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Reviews for Harry Slash Hogwarts

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  • From ChaoticNightofFlames on July 24, 2012
    oh fuck, that was amazing and hot. Lol cant wait for the next chapter
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  • From jadedust on May 07, 2012
    I do hope you get the chance and have the desire to continue this. I love After Lights Out, and this is a great imagining of a possible "prequel." As another reviewer said, no one ever bothers to explore where slut!Harry's feelings stem from or how it starts, especially as it involves Ron. Really well-written, too. :)
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  • From ImmortalImmorality on March 18, 2012
    I cannot wait for a continuation. More of Bottom!Slut!Harry, after all Harry must be used by all the males (and females?) in Hogwarts. Can you please send me a message when you update?
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  • From Saraswati on March 16, 2012
    This was very well written in the effect of Harry secretly wanting to be a slut and going to Ron for his problem. It is very believable. I will admit I am a huge Draco/Harry fan but even I know that it's not very character realistic. Except perhaps after their kids go to Hogwarts themselves. It was difficult to read because of the "uhs, errs, ums" but that was what made it believable so I wouldn't change them. Only lessen them when they (more Harry than Ron) starts to get more comfortable about this whole thing. Thank you for this. It's refreshing to read something with more to it. This story has a lot of potential and I hope to read more.
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  • From bill560682 on March 13, 2012
    well since this is harry's fourth year and thereby the tri-wizard tournament then very few are on harry's side right now. so no one would notice or care if collin and dennis keep following harry up to the dorms. everyone is used to the creevey brothers following harry everywhere. an if just about everyone else went home after the yule ball other then the creevey brothers and harry they could then spend the whole holiday in bed together, an as a result they forget about everyone coming back and the 3 of them are found fucking in harry's dorm by their room mates and that starts the whole harry slut storyline.
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  • From Darkserpentcat on March 10, 2012
    I am so glad you did this fic because though I have seen many Slut Harry's they never really showed how Harry became a slut without creature inheritances involved and I had been hoping someone would do one that actually showed it

    So I was wondering if we are allowed to make request/suggestions because I do have some.

    1) Viktor Krum

    2) Weasley Twins

    3) Centaurs

    4) Dobby

    5) Hagrid (he really is my biggest one)

    6) Some Beast like Fang and Buckbeak and Sirius and Padfoot and werewolves. Maybe you could do that with Hagrid because he probably would love to watch Harry dominated by a beast

    7) Cedric Diggory

    8) Sirius

    9) Arthur and other Weasley males

    10) Marcus Flint

    also I wonder if you might make Harry also join the Dark for some reason and have Voldemort look like an older Tom Riddle thus having Harry also become the Death Eaters and Allies slut as well but maybe still respected

    Also could Harry call one of them like Sirius or Arthur daddy when he does them or even someone just a but older then him
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  • From leenaleewitch on March 10, 2012
    I really love your story it reminded me of the story you quoted. It is really hot, please post soon!
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