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Reviews for The whole story

By : Riahana
  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on July 21, 2012
    I know he has a lot to learn but man! What a schedule!!!!
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  • From Mizuchan24 on July 21, 2012
    I love this chapter. I can't wait to see what Draco looks like and as well as Harry when they show their elvin selves. Please update soon, can't wait to read the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on July 20, 2012
    Holy moly!!! That's a lot to take in. Poor Harry!!!
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  • From Mizuchan24 on July 20, 2012
    I love this chapter. It was so funny how Lucius got mad the second time Draco bothered his sleep and how Narcissa found it all funny. I love how Lucius wants to teach his son tact. Harry mouthing thanks to Severus was so cute. Are the Longbottom's on Dumbldore's side or neutral? Is Neville evil or good? I can't wait to read the next chapter. Please update soon.
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  • From jami_lee on July 20, 2012
    Very cool story!! This has to be so confusing for Harry.
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  • From Mizuchan24 on July 19, 2012
    I love this chapter. It was so funny when Greyback said he wanted Harry to meet his son. Also Sirius was so funny about ready to jump out of his seat and Tom getting annoyed by it. I have to ask as to who is the uke and seme in Sirius's and Remus's relationship because the way you described Sirius it sounded like he was the girly one. I love Narcissa and how she told Draco to apologize to Harry or he wont get any attention from him. Please update soon, can't wait to read the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on July 19, 2012
    Will you spoil me like yesterday and give me many chapters in one day? I hope so!!! Poor Harry is confused and Draco being snarky doesn't help. I was hoping he'd try a little harder. *sigh* It's been two days. Sooo can't wait for more!!!
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  • From Morbid_and_Sexy on July 19, 2012
    I can't wait until Ch. 13! Great story!
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  • From ANON - Maria on July 19, 2012
    Sirius has gray eyes. It's definitely, not defiantly in the beginning of the chapter. Defiant is how you behave when you go against someone. Other than that, there are a few your instead of you're and a few other minor things. Sorry, had to get that out. Great chapter though! If you are looking for a beta, I can be of service. :)
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  • From ANON - djaddict on July 18, 2012
    I have always enjoyed "Lucius to the rescue!" lol and this was no exception, except I wish they would have tortured the Dusleys then and there.

    Really looking forward for the 'splanin to happen and Harry's reaction.
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  • From ANON - Maria on July 18, 2012
    Oh, don't get me wrong, I do really like the story, especially now that it picked up it's pace a bit more and I do appreciate the fact that you're writing a story with a plot! That is rare to see in fanfiction, most just write short pointless stuff or pwp, but this has a story behind it. Yes, I personally wouldn't have minded it being shorter in several aspects, but I do see your reasoning for most of them. Oh, and it's Expecto Patronum, not Petronum. I really don't want to sound like I'm flaming you, because I do really like the story. A lot. :) Hope to see more soon!
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  • From Mizuchan24 on July 18, 2012
    I love these new chapters. I love how Lucius attacked the Dursley's with a unforgivable and how Sirius was going to kill them with one for putting Harry in the cupboard. I hope Sirius and Remus have a child, it would be so cute. I can't wait for the next chapter to update, so I can read more. Please update soon, just love this story.
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on July 18, 2012
    New beginning?
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  • From celticthunderfan15 on July 18, 2012
    i love this it is so different from all the others that i have read please update soon cant wait to see what happens
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on July 18, 2012
    I hope the sneer was directed at Vernon and not Harry. Soooo need more!!!
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