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Reviews for Bound to You

By : KusanoSaku
  • From Jan on January 12, 2020

    It was a sweet ending, absolutely loved this story.

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  • From Inshadowsidream on March 02, 2019

    This feels very rushed, and it is a little confusing in places. Your scene transitions were jarring, and left me going "wait a minute, what?"  Harry being pregnant so suddenly seemed forced. I liked the idea of the story, but as it is, I quickly lost interest.

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  • From Zoha-Lixue on January 05, 2019

    This is all happening really fast and it kind of makes it hard to read. Otherwise I think the idea is a neat one. 

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  • From BookDragon on September 29, 2017

    But Diggory wasn't in the competition in your prequel, Reforging Old Bonds

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  • From ANON - on July 10, 2016

    Thank you for writing and sharing. Enjoyed it. 

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  • From ANON - Tianna on May 02, 2016
    The Chapter was Qutstanding
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  • From ANON - Leslie on September 14, 2015
    riveting story, always need to know what's happening with the next chapter. Your writing has only improved over time.
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  • From AFFModerator on March 20, 2015

    Chapter 34 - Please add the proper citation(s).

    While reviewing your story, we noticed that you cite or quote from another source, but it's not properly cited. It's not correct to add the source to your disclaimer, since that doesn't serve as a proper citation. You should look at the all the examples in the FAQ listed below, but as a quick example, if you've used lyrics to a song, you can add a line at the beginning or end of the chapter that states something like: Lyrics from "(Song Title)" by (Artist)

    What happens if the citation isn't added? We allow seven (7) days for the story to be corrected. After that, we hide it, and it will stay hidden until it's corrected or until it's been thirty (30) days since we hid it. At that point, we do delete the story. If we do hide your story, you can always access it through your Control Panel in your archive profile even while it's hidden. If we do hide your story, and you've fixed it, you can contact the ToS team with the name of your story, your username and the fandom where the story is located to have your story made visible again. You can contact us by email at Just one thing: Re-uploads of hidden stories are deleted immediately with no additional warning given.

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    BronxWench, AFF Archive Moderator

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  • From ANON - Kk on September 06, 2013
    Umm your story doesn't make any sense. You said in the beginning he found out that he was pregnant at 2 months but now when he is revealing the pregnancy to Remus he says 5 months. You obviously need to retread your story because your timeline is all over the place. Other then hat it is good. Btw isn't Severus the one who made the potion. Then in chapter 10 he says that he knows Harry is not ready for a baby yet he dosed him anyway? Seriously please rewrite this
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  • From Jan on June 18, 2013
    Poor Seamus, hope his blue balls syndrome gets cure soon ^_~

    Please update chapter 33 soon.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on June 13, 2013
    What a nice tying up chapter.
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  • From wavedancer70 on April 30, 2013
    More chappies please
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on March 02, 2013
    Finished the whole lot of characters and events (good/bad) to keep track of. A great job!! Always enjoy your stories sooo much. I feel so bad for Lucius now that we know that most of his kicking Draco off the family was due to jealousy because he couldn't have the person he was in love with (Severus you said). How painful that must be! Doesn't make what he did right but ouch it must hurt! Please say that baby Narissa loves Harry also. It sounds like the twin girls have picked one to be their parent & the other is an unimportant maid to be used if absolutely necessary. Eagerly looking forward to the next chapter. Oh you are going to find someone for Hermione that will take the polish off Ron & his bratty Mrs I hope. Not crazy about her but she's not 100% bad - used by Dumbledore. Ron needs to learn a lesson & suffer a bit even if Dumbledore did twist him. Nemia also needs somebody. She is so young & sad to be by herself & pregnant. That song was so beautiful! Heartbreaking!!
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 09, 2013
    Not a bad idea for a story, but the story is shallow. The characters aren't well developed, nor is the plot line.
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  • From DopeyDDHill on August 06, 2012
    Did you mean to name one of the girls the same as dumbledor's sister?
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