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Reviews for Blood Cocktail

By : DrackenLady
  • From HeartStar on August 14, 2012
    lol so is it zasher or Jean Claude who is the second mate?...... I await more lol
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  • From StarLightMassacre on August 14, 2012
    Ooo, you tricked me :( Making me think Harry was going to have Asher and Jean-Claude first, then have Nathaniel have at him! Love dominant Nathaniel, but can't wait to see him turn back into his sibmissive kitty when the more dominant men come into play. It'll be a gorgeous contrast!
    A few spelling mistakes, but nothing major, so carry on the amazing work! I have no idea what you were on about, that chapter was fine, even the length of it was fine. You worry too much ;)

    StarLight Mass.
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  • From ANON - vampireslure on August 13, 2012
    really loving this and can't wait for more. Also can't wait to see the dynamics between Harry and his mates
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  • From ANON - chester on August 11, 2012
    Oh this is great!!! I love it so much! I come to this site daily to see if there are any new chapters to this story! I have to say that I am not the most patient but still loving this! I am so curious about how this all plays out with Dumbeldore, Snape, Remus, and Sirius! Are all of them involved? How does Harry's necromancy factor into this? Anyway just want to say keep up the great work!
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  • From StarLightMassacre on August 11, 2012 is Harry the snake or is Nathaniel? I got confused with the leopard and the eye colour was just Nathaniel. So I'm thinking now that Harry is the snake and the purple eyed leopard is our Nathaniel. Ah Wicked and Truth, two gorgeous vampires! I love them both, such good swordsman and protectors.
    Possessive Nathaniel is adorable! It's like seeing a cub roar like a lion! Unexpected and just so cute you have to hug it and coo over it! I feel like that with Nathaniel a lot.
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  • From ANON - kyuubichild717 on August 11, 2012
    Will all of Harry's mates be dominate to him? and just to clear up on my part Nathaniel is the mate for the snake blood, not the were blood. One of the enforcers is also a mate. Is truth a member of the Black family cause the description sounded like Sirius, while wicked sounded like a Malfoy. Asher is not a mate right cause where would that leave Jean-Cluade?

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  • From ANON - 917brat on August 11, 2012
    this is really really good I love it and am really eager for more keep up the brillint work pretty please.
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  • From tbsigma08 on August 11, 2012
    Well kudos on getting me confused. This chapter did not help the situation. But I'm still hooked on the story and will be looking forward to more! Keep updating please!
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  • From ANON - Nicole Valdivia on August 11, 2012
    I love this story so far....I like that everything stayed dormant until later . I can't wait to read more!! Thank you for writing! :)
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  • From Foxfada on August 10, 2012
    I really love it.
    I want to know when you update it please.
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  • From ANON - NickyNakole on August 09, 2012
    I squealed when I saw you updated. Yes thats right...a fangirl squee. You deserve it.
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  • From bloodshound on August 09, 2012
    oh,oh, from his reaction, is nate a mate. Oh, i do hope so. I'd love to see nate all arked up and protective. ^^

    Interesting... most interesting. So, I'm guessing mate two is a puppy? Oh, man, it's going to be a serious free for all when they find out har has 4 mates in the offing. I'm guessing none of them are going to share well. ^^ Unless one mate is a vampire in which case they don't view sex the same way.

    I'm glad har can help Asher, he doesn't deserve his scars.

    I hope sev gets to pop up at some time... after all, he has devoted his future to keeping har alive.
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  • From HeartStar on August 09, 2012
    oh I love this I look forward to the following chapters thank you...
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  • From ANON - nicola on August 09, 2012
    LOVED IT!!! I really cant wait to see where this progresses :D
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  • From tbsigma08 on August 09, 2012
    Well now you just have me even more confused! But a very good confused! Is Shang-Da one of the mates? And we he get a vampire? I really want him to have a vampire. And I agree with you about Nathanial, he's pretty much amazing. Keep up the good work!
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