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Reviews for Voldemort Goes Back To School

By : KisaraP
  • From ANON - Diana on October 18, 2012
    Update soon!
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  • From ANON - Clari on October 14, 2012
    I was reading the begining of chapter three.
    My mom called, and I answered.
    My voice cracked.
    It was your fault.
    Thought you ought to know.


    ps-I'm not mad. >:3
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  • From bloodshound on October 02, 2012
    Riddle Me really is making things interesting for himself isn't he... I'm glad it's your head that has to keep the plots straight, not mine cause this is head ache material. Lets see, v in his ev skin is trying to kill har, only to get seduced by har AND draco, has antagonized the slyth head of house by being busted breaking into his supplies, which will lead to sev plotting against him while Ev/mort struggles to keep from falling into a gooey heap at hars feet as the potion to stop himself from falling at the pairs feet for some reason isn't working... have i missed anything? *blinks... this would make for great day time tv.
    At any rate... snickers, har topping snake V, snort, oh that's hilariousness. I wonder why Draco thought of har topping? If anything, you'd think V would be topping. Still i fully understand and support his need to go scour his brain out. That's NOT a pretty pic.
    interesting. They both quite happy to keep V on the side. this must be such a head trip for Ev/mort. I can't see either of them letting him go, though i can see them allowing him to top, to keep him with them.
    I love this fic. It's such solid entertainment.
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  • From ANON - Anon on September 21, 2012
    I love this chapter. It was very funny to read ^_^
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  • From Jan on September 14, 2012
    Chapter 8, please?
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  • From bloodshound on September 11, 2012
    The govt. is full of bureaucracy... they don't HAVE to make sense... i think it's in the rules somewhere. Besides... the boys are sneaking around at school. it's not like they're letting ppl know about it neh?

    Typical... sigh. Sucks to be the Malfoys and REALLY sucks to be a malfoy house elf.

    Poor Luc. He really knows how to pick 'em indeed. I'm sure it seemed like a good idea at the time... >> At any rate... snickers. Curiosity gets you a face full of feathers. ^^

    It'll be interesting to see if the libido suppression potion works and how har and draco get around it. ^^

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  • From bloodshound on August 28, 2012
    i can't wait to see/ read about? the look on V's face when he realises, there IS nothing effecting him besides being sensitive to having a bod back. He's never going to escape this. I think he might be more sensitive or receptive to har due to the Har'crux. Will V desensitize or will he always melt into a puddle of goo at their touch?

    wow, who knew the secret to de fanging Slyth snakes was to share a sexual partner with them :P

    hmmm, that blows my harcrux theory out of the water since Ev/mort melts just as fast for draco as har. Really, he just can't say 'no'. :P

    Oh, wow, draco can give me a goodnight like that anytime. ^^

    I look forward to nagini's answers. heh heh heh.
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  • From Jan on August 27, 2012
    Please update chapter 7 soon.
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  • From xDAISUKIx on August 27, 2012
    ahahaha. this is good XD. Just like to tell you that i like how you've made the dark lord not exactly the dark lord but a misguided teen dark lord. its entertaining. quite an original idea.
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  • From ANON - Asille Nellum on August 15, 2012
    Hilarious story!!
    On the subject of Word, if you go into your ... paragraph, I believe it is, section of the Home tab (2007) and click the spacing button (four lines with two arrows) you should be able to remove the spaces before or after the paragraphs. Just make sure you select all of the text. Also, make sure you're using single spacing, and not double.
    Keep writing, friend! You have a talent!
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  • From bloodshound on August 13, 2012
    Is this the beginnings of an alliance i sense? Or a sexual dalliance... or both. >>

    There there V. Yes, you're still an arse virgin. What you've been doing merely counts as heavy petting. Heh, poor V, he's so very panic stricken. ^^ he can't escape either. Har can seeeee yooooou little Evie/mort. Mwhahahahaha.

    WT... V's in heat?

    For a DL V sure panics easily. :P Yes, i think it's sufficient to say he's thoroughly freaked out har. *Watches V take a dirt nap and winces. That's gonna leave a mark. Good thing V's got plenty of Horcurx about... He's going to be using them up at a fearful rate to resurrect himself if he keeps this sort of panicked lack of thinking up.

    He hasn't eaten, slept, drank or visited the facilities either... how to run yourself into the ground V... literally even.

    heh, guess har and draco won't be getting any more for a bit, at least until V can be coaxed out of the cupboard he's dived into, locked, barred and surrounded with a moat derived from Egyptian river.
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  • From moodysavage on August 12, 2012
    you can't run fast enough to get away voldemort!!!

    I love love love how whatever plans Voldemort and Harry plan to avoid each other... it totally goes out the window as soon as they see or touch each other lol. I like how they get glazed over for each other too.

    Are they mates? Maybe? Yeah? *fingers crossed*
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  • From Talented_Mrs_Lupin on August 12, 2012
    i love the dom-Harry
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  • From NinaSweets on July 24, 2012
    Oh wow! I absolutely love it! I've been flicking through this genre for a while and I'm so amazed that I've never come across this before, I mean we've all seen Tom as that nasty DADA teacher and Harry as the naughty student :) I love this idea though there's all sorts of fun you can have - as we've seen. Lol Voldemort with raging hormones!!! Wonderfully written too it's fast paced and witty loaded with the awkward teeness that I love. I can't wait for your next chapter :D
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  • From ANON - Mya Malfoy on July 16, 2012
    OMFG!!! I'm not sure if this story is supposed to be a 'just' Harry+Voldemort story or not, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep Draco with them (and hopefully romantical)!!! OMG that was HOT HOT HOT!!! I can't wait for your next update! Thank you!
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