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Reviews for Harry Potter and the Breeding Darkness

By : Danyealle
  • From Darkserpentcat on October 10, 2012
    What you said about Snape, I'm not so sure.

    I don't believe that Snape having the evidence that Harry was treated the way he was would instantly get Snape to "like" Harry, that's true.

    But, in my opinion, I think Snape would stop thinking Harry to be as bad as his father, he would at least respect what Harry went through and be somewhat more bearable, but I think the emotions Snape would feel most would be guilt that he allowed "Lily's son" or any child live a similar life to him and that it would cause Snape to become so enraged at Petunia that he was the one to torture her and do her in. Especially if he considers that Petunia may have even done something similar to Lily if she had gotten the chance. Also Petunia should have known that trying to "stamp out" the magic was impossible since she had been around him growing up and probably had some idea that his father abused him, though he probably did hide it and she probably didn't pay attention to such things.
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  • From ANON - kyuubichild717 on October 10, 2012
    Will Draco speak to his father about what Harry has told him, possibly putting things together? Will Snape see Lily's son after the burning? How will things with the Weaselys worl out? I don't want Harry to lose them or Sirius completely. Lucius reaction was great though. Bella is not going to try anything I hope. It would devistate Lady Malfoy if she lost her again.
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  • From ladilyndi on October 09, 2012
    Oh, I love this story. I was so excited to see another chapter up. Poor Lucius. Given his reaction, I think Snape will die of shock when he finds out. I wonder what it will do to Bella's mental state when she learns the truth. Keep up the good work and thanks for writing such an intriguing story.
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  • From savannah19742001 on October 09, 2012
    Very cool chapter, with Lucius reaction being my favorite. I am curious on how Bella is going to act.
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  • From ANON - ILoveWyatt on September 29, 2012
    I love this story so much!

    Cant wait for more!
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  • From ANON - Sharon T on September 27, 2012
    I am LOVEInG the story and hope you continue:-)
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  • From ANON - Godessonmyknees on September 26, 2012
    Great story. I am so, so glad you have taken this story over. You are writing it wonderfully. So what will Hermione share with the group?

    Can't wait for more.
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  • From oogies4u on September 21, 2012
    got to say I love this story.. Is there a way you can let me know when you update this again please?!?!

    My E-mail is ...

    Thanks much

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  • From ANON - ryuuta on September 17, 2012
    It really bugs me that Hermione has such a strong sense of entitlement. Is it perhaps the result of some spell Dumbledore has her under? Making someone tell everything about a sensitive subject no matter how it makes them feel does not sound what a decent person would do.
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  • From bloodshound on September 09, 2012
    woah, dumbles really is loosing his touch huh. Still, i can't help but be glad and amused that his plans were torpedoed this time out.
    apart from being har's first friend in the WW he and Ron never really did have much in common, especially when har decided to start being himself.
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  • From savannah19742001 on September 08, 2012
    Wow! Great chapter and the intrigue gets thicker and thicker. Now the Weasley's realize what is going on, can't wait to read more.
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  • From ANON - stormshadow13 on August 21, 2012
    I'm so glad that you took up this fic. I'm really looking forwards to seeing where you take this. I love the way that you're writing Harry and can't wait to see what old Dumbles comes up with next. I hope right before he dies that Harry and Tom both get to show him just how much his plans backfired.
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  • From ANON - Amanda on August 11, 2012
    Okay! YOu missed something! Just so you know, Aya changed her name to Athey for one, and for two, Harry already retrieved the ring from Dumbledore. I think.
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  • From Leania07 on August 04, 2012
    So the plot thickens, the bastard! Its been a while since I caught up with this one since I've been busy, but it's one of those stories that you easily get back into and remember what was going on. So is Sev going to figure it out himself, or will he be told? How will Lucius react? Oh I can't wait for the next chapter; keep up the good work!

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  • From ANON - ILoveWyatt on August 01, 2012
    I dont like Dumbledore. I hope Harry and Voldemort win. Cant wait for more!
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