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Reviews for Vernon's Slut

By : sluttysub
  • From Finnian_Siog on September 28, 2018

    very good. I just wish it hadn't ended so soon


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  • From ANON - Jo on May 16, 2016
    I love the story can't wait for an update
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  • From Darkserpentcat on February 09, 2015
    How much longer until you get back to this story I really want more badly
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  • From ANON - Dia on April 03, 2014
    update soon!
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  • From ANON - Diana on February 04, 2014
    Please, update soon!
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  • From MulattoRose on November 15, 2013
    really hoping to see more of this soon...really liking how it started out.
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  • From ANON - varette on September 16, 2012
    Next chapter please! I read a lot of fanfics but its not that easy to find a good yaoi smut and a I hope your will be. Interesting idea qith Vernon. Usually people show him like a hearthless monster thet rapes and abuses poor Harry. Good that finally someone will write i a bit diferent. And there are not enought fanficts where Harry is a slut which saddening me. I hope you will comtinue and update soon!

    Sorry if you dont understand what I wrote but english is not my first lanuage and I learning it only for a few years
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  • From ANON - Jupi on September 13, 2012
    Add more please. Want to see where you take the story!
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  • From Darkserpentcat on September 10, 2012
    Well after reading a post a person put up in my Weasley's Slut challenge I am trying to go back to the challenges that were taken up and giving better reviews, the Weasley's Slut will take some time to catch up. The problem is that earlier I didn't have much to say at the time, I prefer waiting to see how stories go, but now I have some things for this story.

    First off even though I asked for a more character Vernon, I must admit that I am a little depressed about him stuffing Harry back into his cupboard and I honestly hope that when you update this fic that Vernon will just have Harry sleep in his bed with him while he keeps himself inside of Harry at night.

    I don't really want Vernon to be too kind to Harry but he should be kind enough to prepare Harry for the first time as he can believe that a more pleasurable experience will cause Harry to want more or something along the lines, it should be more dubious con then rape, in other words it can start out with Harry saying no but have him change those no's to pleasure and other such things.

    I also hope that later on Vernon will have Harry working at Grunnings, possibly as an intern or such, where he allows his factory workers or bosses to have a taste of Harry's ass as rewards or something along the line.

    Another thing I hope for later is a daddy kink as I have a thing for that and maybe after Vernon's month or whatever with Harry Dudley can get a piece of the action to without Petunia knowing.

    Now here is a question?

    Will Harry become some sort of creature later on that feeds off of sex or a special type of wizard?

    Later on can Harry make contact with the Horcrux which later leads him down the Dark path in a way similar, but not exactly to, Harry Potter and the Descent into Darkness as that was one of my all time favorite plot devices?

    I hope that this review is better then my last and that you will continue this story soon.
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  • From UntilTheVeryEnd on June 14, 2012
    Please update soon! I really like this. :)
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  • From Ratonhnhaketon on June 06, 2012
    seems interesting enough. will be waiting for updates
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  • From bill560682 on June 05, 2012
    personally i would like to see harry/collin/dennis as a pairing seeing as the creevey brothers would do ANYTHING for the great harry potter. an if you are going to have different chapters with different pairings you should list who is paired with harry in that chapter so people can find the pairings they want easy. an i think the best way to start out would to have the creevey brothers sneak into harry's dorm to try and get pictures of him and they find him in the show and things go from there.
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  • From 1234321monkey on June 05, 2012
    Really like it. Update soon.
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  • From jami_lee on June 05, 2012
    ooops poor Harry!!
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  • From Darkserpentcat on June 05, 2012
    Thank you for taking up this challenge
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