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Reviews for The intimate diary of a slut

By : leenaleewitch
  • From ANON - Ace on August 22, 2014
    Its good porn but there are a few things that bother keep spelling George as Georges and Creevy as Crivy and your tenses could use some work. You are getting better as you progress though! Nice work with the spacing!I did wonder in the 2nd last chapter where Vernon suddenly came from. One moment Harry is making out with James and the next Vernon is there O_o
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  • From ANON - Sera21 on August 15, 2014
    Great PWP. Love the way you are fleshing it out. Very hot. However the one negative point is your spelling and your grammar. You use different tenses incorrectly as well as plurals and it really distracts from the lovely you have a beta?
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  • From ANON - Guest on July 27, 2014
    This story is sick and disgusting
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  • From ANON - Betzy on January 16, 2014
    This story is hot as fuck.
    Just to let you know on the 3rd paragraph you put bandage instead of bondage
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  • From ImmortalImmorality on July 29, 2013
    Do you still need a Beta? If you do, I could possibly do it. However, it'll be my first time and I've no works displayed on this site for you to check my style.
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  • From Sarahostervig on June 23, 2013
    i hope there's more to come to the story
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  • From ANON - Immortal-Immorality on June 17, 2013
    For some reason it's not letting me log on and review. Anyway, I was wondering if you still needed a Beta. It'll be my first time (if you do choose me) and I have no works put up yet to display my work. If so, please message me either on AFF or by e-mail.
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  • From ANON - bill560682 on August 21, 2012
    if vernon wants money for sex he could always start a website. an if done right you could turn one site into 5 or 6 using the same videos. where you have say a 2 minute clip of harry pissing then shitting then showering that alone is 3 different feddishes so 3 different sites. then of course there is bondage, ass cumming and oral cumming for 3 more sites not to mention master/slave site as well. that right there is 7 sites so even if you only get 100,000 people world wide to join your sites a month then at 20 pounds sterling each that is 2 million pounds sterling a you figure you already have several people to put on the sites harry, collin, dennis, dudley and that is if you are only sticking to the kids. an if vernon gets hooked up with this teacher he could get dozens of other children not even counting the sluts he can pick up in the wizarding world take to a muggle hotel video and post them on his sites as well and it would cost him next to nothing. an which ever sluts get the most hits on his sites are the ones he pays to give a second show thereby cutting down his over all costs. vernon could end up running the biggest child porn sites in the world in no time at all. an if this teacher hooks him up with the right people he could video them as well having sex with harry, collin and dennis and use it as blackmail to keep out of trouble with the cops.
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  • From Morbid_and_Sexy on August 19, 2012
    great story. really smexy. lol.
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  • From ANON - Tenma on July 22, 2012
    I saw that you were willing to accept critiques on your English. I do love your story, so much that I don't mind the grammer mistakes. However, your biggest problem seems to be your tenses, as in past/present/future-tense. Remember, all non-dialogue should be in past-tense, as it seems like that is your writing style.
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  • From ANON - bill560682 on July 15, 2012
    i was doing a bit of math and figured out that the 10,000,000 galleons i said most people would make in a lifetime in the wizarding world was way over inflated so much so that most business owners would be lucky to make a million galleons in their lifetime at best. lets take the book store there a 2 families who own it store an they are charging 8 galleons a book an most students only take 7-8 classes a year. we also have to split the 8 galleons for that book with the store owner, the printer and the author so the store only get about 3 galleons which they have to split with the 2 families so about 1 1/2 galleons a book goes into my pocket. now with 300 students at hogwart buying 8 books each a year and i only get 1 1/2 galleons a book then i get about 3,600 galleons a year from school books. now of course our store does sell other books like love stories, adventures and so on so i may make 10,000 galleons a year which mean it would take me a 100 years to make 1 million galleons. an other places such as the wand shop are making much less then i am since he is only sell maybe 50 wands a year at 7 galleons a wand which is 350 galleons a year. now even if you say he sells wand holsters and wand polish he will be lucky to make a 1,000 galleons a year. not even companies such as the butter beer company is making a killing since that would likely be a kids only drink an they only get it on hogsmeade trip, winter break and summer holiday so the company is not making 10,000 bottles of the stuff a day. they would be lucky to make half a million bottles a year an a bottle only sells for like 2 sickles each which they then have to split with the seller. so if they split it 50/50 with the seller that is 1 sickle an there are 17 sickles to the galleon so half a million bottles a year would make you 29,411 galleons a year. so in 100 years you make just under 3 million galleons. heck even entery level hitwizards only make 700 galleons a month which is 8,400 galleons a year so even with pay raises you would only likely average 20,000 a year and be lucky if you lived to retire after about 40 or 50 years. so i you live to retire after 50 years you would have a million galleons an even if your average pay is twice that it is still only 2 million.
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  • From ANON - bill560682 on July 15, 2012
    now as far as how long it would take arthur to pull this off of making 130 million i figure he had the twins when he was about 30 and they had their kids when he was about 45, the next group at about age 60 and the last set when he is about 75 which is only middle age for a wizard since they live to be about 150 years old. so from the time the twins were born about 45 years but he will be making enough money to account for about 10 generations of family in that amount of time. the wizarding world is very small only about 5 to 10 million total world wide so making money is much harder for them then muggles. you may only make maybe 10 million in your whole lifetime an he is making ten times that amount in only 45 years.
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  • From ANON - bill560682 on July 15, 2012
    if arthur wanted to he could go into the twin production business and make 100 million galleons easy. if fred and goerge each have twins as well and arthur has them have 2 sets of twins each then that is 8 kids/grandkids that are all twins. an if each of them have 5 sets of twins each before they are sold off then that is 80 kids or 40 sets of twins. now if each of those twins have 2 sets of twins each before being sold off we then have 160 kids or 80 sets of twins. an 80 plus 40 plus 8 plus 2 is 130 sets of twins sold off at a million galleons per set is 130 million an since there are likely about 50 or so wizarding countries threwout the world you spread the twins out so it is about 2 to 3 sets of twins per country and that way you do not end up flooding the market. an yes i know raising all those kids would cost a lot but remember we made about 1.5 million just from fred and goerge as sluts and from their sale into private hands, so we invest that into a bigger house and nannies.
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  • From ANON - bill560682 on July 15, 2012
    i would think mr. weasley must be doing very well when it come to money. he has six sons and a daughter all earning money from being sluts plus since magical twins are likely rather rare he can charge much larger amounts of money to allow both the twins to be fucked by the same person. i mean sure you could use spells or potions to make 2 sluts look the same but it is not really the same thing so aurther can charge a great deal more for fred and goerge as a set. an of course if it can be proven that they will also have twins themselves sale price could go threw the roof for them. an before you say arthur is going to keep them i am rather sure if someone offered a million galleons for the pair he would likely sell them and keep the sets of twins they had each already given birth to so he could create more and more twins for later sale as well.
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  • From Myriel on May 20, 2012
    Thanks, this is my favorite fic right now on this site.
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