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Reviews for Here But For the Grace of Merlin

By : makochan0217
  • From FairyBean on November 11, 2012
    Aha, if Drake and Harry's road wasnt rocky then it wouldnt seem natural.

    Glad Harry gt to his decision in this chapter. Hope Harry has some fun searching for a wife. before he realises Draco is his one :P

    thanks for the chapter!
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  • From bloodshound on November 09, 2012
    somehow i don't think draco will have a prob with being stuck with him. ^^... though, luc might. >>
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on November 09, 2012
    You couldn't have written just a few more paragraphs? Just to figure out what's going to happen to Lucius & even more importantly when is Harry going to get with Draco! I see Ron is still a twit.
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  • From bloodshound on November 04, 2012
    makes a face. i keep mistaking this for another, rather less fun story and not reading it. this is what happens when you watch dozens of stories. >>
    sigh, har isn't being very gracious about it but then who would be. at least he knows now.
    i'm glad draco has found someone to confide/discuss stuff with, even if it wasn't his first choice. Mio will at least look at things moderately objectively. i doubt there's much she can do about it as it's one big super tangled mess. If sev's portrait was still at hogwarts, i'd reckon draco should stop by and have chattage.
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  • From undeademopixi on November 03, 2012
    Just finished revenge is spiffy. Wow, I love everything about this, the new character dynamics, the magic. Very well done, and I can't wait to read more. I'm desperate to know what dear Draco will decide to do about his father!
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  • From FairyBean on October 28, 2012
    I love the title of this story, just to say that first.

    I love the way the character seem more realistic than you usually find in fanfiction and am enjoying the storyline very much. Cant wait to see what happens to Lucius. I hope he gets cured personlly but I shall stick with you and see what happens. Whatever way it turns out Im sure Harry will find happiness with Draco, so I'll be happy with that :D
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on October 10, 2012
    Just when it was getting into stuff again you stopped!! Yes that was me whining. Please update quick.
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  • From ANON - jujukitty on October 08, 2012
    so glad to see more of this. poor draco and cissa, damned if they do and damned if they don't with lucius, i just want to cuddle both the boys to pieces. keep up the great work, i look forward to more
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  • From ChaosLady on October 08, 2012
    Well, the next chapter ought to be very interesting.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on September 06, 2012
    Ok I'm lost. What was he like before everything? How is Harry affected by that? Apparently does it turn out that it's something that prevents Harry & Draco from beimg together? Sounds like it. No no no that can't happen!!!
    I want them getting MUCH closer in the next chapter please not farther apart. I'm anxious to see Ron come to see Draco's house..& Hermione there with Harry & Draco! Should be quite a chapter.
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  • From ANON - greenhaze on September 06, 2012
    I love this story. I think you deserve it when I say this is one of the best H/D fics I've read on this story so far (and God knows you have to comb through them to find a gem here :D) I love your attention to detail and characterization, and how you choose to take the story to progress slowly as it should because these boys do have to work through some stuff before they can have a romantic relationship, I think. The attraction and fascination with each other is always there, of course and there's always so much potential there but it's supposed to take them awhile. One of the things I really love about them is how these two boys fit together (or have the potential to), how Harry needs someone like Draco in his life to encourage him to be selfish for once in his life instead of the way Ginny (along with Mrs Weasley and Ron) would want him to give and give and give just because Harry has to be the bigger person in every goddamn thing, and reprimand him and guilt him when he acts less than perfect. This is one of the things I always found problematic in Harry and Ron's relationship, he has too many expectations from Harry and isn't able to understand that Harry has his own demons like Hermione can (I love your portrayal of Harry and Hermione's relationship, it's the way it is in canon. Too many times in H/D fic Ron is portrayed as the only true best friend Harry has and Hermione's portrayed as just Ron's wife/girlfriend and nothing more, which pisses me off)

    I like Narcissa with all her sneakiness and delicacy, haha. I can't say the same for Lucius, he does need to suffer for all the things he has done, he's just lucky he's not in Azkaban because he would deserve it, I'm sure there are people who went into Azkaban for less than what Lucius did, Lucius just got free because of his priviledges and Harry.

    Draco is just perfect with all his uncertainty and there's the hesitant beginnings of longing here from both boys' side, I love that. Their chemistry is palpable, I love how they tense up when they look into each other's eyes or one of them smiles at the other.

    I always wait patiently for updates on this story, thank you for writing and update soon :)
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  • From bloodshound on September 04, 2012
    Oh hells, what a mess. Still, at least bill and draco are willing to bury the hatchet. Okay, it's pretty much a given Ron and to a lesser degree the rest of the weasleys are suffering that lash back thing... now if only there's a way to help them.
    neh, if they reverse the botched thingie on Luc and he reverts... does that mean he'd get his magic n such back considering he'd still be counted as a head case?
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  • From Leania07 on September 04, 2012
    Oh, I don't know if I like the sound of that. If even Narcissa questions curing him, then it must be bad! My initial thought is maim/torture/eventually kill with glee (kinda like Bella only male and not as insane), but I'm wondering what else there could be. Makes me wonder if Voldie leashed in his more violent tendancies, or made him pull his sanity in more? (Luc that is, not Voldie's sanity...we all know near the end the first time he had very little, and by the second time around there was none.) Herm needs a better boy-toy, Ron's just an ass and needs to be dropped like a bad habit. Keep up the good work, I look forward to more!

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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on August 21, 2012
    Harry just wants to be loved. If only Draco would show him that he could love him.
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  • From kadajclone on August 21, 2012
    hmm well the Malfoy family losing their magic and being squibs would certainly be poetic justice lol. Love the story although the occasional digs at the Weasley family for being 'Beneath' the Malfoy family kinda irk me at times since the distrust and outright hate being thown at the Malfoy family is justified and while its in grand Slytherin fashion, Narcissa's constant scheming just makes me feel like she is less repentant for her role in things and more or less adapting to the worlds new order. I mean they just come off as sooooooo smug even though their side lost the war and while i have a small amount of sympathy for Lucius, he has racked up some bad karma in his time and even if he is healed i feel should still own up to his crimes and not hide behind the actions of the one Malfoy who had the balls to try and pull one over on Voldemort. I'm sorry if this review came off as a rant and I am honestly not trying to flame you, it just grinds my gears when I read post-war stories where the malfoy's seemingly get off completely Scott free due to the actions of Narcissa while barely losing anything and being set up to gain more just because their NOW being nice to harry and acting like their still better than everyone despite being Bigots and committing atrocities in the name of a madman while the Weasley family are made to look like below standard imbeciles and getting the "Ron the death eater" (look up tropes) treatment while having lost loved ones fighting for whats right. Again sorry if this came off as a rant, I just REALLY had to get that off my chest. this is a very good story and i will continue reading regardless of where you go with it.
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