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Reviews for You Set Fire to the Rain

By : icicle33
  • From ANON - elementalwitch on April 04, 2012
    OKay.. definitely need more now!! Kudos to Harry for getting some courage up to want to say hang out.. takes a lot to just say the little stuff some times, and for him I could see that.

    You know.. I was thinking about something- JK said once in an interview that HP was based on her own experiences in school growing up. It makes me think that perhaps thats why she didn't add that sort of thing in- either it was there in her own life (though her style doesn't feel it) and she wants it to be avoided, or it wasn't and so it's not brought up because she doesn't quite know the nuances of it. Just food for thought..

    Looking forward to more Harry getting his courage up.. would love to see him steal a kiss (even if just a little one or an accidental one.. poor shy Harry :)
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  • From ANON - elementalwitch on April 04, 2012
    Gosh how did that happen- I came back and there were TWO chapters to read! It was brilliant! I have only read the first so far.. and I have to say, I like the flashes of Draco in it.. it has me wanting to know more. You are good at that, you know- when you write you drizzle it out and it keeps me wanting to come back and see more of him, know more, understand him from the POV you see him. I think too many people have a view of teh characters in their head and it's like dumping out your purse when you clean it out- everything on teh table *whoomp* It should be a literary seduction, drawing you in, pulling you toward the character. You are quite good at that.

    And I do agree heartily- JK didn't really sink too much into the theraputic needs he'd have. The books don't even detail as much of teh real story behind those 10 years, but for a young kid, even just the verbal stuff can be horrid (been there personally, which is maybe why I see the insecure Harry as so plausible) It's easy to be sure of yourself under fire, get things knocked out and accomplished when the whole world rides on your shoulders, but when it's your own happiness, that terror and frailty creeps in and is a permanent vision blocker.

    I want to thank you too- I had surgery and have been laid up way longer than I thought, and reading and responding have helped some with teh convalesing. I must admit, I am one who dwells on stories outside the written words, and imagines further.. you give great places for my mind to wander. THANK YOU for creating a garden of possibility rather than another PWP. :)
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  • From bloodshound on March 23, 2012
    a companion piece would be most interesting. I'd like to find out if draco is deliberately trying to make har feel like crap or if its just natural talent. I mean just cause it's expensive, it doesn't mean it's better. Anyone shopping on a budget will tell you that.
    I feel sorry for myrtle as well. Date from hell much, though that might not entirely be hars fault.
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  • From ANON - elementalwitch on March 22, 2012
    The tea thing- I guess it did stick really, he brings me tea all the time, just the right way, though I don't think I ever told him how ever. *sigh* It's one of those insecurities that I have that he found endearing, that he automatically uses now to help me feel better when I am ill or stressed or whatnot. Nothing like a cuppa I guess :) But I digress..

    I just love the way you crawl into Harry and get that nervous vibe form him. I mean everyone always shows him as so weak or as a powerhouse but I think that he would be just like this- nervous and overthinking and beating up on himself all teh time like that. Its so identifiable, even if we've accomplished great things in our lives, there is a part of us that is still that kind of creature.. I woudl love to see more of that from Draco too.. you gave us such a great atse for it, and I am drooling for more. He seems so put together, and he reminds me of people I used to go to University with.. I am dying to see what the outcome is with him! My friends.. they never got beyond that, they stunted at that cool exterior and that are still stuck there, but I think there is so much more person could open up, and I can see you giving Draco that possibility to chuck the cool exterior and explode with fire.

    One again.. Kudos.. I get such a kick seeing your updates! I admit I bounce a little when I see them and I go straight to it :)
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  • From bloodshound on March 21, 2012
    har is going to have to get out of that habit indeed. a pudgy har is not a pretty mental image. :P
    I'm with draco on this one, though instead of being out all night, i'm up all night playing games... face book is evil. >>
    heh, i hope har doesn't embarrass himself to much.
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  • From ANON - elementalwitch on March 12, 2012
    Still so loving it! Agh! I have been on dates like this (totally from Harry's perspective, because we all KNOW that's how he feels -whether it is or isn't he's nervous as a first date) I like the use of languages, and I like that Draco just flows out- so confident and you get the brush of aristocrat form him in bit but not like a bludger upside the head. And I like that you give Harry the comfort- I am and always will be a Guinness girl at heart, and though I like a good small label high end import scotch, heaven's knows it's a smooth burn, but sometimes it's all about the comfort. When I was on my first date with my (long time now) husband, I drank tea.. nothing but, all night because I was nervous to death, and milk tea calms me. I like that Harry got his pint, and Draco wasn't an arse about it, too much that is. Go Harry! (And here's hoping that Draco starts seeing something besides the birds in his line of sight LOL) Will you bring Teddy in much? Would love to see some interaction and dialogue between Teddy and Harry, maybe some Teddy Harry Draco moments (i.e. picnics or just babysitting- bonding stuff etc. for the bigger boys to get a clue?) I've always thought that Teddy is such a buildable character when it comes to Harry and Draco getting together, but I love the way that you have bought Andy in too.. Just love that.
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  • From bloodshound on March 11, 2012
    that won't be to hard with har, considering he's a hard liquor virgin practically. Getting draco drunk might take a bit longer though. I've never seen the point in drinking, it generally makes u act like an idiot but then i don't drink and have only watched other ppl get drunk. Whatever works for them though neh? I think it's going to take a LOT more than that to get Har laid though.
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  • From ANON - elementalwitch on March 10, 2012
    Another good chapter! I do so get a kick out of seeing Harry as a normal insecure young man- not a dom/sub pairing, or a creature fic or anything to ostentatious. He just always seems like that kind of character- you do so well in keeping him there- no snivvely or whiney, just.. unsure, confused, like all of us really. I can't even begin to sum up how much the way he thinks pegs some of the thoughts I have had over the year- doubts, jealousy, and so forth. And I love the way that you give Draco that veneer or cool playboy (Svetlana- nice btw). You really give them depth that's realistic I think.. good job on that! As always, you give a good read- it's easy on the eyes and brain to take in, and leaves me ready for more- if you uploaded 20 chapters tonight I'd be on that asap! LOL Keep it up!
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  • From bloodshound on March 08, 2012
    what indeed har. snickers.
    considering how gone he is on malfoy, will he be able to behave himself, especially after sinking a few if/when he sees malfoy shacking up with someone else?
    I love how malfoy cornered him to. true slyth style their mate. nice one.
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  • From bloodshound on February 22, 2012
    i wish har would stop with the conspiracy theory thing...though it's a good thing andie didn't let him bolt... they never would've got him back again. who knows maybe draco is being genuine... unlikely given their history but it could happen. :P
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  • From ANON - elementalwitch on February 20, 2012
    I think I could devour this story whole.. *gah* Every update I read I keep thinking 'noooo the scroll bar is coming closer to the end of the chapter, nooo..' If you updated daily, I would still want it faster LOL, just can't seem to get enoughh of this one.


    Quite good, brilliant even. You don't dissapoint..
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  • From ANON - Margyy on February 15, 2012
    Awww poor Draco! I love the idea of him in his pjs!! Haha Poor Harry is gonna get it now :(
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  • From bloodshound on February 13, 2012
    i can relate to rough weeks. female troubles kicked my arse and then i had to put down one of my pets on top of that... and my body responded in its usual way, pain and more or less complete immobilization of my legs... i fell down twice that day. >>
    *does my best voice impersonation. "help me, i've fallen and i can't get up" *wails.
    fortunately there were sympathetic females and some nice big burly blokes both times to help pick me up... and i got to career around the local shopping center on a motorized scooter thingie for the first time. that was fun, even if i did crash a few times and get told off by an elderly bloke for going to fast.

    any who, har is screwed, sca wooooooooooed. still, serves him right for giving in to his inner five year old brat. Andie's going to tear him a new one, bet on it. I hope she does forgive him though, cause har is kicking himself over it pretty hard... and pls, pls don't let har do anything stupid like attempting to leave before he makes things worse. You know he would, he'd take the weight of the world on his shoulders given half a chance... oh, wait, he did that already. :P
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  • From ANON - elementalwitch on February 13, 2012
    Well done again.. I look forward to reading more of this story- it's one of teh first I check for updates :)I like reading things that take these characters where they aren't usually sent plotwise, and you're doing a fabulous job. New concept gets two thumbs up!
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  • From wherdatcomfrom on February 09, 2012
    Quite an amazing and inspired piece. I love the fact that you are taking it slow and allowing a gradual rise in feelings, for both characters. It is often hard to accept a story where they, two complete enemies, just turn around one day and fall into each others arms, in complete sexual bliss. Bullocks!
    Keep up the good work, and I'll be following along, at the back of the roller coaster, my favorite position.
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