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Reviews for Can You Keep a Secret?

By : KusanoSaku
  • From ANON - eaglexeyes on November 28, 2014
    Wonderful..... Secrets are coming out all over the place....

    And I bet more are yet to come...

    Keep writing as life allows...
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  • From ANON - staar on September 11, 2014
    new to the story and it's awesome !!!!! Please update soon to see if all goes well...LOve to see Draco get in charge of everything !!! see you soon !!!!
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  • From ANON - Kim on September 07, 2014
    Love it. Please update again soon.
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  • From ANON - Samantha on August 05, 2014
    I love your work.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on May 29, 2014
    Chapters 1-26: Great story! How come I haven't read at least a chapter of this story before? Love your characterizations especially.
    Who is Hermione's mate that Luna talked about? Maybe Blaise?

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  • From ANON - Rebecca on April 10, 2014
    Is this one of those pointless stories where the characters alternate between whining about their feelings and unrealistic teenybopper sex? A plot would be nice, to keep things from getting boring. Also, you may want to consider getting a beta reader to help you with editing. We wouldn't want the archive owner to think you're underage.
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  • From bloodshound on November 17, 2012
    is it just me or did those two advance to fiance's really freakin fast. wow, dumbles sure stabbed himself in the hand with that little effort neh? way to drive away his weapon completely. :P
    good grief rons being an arsehat. glad mio, molly and remi are a bit more reasonable about things.
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  • From ANON - jujukitty on November 16, 2012
    ch. 3- the boys are sweet together, and it's nice to see them talking through some of their issues. it seems like you've left out some things though. at the end of ch.1 you had half a sentence saying something about harry's glamours falling then in this chapter you say that draco saw his scars when his glamour fell and was alright with where was the inbetween point because if harry's glamours fell in the bathroom after he cursed draco, he was still dressed and nobody would have seen these scars on his back, and as of this chapter, they hadn't seen each other really undressed yet. also, as far as the sex goes, think draco lost count because if they got off together with the handjobs and he gave harry a blowjob, that's only two, not three. and then i felt sorry for draco because harry started giving him a handjob after the blowjob and then they're talking and getting dressed for bed and it seems like you forgot about draco lol.

    overall, the story's good so far, it's just the little details that keep popping up like you had an idea in mind and forgot to add it in. you might want to go back and re-read from the beginning and figure out what you forgot to put in
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  • From ANON - jailynne on November 16, 2012
    Idk if its been noted or not but some of ur chaps are somewhat doubles example-****** Don't," crooned Moaning Myrtle's voice from one of the cubicles. "Don't
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  • From ANON - jujukitty on November 16, 2012
    ch.1-interesting start to things, just in case nobody's mentioned it, you have a repeated section towards the end, where myrtle's talking to draco and looks up.
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  • From Saphira10190 on August 16, 2012
    I really really liked this story very much. I hope you continue really soon.
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on August 05, 2012
    Too wonderful!!!!! Has anyone seen either family trees? I hope Dumbledore doesn't try to oblivate Molly. Soooo need more!!!
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on August 04, 2012
    Blaise is going to figure it out. Someone needs to cap the school because some Slytherin is going to inform the Malfoys thinking they are helping Draco.
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  • From ANON - Akari on August 04, 2012
    Your story is very good so far, I'm really liking it. I did notice a small error in your math at the very end of the chapter. If Harry is 17 weeks pregnant that means thar he's four months, not three. I've found that the best way to calculate weeks to months is to divide however many months along the character is by 4. I haven't posted any of my stories on this website yet, but I tend to wtrite a lot of stories involving pregnancy.
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on August 03, 2012
    Holy smoke!!! Harry is powerful!!!
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