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Reviews for The whole story

By : Riahana
  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on August 19, 2012
    Dumbledore worries me. I wish there was a better way to protect Harry.
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  • From kadajclone on August 19, 2012
    Can i just say that throughout this story the Harry/Hermione scenes have hit me right in the feels, and you have nailed how strong their bond is. Their relationship is pretty much the same in canon as EVERY time harry is distrusted or abandoned by what seems like the whole world, Hermione always has his back and has never leaves him and trusts him completely. None of his friends in canon(Ron included) have shown that level of devotion to harry and one scene in particular that comes to mind is in the fourth book when everyone thinks harry cheated to enter the tournament to gain more fame and are refusing to speak to him,Hermione actually brings him a small breakfast, takes him for a walk to help clear his head THEN hears his side of the story and doesn't hesitate to believe him.It's my opinion that while Ron may have been his first friend, Hermione is his CLOSEST friend.Love where you have taken this story and love the draco/hermione interaction as well, the growing respect between them is sweet.
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  • From Jan on August 18, 2012
    That was way too close for Hermione. I was thinking that maybe you could have Severus fall in love with Mione since his mate is dead, it doesn't have to be true love on his part but enough for him to be happy, Hermione as well?

    Please update chapter 39 soon ^_^
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  • From ANON - Kayla on August 17, 2012
    Aww but you deserve to have a big head just not too big lol *squeals* I loved the Halloween dance! It was everything I expected and more! Their costumes were perfect..would have paid to actually seen both of them dressed that way ;) However, with your wonderful writing skills I had an easy enough time picturing it. Oh! And how could I forget the lil moment b4 the dance..well HUGE moment lol Not giving any spoilers but let
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on August 16, 2012
    Poor Harry! Stupid Ron! I swear he needs to be smacked!
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  • From Michebabeblue on August 16, 2012
    I must say I do like how fast you update. So yes we are getting some answers soon. Ron should be hung upside down in the great hall for everyone to see his nickers. love where this is going and can you have someone hex dumbledores beard to fall off or change colour.
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  • From ANON - nyks on August 16, 2012
    I really love your story. I love that you update so often and the plot goes forward and with time. There's only one thing that bothers me and it's the word dominate. Dominant: when a person is commanding position or in your case it's dominant and submissive. Dominate: when the dominant person rules over submissive.
    Anyway, I can't wait to read more.
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  • From Jan on August 16, 2012
    Wow that was fast! LOVE IT!!! Keep up the wonderful work, I just can't get enough of this story ^_^ Please update chapter 38 soon ^_~
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  • From Jan on August 16, 2012
    Aw, that's so romantic ^_^ I just love a good Drarry story ^_~ Keep up the great work, I can't wait for chapter 37 to be updated.
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  • From Michebabeblue on August 16, 2012
    AWWWWW such a lovely chapter, i'll probably keep switching which sites I will review on. So what is going on with Draco is it because of who his Mate is or cause of something related to the Dumbledore being in Harry's family tree. I think Audry should give Tom a break and Sevie needs one too.
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  • From gossipgirl84 on August 16, 2012
    Can't wait for more. I hope it was only a dance with Snape, not a fan of Harry/Draco with Snape. Not at all.
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  • From gossipgirl84 on August 16, 2012
    It's Blaise Zabini, not Blaize Zambini. Do your research.
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  • From gossipgirl84 on August 16, 2012
    Dumbledore never learns. Well, I hope it all backfires on him. He's not doing a good job. He really needs to learn that Harry is a student not his child, he is not supposed to control his every move. I really wish someone would arrest him already. I am really liking this story though.
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on August 15, 2012
    Oh I'm worried. Who is the spy?
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on August 15, 2012
    Wonder what the costume will be....
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