and they both could of handled their interaction with each other in school a whole lot better. Harry could have been more sympathetic to Draco's position with his father and expectation placed upon him and equally Draco could have been more (or at least have a modicum of) understanding of where Harry was coming from and what he was dealing with. But these are, unfortunately for them, understandings that come in hindsight (because of their hostile attitudes and false images of each other at the time), but at least they can deal with those issues, now, hopefully (if you let them).

    Sorry for rambling on (and for the grammatical errors and such), but I do find this fic very enjoyable and true to the characters themselves. Rather than some of the other fanfics where this idea of a change in house fundamentally effects the character development – without actually showing that process or any adequate contiguity between the aspects of the character, their actions, how they view themselves, others and the world around them.

    Thanks for the brilliant fic, hope you write more soon! :)

    (P.S. Love the other fics you write as well, but I don't review them as a should do, as I never know what to write in feedback – other than babbling how great they and you are like a deranged and besotted fan).

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  • From Lunarsempai on January 06, 2012
    Well the story is interesting but (Ironically) I don't like Harry and here he seems even more douche like than he was in the movies and books. He reminds me of his father actually and it burns me to read it. I like Malfoy though, He stood strong against Harry trying to bog him down with his faults even though it wasn't the right path to take. He could do with more reflection though. I know you'd hate my opinion seeing as it's anti-Harry but that's how I feel.

    I also wonder when Draco will be paying the real price for viewing this alternate future and if harry will find him in the basement. (Proving that time moves the same way in the real reality as it does in the alternate one.)

    Again i know my opinion is not warranted but I feel i must say it.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on January 06, 2012
    To be honest, what you did with that particular spell, I don't
    want to say it has never been done that way before, it's just that of
    all the stories you've written I've never seen a spell like that delivered with
    such cool emotion from Harry...and being HERE in the H/D section..
    I can truly say that what you did I've haven't seen in other H/D stories from any
    other author here and I've been here for a looong time.

    Now, the General [M/F] section is a different story.

    I guess I'm just looking for a story where Harry's spells mainly revolves
    around snakes. You know something a tad different, just outside the box for once.
    about #7...

    I get a feeling that it REALLY goes downhill from here? Because, everything feels so
    foreboding it's not even funny & when will Draco go back...and hopefully appreciate
    what he has with Harry?
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  • From ANON - Talltree-san on January 06, 2012
    Wow when Snape gets surprised by someone it's really time to start worrying! Also I think the scar on Y.M.'s cheek seems strangely fitting for him, like the scar on Y.P.'s forehead.
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  • From bloodshound on January 06, 2012
    this is so not going to end well. this is vaguely horror story esque. I hope at the end Draco is grateful for the way things are in his world, cause in this one I think both Har and Malfoy are going to self destruct.
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  • From moodysavage on December 29, 2011
    oh my gosh... this story is unbelievable... I just read it from the beginning and couldn't stop. Actually I wish I hadn't found it yet and started it after it was already done... because waiting is going to be so stinking hard!!! This story has totally sucked me in .... really really awesome.

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  • From Sailorlorelei on December 29, 2011
    I would definitely say I have to agree with you after reading this chapter. Things certainly are taking some interesting turns, I always find it unfortunate when Draco acts pathetic such as his performance in the duel but considering he is still a young prat at this point I don't expect more. It's intriguing how both Draco and Malfoy seem to think Harry killed Lucius even though Harry says otherwise constantly. This Harry definitely frightens me not because of what he does but how he deals with his emotions, normal Harry is extremely emotional, all of that being bottled up is making this Harry a ticking time bomb. The toll is even showing on his face at this point. However, although Draco said he would never look at his Harry the same, I still see ways in which this trip could benefit their relationship. If nothing else Draco can sit Harry down when he returns and find out all the things he wasn't told such as the blood quill, it may be old news but saying these things could maybe help his Harry get over them even if it's just subconsciously. Plus that can add some trust which hopefully will counteract Draco losing that by taking this trip in the first place. Lovely chapter, still exited for how you will portray sixth year, so definitely lookin forward to the next chapter. Great writing!

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  • From jujukitty on December 28, 2011
    another great chapter, but i really am worried about draco's reactions when he gets back to the real world. this dream version of harry was definitely kind of frightening, so calm and cold about his attack on draco, the one in the bed was different, i liked that he had them set so if draco changed his mind they wouldnt' react. keep up the good work
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  • From ANON - Talltree-san on December 28, 2011
    OMG, finally made it to a computer! Sorry for my absense, my job can be a real bitch sometime *coughs allthetime*. They made me work on CHRISTMAS, but fortunately I managed to go visit my dad afterwards so at least there's that. But anyway is it just me or is young Malfoy becoming more and more unhinged, I can say the same thing about young Potter as well. I mean the EYES, even though Y.M. was about to curse Y.P. but VENOM IN THE EYES good GodAllmighty. But I guess I have to remind myself that were not dealing with the same Y.P. here, Harry would be appalled at his younger self. The visions are getting more crazy more scary it's like as time goes by Y.P. is becoming more a Dark Lord than a Goldan Boy Savior, but of a different nature than Voldemort who is just flat out crazy!
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  • From SParker on December 28, 2011
    about #6...

    Harry hissed something in Parseltongue. A sentence. No, a spell. Snakes formed from the air, dropping on Malfoy's head,
    draping themselves around his neck and his arms, pulling tight..

    *hops up & down in front of the authoress shouting* How come you don't put stuff like that in your OTHER stories
    especially when Harry is an Auror??!!!?? S*** like this is perfect in a story for aurors!

    *calms down* I refuse to tell you if this chapter was good or not....hmph. :-p
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  • From YamiBakura on December 28, 2011
    This is a serious on-the-edge-of-my-seat WHAT-WILL-HAPPEN-NEXT story. I don't review as often as I'd like (ie, every chapter) because I usually open them at the library and take my computer home and read them later, where I have no internet access to be making reviews. But I can't believe how dark this suddenly got, I'm seriously loving how it's turning out, and I can't wait to see where it goes. 8D
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  • From Sailorlorelei on December 26, 2011
    My reactions during this chapter:

    Oh god the BlaisexHarry, I just had to be right *dies*

    Wait...Lucius?....oh poor Draco *dies again*

    And now I am on the brink of a third death at all the possibilities this story could take right now. You saying that real Draco is rethinking his relationship with real Harry worries me the most. I just hope he is able to differentiate between what could have been and what was by the time the visions end. I am extremely anxious for the sixth year now, I can't wait until the next chapter. Keep up the good yet agonizing (in a pleasant way) work.

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  • From ANON - AlterEquis on December 22, 2011
    Wow things are really starting to deviate now, Lucius dead. . . that will influence a lot of the story to come.

    I wonder what moody did in this version, probably about the same since you didn't describe it.

    Wel I stay tuned for the next chapter :)
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  • From SParker on December 20, 2011
    about #5..

    Maaaan, I take it this is about to get more complicated for Draco?
    Also, I hope he learns a lesson from this when it's all over & learn to
    leave things alone!
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  • From jujukitty on December 20, 2011
    wow, this is really an awesome concept and very well executed. it's neat to see harry still doing everyhting he did but as an unwanted part of slytherin. very cool story so far, can't wait to see what happens next though draco does sound like he's getting a little paranoid about his actual relationship
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