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Reviews for The whole story

By : Riahana
  • From Krucksue on August 02, 2012
    Awesome story! Thanks for writing. Enjoy your time off.
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  • From ANON - Kayla on August 01, 2012
    First of all, thank you for replying to my review..very happy to hear this will be a long fun ride :) Also, hope you have a great time on your vacation..have fun! :)
    I really liked this chapter. First, I loved reading about Harry leaving..sad that he has to go, but no matter what he still had that pride and determination; now that was just brilliant. Then, the lil chat with his grandmother about Draco; Harry is so adorable lol Also, I forgot that Harry didn't know what Draco had done to the Dursleys' so that was interesting to see his reaction. I'm sure Mr. Smooth aka the blond demon can make Harry feel better about that lol. Also, to see Dudley like that towards Harry was awesome..and yes I believe Aubrey is right..I believe Draco will act the same way. Love the nickname hehe it's perfect! Finally, the confrontation between Petunia and Aubrey was beyond words. Every detail about it was perfect. The way you describe everything from the facial expressions to the body language is really incredible. It makes it so easy to picture the scene and what is happening. I absolutely adore Aubrey; she is wonderful! Also, Dumbledore is a very bad dude, and that is putting it lightly. Alrighty, again have fun and your adoring fans will be waiting for your return :)
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on August 01, 2012
    Harry can't go back to Hogwarts. Shouldn't even go to #12. He's in terrible danger!!!
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  • From ANON - Kayla on July 29, 2012
    How to express how much I love this story is near impossible. It truly is amazing. I do believe you should write for a living. This idea..even tho it comes from Harry extremely creative..with the Elves and how everything is backwards and upside down. It's an incredible plot and I love reading how everything plays out..especially between Harry and Draco of course..and even tho there is already 23 chapters I was so sad to see there wasn't anymore..bc I have wanted to read this story for some time now but I waited until a lot of the chapters were up bc I knew there was to be a long explanation and background story first..which is indeed interesting; however, I still waited to see the main plot and for Harry to appear. I do hope you continue this bc it really left me breathless and I'm very excited to read more :)
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  • From kadajclone on July 29, 2012
    just started reading and stopped temporarily at chapter 13, good story but I'm a little curious in this AU did Bellatrix torture the longbottoms to insanity and do the elves hate wizards because of dumbledore's actions or are there other things that contribute to the hate. Just a little confused and i may have to go back and skim over what I have read. not a bad story just trying to find out who the bad guys are and who the good guys are or if its just one big shade of gray in this story.
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on July 29, 2012
    Let the games begin!!!
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on July 27, 2012
    Oh that was wonderful!!!
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  • From Krucksue on July 27, 2012
    Great story so far...looking forward to the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on July 26, 2012
    So now Harry knows. What will he do with this information?
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on July 26, 2012
    But Draco is going to lose Harry if he doesn't convince him of how he really feels about Harry.
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on July 25, 2012
    Poor Draco!!! I think he's going to be the dominate. Interesting!!!
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on July 24, 2012
    I hope that's not foreshadowing. He deserves to be happy!!!
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on July 24, 2012
    Oh wonderful!!!! How will Harry and Audrey feel?
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on July 23, 2012
    Does Audrey remember? I thought she was dead? Soooo need more!!!
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  • From ANON - Bored137654 on July 23, 2012
    Sorry, too lazy to log in. The story is bit rough on the edges, but it is still a good story. I admire you doing it on your own. I mean, how else do you learn, but from your mistakes? Heck, I learned english by writing fanfics. Besides, betas can be annoying. I tried it once and I am certainly never doing it again! And some betas steal stories. I know three people on here who had their stories stolen by their beta! Ugh.

    How often do you plan to update? How long do you intend to make it? And how soon do the boys figure out they are mates?
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