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Reviews for The whole story

By : Riahana
  • From SnowxXxAngel on August 15, 2012
    This is an awesome fic! I can't wait to see what Draco's costume is! Or Harry's XD Why doesn't this site have an option to subscribe or follow the stories which will give email updates when chapters are added? Or is there one?
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  • From ANON - Kate on August 15, 2012
    thanks for adding new chapter so quickly. It's really good ;))
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  • From ANON - Kayla on August 15, 2012
    Wowwww! Words cannot describe how much I LOVE this story! It's so exciting and fun! I love the protective Draco. He's so hot when he's I really wish this was how it happened..ah well atleast you was smart and creative enough to think it up..and let's not forget your superior writing skills :) It's so much fun watching Harry and Draco. Also Tom and Aubrey...and well everyone really. Usually with stories that involves so many characters the side stories are boring, but not with this one; no far from it. Everyone and everything going on is intertwined and is so interesting to read. Also, Draco cracks me up..his antics are just priceless. Finally, I'm pretty sure I knw I'll just say the spy..but not giving any spoilers away ;) So very excited for more!
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on August 14, 2012
    Oh Draco! Planning on wooing Harry at the Bash?
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  • From Jan on August 14, 2012
    I absolutely LOVE this story, this is my sec favorite story now.

    Please update chapter 34 soon ^_^
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  • From ANON - she-who-waits-in-darkness on August 13, 2012
    Loved this chapter but i think I've read that part somewhere before our sounds similar to another story i have read.
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  • From twilitdragoneye on August 13, 2012
    Poor Neville!!! First he's stuck with them in potions now in DADA??? He just can't catch a break this year. Lucius is awesome professor and I can't wait for the next chapter!
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  • From Krucksue on August 13, 2012
    Great story! Please keep writing. Thank you for posting more than one chapter @ a time.
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  • From ANON - Lily on August 13, 2012
    I like it alot keep writing!!!
    Please keep Hermione good harry needs her!!!!
    The pace is ok i did scim the begining but i will read it all at a later date i promise!!!
    I like the whole story so far so keep it up!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Storm on August 12, 2012
    I just found this story this morning and have spent the day reading it. I am impressed, it's an interesting concept, well written with only slight spelling and grammatical errors that don't take away from the story and entirely entertaining and engaging. I can't wait to see what happens next and where it goes. It's a fresh twist to Harry Potter and I find myself eagerly anticipating the next chapter. Keep up the good work!
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  • From ANON - Grace on August 12, 2012
    osdhgldashglh I need so much more of this story! unlike some of the other stories I've read on here, this story is straight and to the point! The beginning was long, yes, but I loved it! It built up to where you are now and just GAH! it's so good. I hate that you left us hanging though! Really why did you have to do that! please, please update soon, and let me know when you do! especially cause unlike (craptastic site btw) this site doesn't allow for notifications on when authors update stories or post new stories.
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on August 12, 2012
    Argh! I sooooo dislike Umbridge!!!! More please!!!
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on August 10, 2012
    Dumbledore messed up there!!!
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on August 10, 2012
    Ron knows. Oh I soooo need more!
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  • From disgruntledfairy on August 07, 2012
    I love your story! The in depth background and build up of the plot was fantastic. Definitely what made this story so much better than others that merely glossed over the history of a story or did flashbacks to make up for actual plot. Your characters are so much fun to read. The way you make sure to distinguish how each character speaks is amazing to read. Thanks for writing and until the next chapter!
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