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Reviews for Blood Cocktail

By : DrackenLady
  • From dominique1 on August 19, 2012
    I also think people forget that Nathaniel starts to become more aggressive in manly and a little bet dominant , in the last few books because anita question him about in he told her somthing like he realized being with her he would have to become more male
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  • From dominique1 on August 18, 2012
    okay first happy dance around my office . now i love the way harry has a family even if his kind of closed off with them in public which is so cool i must say i have re read the 6 chapter like 5 times to day i realized that remus will pop up later on in at first i was think that remus would be the uncle until i forgot that it must be edward . the fact that magic will help him to learn how to love in be loved so good also looking forward to harry making the scar cream for asher bless you for that will sirius be freed in out of azkaban or be dead anyway looking forward to more in the new mate even if a part of me wanted to add the wicked truth after i seen the pictures
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  • From disgruntledfairy on August 18, 2012
    I love your story! I haven't read anything in the Anita Blake series so this is all new and very fun for me. Will definitely be looking forward to the next chapter and finding out who the second mate is. Until then!
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  • From dominique1 on August 18, 2012
    yeah remus will be there
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  • From dominique1 on August 18, 2012
    so love Sigmund
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  • From dominique1 on August 18, 2012
    happy dance for the mates so love that its going to have mpreg
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  • From dominique1 on August 18, 2012
    all i can say is this is so good
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  • From bloodshound on August 14, 2012
    well, nate isn't going to share well, we can already see this. Still, i'm glad har isn't going to be a doormat sub. I hate those. Dom's need to prove themselves first.
    Can't wait to met the rest of har's mates. ^^
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  • From Leania07 on August 14, 2012
    *rolls off the bed laughing hysterically* Oh I knew that's who's room it was! Granted I know next to nothing about this Anita Blake series so I can't offer much in the way of helpful guidance or anything, but I do like where this is going! Is Harry going to tell Nate that there is at least 3 others? *Okay I get the leopard in his mind, that's Nate, but a snake, husky, swan and wolf? That's more than 4, so does he now have 5 mates? Or did I misread something?* Keep up the good work, and even though I don't know the series, I can picture it rather well. I look forward to more!

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  • From ANON - Drew on August 14, 2012
    Ok, but wait... Nathaniel is already *dangerously* submissive. That's one of his main issues; he can't really tell people no. How exactly is Harry even more submissive to him? This worries me.
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  • From tbsigma08 on August 14, 2012
    You may be unhappy with this chapter but let me assure you I am not. It's was great! Soooooo hot! I love dominant nathanial! Still confused about who else will be thrown into the mix, but very excited to get more chapters like this one.
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  • From ANON - rebekahalana on August 14, 2012
    I love this story !
    I usually lurk but you are driving me crazy with just one little tiny thing ... Nathaniel isn't a blond ... his hair is a reddish brown , the auburn you called it in a previous chapter . I know it's stupid and petty to harp on this tiny issue ( mine , not yours - your story , your rules ) in a magnificent story but it was driving me nuts not to say anything as Nathaniel is my absolute favorite of Anita's leopards . I will never mention it again .
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  • From ANON - 917brat on August 14, 2012
    again this is really really good (says this this while wipping away nose bleed) I really liked it and i really don't see jean caude or Asher minding much about what happned they may be more amused then anything. keep up the brillint work please cause I am following you both on this site and on pommedesang.
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  • From ANON - vampireslure on August 14, 2012
    HOT! Nathaniel being all growly and possessive was awesome!! So, does Harry realize that Asher and Jean-Claude are two of his other mates in the next chapter? *bounces eagerly*
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  • From Green_eyed_lover on August 14, 2012
    Yay smutt I love smutt! This was a good chapter and I really like Nathaniel, him being possessive of Harry was both sexy and cute! Oh and the ending cracked me up! Haha they did it Asher and Jean-Claude's room! Talk about awwwwwkwwwwwward!!!!! Can't wait for the next one
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