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Reviews for Bound to You

By : KusanoSaku
  • From bloodshound on August 03, 2012
    wow, dumbles really was completely nutters isn't he.
    Poor Mio, taken and used like that. I hope Luna stands with and supports her. She'll need that now.
    So many screwed over because of a half crazed old man with a god complex. I hope he pays and pays hard core. Those he hurt a re due for some compensation. As for Luc and Cissa... what total idiots. Since males can get preggers, what does it matter if their son marries/bonds a witch or a wizard. sheesh.
    btw, some translations for the welsh/irish would be nice.
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  • From LadySesshoumaru on July 31, 2012
    great start very interesting just to short more please......cookies for inspiration.
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