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Reviews for Reap the Hurricane

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From Asami_Akihito on June 30, 2012

    This is really an original idea and I am excited to see how this story unfolds! I'm excited at the number of characters listed and am looking forward to how they will interact with each other. I just love the details to the story that brings it clearly to mind whats happening.
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  • From undeademopixi on June 29, 2012
    I really loved this chapter, the pure joy Harry must have felt flying like that! Truely awesome. It's strange, usually I can see the Weasley's as being reasonably accepting, especially in a life or death sittuation like this, but I can just FEEL their resentmant for Draco, probably fueled by the fact that they are jealous that Draco can take care of himself better on this world than they can... this could get hairy, I love it!
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  • From bloodshound on June 29, 2012
    blinks. well Har finally snapped. well, at least this snap didn't have dire consequences. It's nice to see har finally working with the planet rather than fighting it. I hope the seeds do take on some of the magic though since it would be a pity to make all this progress only to starve. :P
    What would malfoy shoot? Probably not snakes since har can still talk to them... sort of. nor anything that tries to communicate? what meat is safe for them and what isn't?
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  • From RRose on June 28, 2012
    I think Harry is secretly frustrated that he can't help Malfoy the way he wants to. I know that he felt good feelings when he saw that Malfoy could support himself on his own, but I think there is something hidden behind those feelings that he showed at the end of the chapter.
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  • From ANON - moodysavage on June 28, 2012
    My guess will be... ahhh... no, Malfoy will not tell Harry when others are rude to him. I think Draco was more like making idle conversation that trying to complain to Harry about how the others mistrust him but it sure did hit a hot button with Harry lol. That will make Draco even LESS likely to bring anything up in conversation. That could cause a bad situation to get worse though. Should get better if Draco actually finds something to hunt for food too.

    I really liked them being able to float in the air and I especially loved how it was so natural to Harry and how he just joyfully accepted it kind of like how in the original stories he just automatically took to flying.
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  • From SParker on June 26, 2012
    about #8.. know the Weasleys are really starting to irritate
    me. I take it that it will be a Loooong while before a solution
    comes up for them & Draco?
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  • From bloodshound on June 24, 2012
    damn, missed a chappie. but this power i think is really good for draco. It's really helping him... and helping save Gin had backed the weasleys off nicely. So, the wild magic has given Ted a sort of super sight... that's so cool. I wonder if and what sort of power little Vicky will develop or any kids that are conceived there.

    I agree with Draco's view point of learning to work with/appease the planets magic rather than try and dominate it.
    I'm glad har can see they are becoming to reliant on him and is taking a step back. Bill and Charlie at least should be able to cope for themselves, new world or otherwise.

    I wonder if har can adapt to this planets parsceltongue. ^^

    interesting. Will all of those who develop wild magic be able to feel each other? Or only after they've 'tasted' each other?
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  • From ANON - Tatyana on June 24, 2012
    I love your story. It's so different from the rest of fanfiction I read so far. I like the idea of a new world, and I think this isn't easy to create a new environment, but you succeed in doing it so well done :-D Hope the new chapter will arrive soon.
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  • From ANON - silverkitten on June 19, 2012
    Brilliant as always. I love the whole concept, and can't wait to read the next chapter. Will there be any sort of government set up at some point, or will theyavoid the higher rule structure for now? After what happened with the corruption of the ministry I would avoid to strong a sense of "government" if I were them! Hope to see more of this soon!!!
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  • From ANON - bendinthewind on June 19, 2012
    Pretty good depiction of grasslands. Your descriptions of them make them seem quite short though as the grasslands here in tornado ally are quite tall and can tower to a height of 6 feet. Also like your dugout houses though i would think that something more like the house in the original star wars movie at tattoie would be more appropriate for a world of wind storms. Keep up the good work.
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  • From ANON - elementalwitch on June 18, 2012
    I really like the Forge Gred reference (I know you didn't call them that but I see them that way still LOL) The twin description and teh way you play tehir working together/off of one another there in the storm was most excellent. I would love to see more of that.. I really liked the way that Draco brought Harry up on it at the end of the chapter too- making him remember that Draco is worthy, equal, valuable. I found myself nodding, sayying yes, that's true. Well played author, well played *grin* I look forward to your next installment, gosh, you have me still hooked! I can't thank you enough for writing regularly, and updating that way too.. I really appreciate it. And I have to admit it makes me grin and feel good to see my username mentioned at the bottom- thank you for reading these feedback. I hope they do something for you- beside just mindless drooling devotion to your greatness (which is there but beside the point *wegs*)
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  • From moodysavage on June 18, 2012
    That was so cool how Harry and Draco worked together to save Ginny!I like that they acted on instinct and I liked how it was compared to maybe being like how George and Fred completed each other in how close they were. Not in a couple way but something closer in the way they knew and understood each other. I also like how Draco recognizes that everyone leans on Harry and that he doesn't want to be like that... he wants to be an equal partner with Harry. He's probably the only one who could be like that because he has his own independent history that did not include being dependent on Harry.

    I've been thinking about the houses too. I know... this story makes my mind jump around on all different topics. You know their houses could be built totally underground with the 'roofline' even with the ground. Then the roofs could have skylights of some kind of glazed material if glass couldn't be made strong enough. Then they would get plenty of light, they'd be below the level of the wind, and any people or animals in the grass would not be able to see any houses sticking up so they would be able to hide where they are living for protection.
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  • From SParker on June 18, 2012
    about #6...

    Well that was an interesting intense scene towards the end.
    I liked it...and it was an interesting use of magic that I've
    have not seen in awhile in other stories, though you seem to
    be the only author as of late who has been incorporating the
    idea of 'linked magic' in your stories.

    Believe it or not, what you wrote is 'old school'..and no that
    isn't a bad thing, just something that hasn't been seen in a long time.
    Hopefully not the last...

    By the way, are you going to build the homes within hills to withstand the
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  • From TalisRuadair on June 18, 2012
    I'm pretty sure that by the end of the storm Ginny will have the exposure needed, if the wild magic is within the winds, to develop wild magic. I would also like to point out that I believe she has a strong enough will, as she has always been a strong fiery personality. Hmm I think that would be interesting if she developed something that allows her to manipulate or create fire. I think that could be a handy thing, but then again something better than that might exist. I look forward to the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - polka dot on June 18, 2012
    I have no idea. I'm not going to leave until I have to (i.e. my lease is up). I'm not looking forward to the move.
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