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Reviews for Harry Potter and the Breeding Darkness

By : Danyealle
  • From ANON - Monika on December 30, 2014
    I would like to thank you for continuing this story as I love it very much and am happy that it wasn't left unfinished:) In this chapter Tom said that there aren't much students in the school that can keep an eye for Harry but I would like to remind you that there are the people from DAA that know about Harry working with Voldemort. Also I reread this fic and there was something confusing for me. In ch40 when Wormtail thinks about getting rid of Sirius he thinks thinks that he can't take on Harry because he is too strong and there he thiks about duel between Harry and Tom and from that chapter he thinks of Evan as Harry but firstly he couldn't saw that duel as it was during adwanced group sesion and we all know that Wormy was not in that group, secondly he didn't know that Evan is Harry or did I miss the moment where they let him know about it? Either way that dosen't matter now that he was kissed. Also there is something really bothering me where the hell is Nagini??? I love that snake but from the moment that they moved into the Abbey she completely dissapeared:( Hmmm I wrote too much sorry about that and about my english. Also i would like to wish you a Happy New Year!!!
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  • From ANON - Myguina on December 18, 2014
    The scenes felt so short, unlike previous chapters. Hope you update soon.
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  • From ANON - Dark Serpent Cat on December 16, 2014
    While I was reading this chapter there were a few things I kind of wanted to bring up

    Why don't/didn't Harry and Voldemort try distracting Dumbledore with various other legal things that could have happened. For example trying to get Sirius a trial and then having a custody battle be set off thanks to Lucius and Sirius and others. If there was a custody battle before knowledge of Harry being emancipated then Albus could have been greatly distracted or Sirius or someone could have gotten Harry emancipated. Granted I don't know enough about politics in such a way that would help with this but I just feel many distractions could have done such a thing as hide this, especially if Albus just believed it was a rumour because he is convinced Harry would rather be with Sirius or the Weasley's

    Also, will you have Harry get any training to be a true animagus? I know it would probably take many years to achieve but maybe it could just be something he does in his spare time at Hogwarts or at the mansion

    Finally don't you think Voldemort's and Harry's plans are going a bit too smoothly? I mean maybe you should have them lose a political battle with Dumbledore or something along the lines
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  • From ANON - cat on December 15, 2014
    I don't know if you noticed, but you start out every paragraph with a verb. That's boring, your writing has very little variety for the reader. I honestly got bored of after trying to read it at chapter twenty-six. I'm a little sadden you didn't to merge the previous author's style of writing with yours so the transition wouldn't be so jarring and upsetting. Seriously, you can use other ways to describe what's happening or what the character is feeling or doing.
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  • From ANON - Sakon on December 14, 2014
    Wow, great job again!
    I'm following your story erversince you adopted it and I really appreciate what you make out of it :)
    I'm really looking forward to the next chapter ;D

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  • From ANON - LaLiLu on December 04, 2014
    They gonna marry!!! *Dancing through the room*
    And Dumblehumble is plotting... But he want stand a chance against the dark forces! *Muhahaha*
    Sirius is calling the Dark Lord "Tom". Somehow that kind of bugs me... He doesn't seem the person who can accept Tom that easy... AndI don't think Tom would like to be referred by his first given name by anyone else but Harry...
    But if Harry is calling him that all the time when he speaks with Sirius... Sirius has maybe just taken it as habbit...

    Anyway they gonna MARRY! SOON!
    Is Draco going to the Yule ball? Will he know who Harry is?
    Another point: thor and Draco do not know of Harry and the Dark Lord...
    They gonna marry and two of Harrys friends do not know...
    I am so waiting for the time when the secret is told. *grin*

    And in the end I have a request. Could you bring more cute things in? Like a peck on the cheack or the petting of the hair when their were sitting next to each other reading. Just so little things. A brush of the cheak or a kiss to the front head. So little signs of affection. That would make me really happy... Only if it's fitting to your storyline!

    So I hope you find time to post another chapter soon. Because you are doing awesome work so far and even after all this time I am waiting impatiently for the next chap and grinning like a Cheshire cat when I see there's a new one even before I read it.
    You are awesome and I love the story. Just wanted to tell you.

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  • From ANON - MisTee on November 30, 2014
    It seems like you have a real passion for this story are doing justice to Athy's creation thus far. Can't wait to read what you have in store for us.

    Just a note: at the end of the chapter, from Snape's point of view, you have him referring to Evan Harris as 'Evans' when it should probably be 'Harris'.
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  • From Anaelyssa on November 28, 2014
    Thank you for yet another chapter!

    Good planning and preparations. I wonder what Bill's doing at this point in time. And the other characters as well.

    Dumbles will be so frustrated when he gets Siri's reply. :)
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  • From BAFan on November 27, 2014
    Ch. 61

    Good chapter. I'm eager to see what Albus will pull next. Short of kidnapping Harry I can't think what might work.

    Chris 7100, I am thrilled that I'm not the only person to have noticed the similarities between this author and Speedy Tomato. Their writing styles are practically identical, enough so that my own assumption is that they are the same person - especially since they use the same beta and acknowledge assistance from the same people.
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  • From ANON - Grinedel on November 25, 2014
    oh I do love when you update that story!
    Will Tom and Harry's wedding be in next chapter?
    I want my babies to be happy!!! I've been shipping those two for more than ten years now, they are the perfect couple, right there with spideypool.
    Love and Kisses!
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  • From chris7100 on November 25, 2014
    This story remains a favorite of mine. I am quite looking forward to the big reveal prior to Dumbledore's death. That said, I've noticed over the last couple of chapters that you've developed some stylistic tics that make the writing less fluid and the dialogue less believable. Honestly, if I'd been given this piece blind, I'd think it had been written by SpeedyTomato. For example, there's been a marked increase in the colloquial use of "plenty". Also, you seem to have adopted ST's signature construction using "that" (e.g., That we did not need rather that We didn't need that). In any case, I'm not a fan of these particular stylistic peculiarities when they're used to excess. I hope you'll take what I've said as constructive criticism, as that is how it is most certainly meant.
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  • From ANON - staar on November 25, 2014
    nice update, I can't wait to see how of this falls !!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Magnetic on October 28, 2014
    Cant wait for the next chapter!
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  • From ANON - beth9891 on October 18, 2014
    Great story so far! Can't wait for more!
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  • From ANON - Anon on October 15, 2014
    yet another spike in dumbles wheel... he's going to do something really stupid and desperate soon. especially when his plans to corral har with the weasleys falls through. whatever it is, it's going to make a mess. you can bet on it.
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