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Reviews for The Library of Hades

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From bloodshound on August 02, 2012
    You know... the way this twisted acts kind of reminds me a bit of Dumbles, more sinister and puppet mastery though. Who would have thought his experiences with voldi and the war would have been useful for something. :P I wonder where blue eyes went though, now that he's lost his previous host and har. I'm betting that necromancer Auror.

    Patronus in a mental battle. I haven't thought of tat but i can see why it would work.

    Ooooooh, Malfoy taunting... always fun. ^^ especially when the Malfoys sr are being so very dickly.
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  • From SParker on August 01, 2012
    about # 8...

    Just wanted to say you have yourself a real good
    mystery here...and I liked the emotions put together
    in this chapter, with the combo of Harry & Draco's
    dedication to the job and devotion to each other.
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  • From bloodshound on July 25, 2012
    oh... dear. This can only bode bad things. What the hells bells is blue eyes up to and why does he care if they catch/kill other twisted.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on July 25, 2012
    About #7...Ooo! Intrigue! Intrigue y'all !! Now we're getting deeper into something right? I have toask at this point...have u given clues to who Ole Blue Eyes might be? because I'm leaning towards someone in the Ministry.
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  • From ANON - SP7777 on July 22, 2012
    about #6[?]...

    *laughing* Smoke...and Mirrors??? I thought you were
    going to give us something completely unthought of, but
    then again who would have thought you'd come up with that one.

    Is just me or does Draco sneers at a lot of things, you know that
    sneer of his should be patented...

    Also, love the bedroom scene, though I must admit that this time around
    not actually reading their time in the bedroom in past chapters gave plenty to
    imagine, instead of you having to supply scenarios with the scene. It also gives
    an 'air of romance' in a way when you have to imagine it yourself.
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  • From bloodshound on July 19, 2012
    yay, forceful smut. ^^ hmmmm, bout time Skeeta was put to good use. :P
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  • From SParker on July 11, 2012
    about #5...

    1. No, I don't mind if you use it for that purpose, kinda figured that would
    have been the case anyway.

    2. I'm thinking the same as Draco, I think it was an inside job.

    3. Damn, that was an intense little conversation. Harry was almost like a
    cobra waiting to strike...and still did in a different way at the end, didn't
    he? :-) Though the words 'You. Couch' would have made me cackle if the conversation
    had taken a turn.

    All in all, I really do like this part in the series, makes me wonder how you'll
    be able to top this one. Oh, the pressure! O___O
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  • From SParker on July 05, 2012
    about #4..

    1. I think only in your mind's eye, you see him as 'angsty'. I
    think he is well balanced..and stubborn when he needs to be. :-)

    2. You know, the only people who are 'flawed' are the people who
    run the Ministry...and see anything that isn't ''normal'' as
    twisted, kinda hypocritical when wizards say that.

    3. ...and oooh that meddling...WITCH! Causing problems when there
    shouldn't be any.

    Uhmm, by the way, would it be possible to put a request in for one
    of the characters to be named Stephanie? I mean, I'm just asking... if
    you don't do stuff like that I understand.
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 05, 2012
    Well now this got a bit more interesting. I wonder how you're going to do the necromancy scene because I rarely ever see it in HP fics and usually when I do it's not very well done. Can't wait to see how you do it. Also Harry should know better than to talk to one of Draco's parents alone. Cause that is just asking for trouble. I mean Draco is the only person I know about who can see through their tricks and manipulations and that was an obvious ploy to get Harry to doubt Draco and cause trouble for them. But then Harry never was one to see through the type of manipulation Draco grew up with. He could probably see it happening when it's directed at someone else but that doesn't mean he could see it and stop it from controlling him when it is directed at himself. He seems to be entirely vulnerable and dismissive when it come to matters of himself.
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  • From bloodshound on July 04, 2012
    erggg. the malfoy's sr really need to BACK OFF. Draco is going to have to deal with them before they become a serious problem.
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  • From SParker on June 28, 2012
    about #3...

    I really enjoyed this chapter, as a matter of fact, maybe it's
    my perspective, but I love the relationship you've established between
    Harry & Draco. It's professional between them when it needs to be & there's
    no overly sweet inappropriate times.

    As an author I'm glad to see that you maintain the fact they ARE grown men who
    can still act like adults behind closed doors and not flip flop their attitudes to
    act like 'overgrown teenagers'. Granted I DO like tender moments like any other romantic
    out there, I just hate to see it overdone, especially when the story wasn't 'Fluff' to
    begin with, especially in a story as serious as this one.

    I, also, like the consistency of the aristocratic aura that Draco wears around himself no matter
    what setting you have him, whether he's at the office or with Harry, it's says that he is
    still a 'Malfoy', BUT he has grown comfortable in his skin and has learned to loosen up a bit.

    As for Harry, the way you've written him so far, I love the man he has become, regardless of the
    'Lionel' situation, he's a man who has gone from a moody teenager uncertain of his future to a man
    who can focus on what lies ahead with unwavering intensity. There's a title for the next story hidden
    in there somewhere. I'm just not sure what it is. :-/

    Anyway keep up the good job you're doing with this series that has become one I've enjoyed above the
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  • From bloodshound on June 27, 2012
    you know, it's been a while since Har had one of his intuitive flashes. I'd almost forgotten about them. Yay resurrected plot device. ^^
    I wonder what Gin is hiding and what if anything dear micky is up to.
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  • From bloodshound on June 26, 2012
    okay... that's creepy. wow, Mio's nightmare come to life. Killer books.
    heh, good luck getting Gin to speak with draco about.

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  • From ANON - Anon on June 22, 2012
    Wow when you said that this story is gonna be gory you meant GORY. I don't know how I'm gonna read this but I do know one thing. No eating an hour before I read a chapter. I do wonder though why Harry calls Morningstar Nancy instead of Jourdemayne. I mean I get why he doesn't call her Morning star like Draco does but still. Is it because he was more associated with her twisted side because of the whole wiping the mind thing and thought of her as more of the victim in this than Jourdemayne was? Also wow can't believe you put in a canon character who might possibly be a victim. And can't wait to see how you portray Ginny in this series.
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  • From SParker on June 20, 2012
    about #2...


    Oooh, is Draco going to be messy & antagonize Ginny...just for fun???
    If he isn't, why tha' hell not? *devilish grin* When was the last time
    the Slytherin in him had a chance to come out to play?

    By the way, the thought just hit me, but this series definitely feels like
    a continuation of the 'Running to Paradise[?]' trilogy. This is definitely
    how Harry & Draco could have ended up if you could have looked in the future
    and saw yourself writing this story.

    Speaking of series, just how long did you intend to make this sucker? O_o
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