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Reviews for Harry Potter and the Breeding Darkness

By : Danyealle
  • From BadGirlgoesworse on June 19, 2014
    Yeah! Some action again. Lovely!
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  • From ANON - I-Love-Trunks1 on June 17, 2014
    I love this story so much!

    Cant wait for more!
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  • From ANON - kyuubichild717 on June 16, 2014
    a winter wedding! I'm so excited for the happy couple! please update faster this time, I get that you are a slave to real life and your muse but I can hope.
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  • From ANON - Grinedel on June 16, 2014
    Hello!!! I am so glad you updated! I thought you had stopped writing the story but you must have been very busy. There aren't many fics where Tom and Harry have a healthy relationship that's why I appreciate this one so much. Plus, you write really well. Keep up the good work this story is worth the wait!
    Love and Kisses
    A faithful reader
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  • From ANON - Rocmom on June 16, 2014
    Chapter 59 : excellent as always. You do a great job following the various threads without "forgetting" any. I am so looking forward to the next installment. I love they are discussing marriage, even when it could be seen as a tactic. I also love that the chapters in this are meaty. I can really settle in to read when I get an update notice.
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  • From ANON - Tlyna on June 15, 2014
    Getting this update was the perfect ending to the day. Your story was the first Dark Harry story I ever read before I ever knew of Athey's story (also a great read) and have been enthralled with it ever since. I reread both stories every few months just for the fun of it and was about due to read again. Love your characterizations and plotlines. Poor Sirius is having a really hard time dealing with the changes in Harry and his perceptions of Dumbledore. Wonder how he is going to deal with seeing Harry in action as he is not going to be the sweet, kind little Griff that he had seen before. I adore your Tom, can easily see why Harry fell for him (guess I'm a little dark myself,lol). Thanks again for the update.
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  • From naskaymel on June 15, 2014
    It literally made my day to see this update, I cannot wait for the next chapter!! :D
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  • From ANON - Liz on June 15, 2014
    Yay you updated!!! *does happy dance*
    Cannot wait to see what happens to the Dursleys.
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  • From ANON - Maris on June 15, 2014
    You made my day with this update!
    I think that Sirius should tell Albus, that he has already plans with Harry and Nick for the Yule hols. It shouldn't surprise anybody, that he wants get to know Harry's boyfriend better (and dreary Grimmauld Place is no place for that).
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  • From ANON - Meghan on June 03, 2014
    I absolutely LOVE this story! I also think that you did a great job with keeping the flow of the story smooth even though you aren't the original author. I don't think that Athey could have asked for a better person to take over her story. Great job!
    Looking forward to the next update,
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  • From ANON - pandora vanity on March 29, 2014
    could you please post this fic on. at least chapter 25 and above? its hard to follow this story on this site... actually... i do not how to follow this story on this site... can stories be favorited and follow like here?
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  • From ANON - samara on March 26, 2014
    Please continue
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  • From ANON - WickedBlue on March 19, 2014
    Brilliant!You can definitely keep up with Aya Macchiato!

    Thank you very much for adopting this fic and continuing it.
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  • From ANON - WInterSoldier315 on March 17, 2014
    I love it, sweet heavens, I love it. I just got into this series last week and I can't believe I caught up so quickly. This isn't my favorite pairing,a nd I admit to be skeptical, but I love how their relationship has played out, and the way the hisotry of the magical world is set up...I'm just hooked. I can't wait to read more.
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  • From ANON - Sara on February 19, 2014
    I thought according to the original prophecy, Harry and the Dark Lord can only die if they cast the AK on each other. And it's been mentioned several times that Harry is basically immortal. I know we've learned his cloak protects from the AK but in this chapter it says Tom has to remember that Harry is mortal and he can still lose him. But with the prophecy isn't that not correct? I'm just confused is all. Did I miss something?
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