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Reviews for Anarchy as Art

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From bloodshound on March 28, 2012
    a pie in the face malfoy? wow, there's maturity for you. man, did his plans backfire hardcore. he went from mutual obsession to completely disregarded. oh, he's so not going to take that laying down. i wonder what sort of lengths he'll go to get har's attention, now that being a master thief wont do it.
    that bit with head boring? priceless, and cathartic if har's adrenalin rush was anything to go by. ^^
    i wonder what har will do with himself now.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on March 27, 2012
    about #13...


    1. He didn
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  • From bloodshound on March 22, 2012
    i'll say. well, for once that backfired magnificently on malfoy. If har follows through with his plan, i wonder what draco will do next. He sounds a bit desperate here, though they both had rather unrealistic goals. the difference is, har is willing to admit that now and try and move on.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on March 22, 2012
    about #12..

    Oh my God! How clever! Get Harry into a restaurant where you
    have to feed each other like a couple. Yeah, I could definitely
    see the vein on Harry's forehead! :-)

    Though, I must say the last scene seemed too short AND I was kinda
    hoping for a continuation of the scene in the last chapter, but it's
    all good.
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  • From makochan0217 on March 22, 2012
    Wow, so Draco kinda gets what he wants, but not that he'll profit from it. My poor baby! But, something tells me he isn't about to let this rest where it is right now. He still wants Harry and he's determined if nothing else. Silly, stubborn, moronic Harry.... Thanks for your kind words about my shoulder. It's better now and I've gone back to writing. That's probably why I haven't started your new fic. Sorry!
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  • From bloodshound on March 20, 2012
    so, hang on, let me get this straight. draco was trying to make sure har was at least as obsessive about him as he was about har? Well, if nothing else, he sure knows how to play his hero boy.
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  • From makochan0217 on March 18, 2012
    What can I say, except that I loved the last few chapters? It was nice to have something to read while I couldn't write. That's my only excuse for not reviewing the other chapters like I normally do. I was caught up in my own writing and I had to wait until I hurt my shoulder so that I could sit down and actually read. XD Anyway, I am starting to feel sorry for Draco something fierce. Harry's gone beyond stupid and into moronic territory. I guess he should be glad that he got that one little scene with Harry before the git did something truly stupid. I'd offer him a hug, but I don't think that's wise. And thank goodness that Ron at least made Harry FACE the fact that he wants to play mattress tag with Draco. ^_^ Can't wait for the new chapter. I think I'll start your new WiP while I'm still recovering. (Btw, typing with one hand sucks!) ~ Mako
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  • From ANON - SP777 on March 16, 2012
    about #11...

    You know, for a second I thought Draco was going to keep Harry in that
    vault[?], as the 'treasure' he was after. But, that would have ruined
    everything, yes?

    ..and for the record I feel sorry for Draco, he cares but the way he is
    doing it is way over in left field.
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  • From ANON - AlterEquis on March 15, 2012
    yeah harry does not seem all that smart in this story.

    I guess he will open his eyes at some point ;)
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  • From ANON - SP777 on March 12, 2012
    about #10...

    Codename: H.O.T. - 'Hardcore Oral Tittilation or Harry's Oral Tittilation'

    AHHHH!!!! :-O Oh My God! You went there AND delivered! I'm
    SO proud. *sniffles* I don't know whether to have a cheesy
    grin or run around the room and fangurl squeal. :-p

    Harry has a new title...'Boy-Who-Lived', Defeater of the Dark Lord, Man-Who-Lived,
    annnnd...CockTeaser'! That wasthe steamiest thing to read, mah dear, and you're right
    Draco is going to come hard [try his best] with the pursuit of Harry now. :-)

    Okay, enough chapter por favor.
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  • From bloodshound on March 11, 2012
    *eyebrows climb into hair.
    In-ter-esting! perhaps har is more up for honey trapping than i thought. It's going to take a great deal of control on his part though and i seriously doubt that Draco is naive enough, no matter how he desires har, to simply leave any evidence laying about. If nothing else, draco has done har a favour on one level. He's forcing him to LIVE again, to think outside his confined little rule box. I think that can only be a good thing.
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  • From bloodshound on March 08, 2012
    indeed. i agree with malfoy. Har's going to need to up his game if he wants malfoy to take him seriously. I wonder when he tagged him with that spell... not that he didn't have plenty of opportunity.
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  • From ANON - AlterEquis on March 07, 2012
    Hmm Ron seems quite bright in this story. . .
    But still it's wait and see I guess, or wait and read!
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  • From ANON - SP777 on March 07, 2012

    I know the popular thing to write is 'Harry is a terrible dancer', BUT
    just this once..or your story or future story if you can't fit it
    here, can't Harry at least sway in a dance of seduction?

    Codename: H.O.T
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  • From ANON - SP777 on March 06, 2012

    I needed this after the s***ty two days I've had..and on my vacation too.
    about #9...

    Wow! O_o Ron had an epiphany...and the earth shakes & the stars shall fall..figuratively.
    Because this was a fun chapter, but we both know how fun this story is PERIOD...and now let the
    fan girl squealing begin!

    So, is this Harry going to give Draco a run for his galleons & rock his world??? :-)
    Will Harry be the chased & Draco the chaser, instead of vice versa?

    How about a little game of hard to get to get Draco reeled in?
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