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Reviews for You Set Fire to the Rain

By : icicle33
  • From ANON - Margyy on February 09, 2012
    Ahh!! I can't wait for more updates! Once a week is not enough :(
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  • From ANON - Aven Blackblood on February 06, 2012
    love this story thus far!! please tell me you are continueing it? its so well written, i love it! cant wait to read more ^^
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  • From bloodshound on February 04, 2012
    yep, i can understand that. if feels very character study ish. Malfoy never ignored har in school though... except for possibly during sixth year but that was perfectly understandable.
    take your time with the updates if you need to, RL can be a real bitch.
    the odds on him coming back and finding draco gone are pretty good so if he wants to put his 'plan' such as it is, into effect he'd better move his tail.
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  • From ANON - ladykanasewing on January 30, 2012
    I am loving this story so far, so many stories with Harry and Draco are them having a little issue but instantly in love after that, so this is refreshing. No nail biting cliff hanger this time but now to wait for poor Draco to wake up
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  • From bloodshound on January 29, 2012
    no, no. you haven't got rid of me. it just takes a while to settle into a certain fic's feel. so many of them are action, action, action that when you find one that moves at a slower pace you have to take yourself in hand and go right, slow down a bit and appreciate if for what it is. It's sort of like moving straight from heavy rock, to instrumental or light country. you can appreciate both, you just have to switch mental gears. if also depends on what sort of world it's set in too. (a past master at balancing action and pace is lomanaaeren, though she does ones that tip to both ends of the scale. she's one of them most talented fan fic writers i've ever come across.)

    i appropriate author acknowledgment... i makes me feel like i'm contributing something. otherwise i just get the feel, do they even care if i review or not? for the not ones, i stop reviewing in the end, except maybe to comment on typo's.

    anyway, it wasn't so much a disappointment in the chappie, it was just a little depressing (if i want REALLY depressing I'll go read Invictus).

    Poor, har, kicking himself over lusting after the unconscious bloke. well, malfoy always was a decent looking bloke, if a little pointy.
    I get how you can love someone but not like them a lot, or feel attracted to a hot bloke, even if he's a total dick.
    i look forward to seeing your next offering.
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  • From ANON - nicola on January 29, 2012
    please update soon! i love this story!
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  • From bloodshound on January 28, 2012
    Yay! cookie. *waves it. glad you like me coming back cause as necessary as this chappie was, damn it was depressing. almost as bad as day time tv melodrama. :P
    Is it just me or is har doing an awful lot of emotional flipping out? I mean i know he's just not put together right to just stand by but the whole hovering helplessly in the back ground thing is almost as wearing on us as it is on him. hopefully, there will be something he can actually DO soon.
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  • From bloodshound on January 25, 2012
    arrrrrrrg. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. you are a mean, mean meany who is mean! a cliffy! *whines... you left it on a cliffie. *pouts.
    anyway, now that i'm finished ranting and waving my arms about... wow, is there no way Binky could have called for help? but then again, who would she call? but why didn't she try to do anything for him? move him to a bed, clean him up, keep him warm. anything? though, i do get the feeling she's not the most with it of house elves.... seriously, she could give Dobby a run for his money.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on January 24, 2012
    about #5...

    You actually have me on eggshells here, you got me nervous
    on how this will end, but I'll stick with you for the long
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  • From Leania07 on January 22, 2012
    O.O Oh my! I must admit, at first it seemed a bit slow and I almost contemplated moving on, but I'm glad I listened to the part of me that screamed "Just give it a chance!" Now I'm really captivated and hoping things end up well for Draco, Harry, and even Andie. Not what I was expecting at first, and when I got to the end of this chapter I must admit I gave a squeak at seeing no 'Next Chapter' link. Good job so far, and I really am curious now. I await the next chapter ^.^

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  • From hotflower901 on January 20, 2012
    Dark and Dark it goes. You did warn everyone. To bad that house elves don't know how to call 911. Because that might be bad form. Authors do love their cliffy
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  • From ANON - ladykanasewing on January 19, 2012
    you had me on the edge of the seat chanting "find him Harry, find him!". On man what a cliff hanger and the house elf did not help ease any of anxiousness. Can't wait for the rest of it *_*
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  • From betelgeuse on January 19, 2012
    As I said, I've not been able to set this story aside... so here I am.
    The tension is almost palpable and it's really a good job having Harry's emotions and fears rising at first slowly and then more and more till the end of the chapter.
    Just one thing: Harry says he hasn't been at Malfoy Manor since the war and he's shoked to see the Manor itself and the gardens so abandoned... but Narcissa's funeral? It took place in the gardens or so you wrote and if I'm not wrong it was only 5, maybe 6 weeks before Harry's visit. Not that it's really important for the story, but I'm a bit confused.
    And I think Binky deserve a pair of socks or something for staying with her/his (I have a lot of problems with the house-elves gender) master even when the others left. And that the others have been able to leave it's really, really scary. A part of me hope you'll update soon so I'll know what's happened to Draco, and another it's not quite ready to know what the bad men did.
    Mmmm... now I need a lemon scone to cheer me up.
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  • From layne378 on January 19, 2012
    Love the story :-) Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next update :-)
    P.S. I like the quick updates.
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  • From bloodshound on January 19, 2012
    all is well once more in the net department... going into net withdrawal is a sad, sad thing.
    ty for popping that e mail at the bottom.
    really, har makes me lol. He's so reticent and resentful he reminds me of a kid who's been forced to appologise and then told to play nice. so very 'grumble, grumble mumble mutter ruberruberruber. :P'
    well, he gets to practice his comforting skills a bit in this one. ^^ :P
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