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Reviews for Blood Cocktail

By : DrackenLady
  • From StarLightMassacre on August 09, 2012
    Oh I love it! This is turning into one of the rare HP/AB crossovers, that would be good ones! Still hoping for Harry's harem of men and can't wait to see some steamy sex scenes and some violent fight scenes! Will there be fight scenes? Well I suppose it's a given with Anita, there are always bad guys in the woodwork when Anita's around!
    Oh! Huge question that I've forgotten to ask before. Is this Mpreg? I want to see Harry swollen with a baby! Even if it has to be right at the end, though of course this fic will be lasting for years yes? It's obvious Nathaniel is a mate now and he wants a baby so badly in the books, you can't deprive him of that.
    Are there any inside bad guys that won't accept this...mateship? Like Gretchen didn't like Anita being with Jean-Claude and tried to kill her for being with him. Is there anyone like that?
    Does Richard see Harry as a son, he seems to be the most protective and I know it said he treated him like a little brother, but does his wolf see him as a son seeing as he's always wanted a child too, he could have pushed those wants onto Harry as he helped raise him didn't he?
    What about Anita and Micah? How do they see Harry? They practically raised him, protected him, kept him away from pack and pard business enough that they wouldn't even let their friends or enforcers see him, that's really protective, so do they see him as a son?
    Anyway, brilliant chapter, brilliant story thus far, keep writing, I'm anticipating the next chapter!

    StarLight Massacre. x

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  • From ANON - yuuka sora on August 09, 2012
    Well one of his mates is nathaneal Jean Claude Asher and someone else maybe shangdie or jamal
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  • From ANON - 917brat on August 08, 2012
    Oh this is really good and for his mate I would guess Nat. for the snake. Um Aher for the veela, Jeanclaude for the vampire and Jamil for the werewolf.
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  • From tbsigma08 on August 08, 2012
    Yay for updates! Still loving the story and I love the idea of Nathaniel being one of his mates. I'm excited to see who else will be joining the mix, I can't even make a good guess because of all the different dudes. Keep up the good work!
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  • From ANON - she-who-waits-in-darkness on August 08, 2012
    I'm kinda glad to see Nathaniel in a dominate someone else.
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  • From StarLightMassacre on August 08, 2012
    One thing that bothered me, Nathaniel has knee length auburn hair, not waist length blonde hair. The mates, I'm thinking Nathaniel, Jean-Claude, Jamil and either Jason or Asher. That's my wish.
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  • From Markhal on August 05, 2012
    Yeah the first indices about his mates! I have several guesses, but I will keep them for myself for now. I liked your idea about the reason why Harry survived it was well done. You kept also our dear Anita in character even if your fic doesn't follow the books. It is just a pity Micah and Richard won't be potential mates for Harry... But I think I can console myself with the others sexy men of Anita Blake's books!

    Thank you for the update
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  • From ANON - chester on August 05, 2012
    I like this a lot. What happens with Voldemort or does all that not play a part in this story?
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  • From tbsigma08 on August 05, 2012
    I really love this story so far!! I'm a big fan of both series and I love how you integrated them. I agree that Anita is overly stressed because of all the guys. Keep up the good work! Keep the updates coming!
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  • From ANON - TheQuiveringQuill on August 05, 2012
    sooo, I'm guessing that Harry will find a mate or two at the party?
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  • From bloodshound on August 05, 2012
    YaY! I can comment. it wouldn't let me yesterday and i dearly wanted too. So, no pad foot or mooney in this one? Or Voldi?
    That's going to make things very different but interestingly so.

    There were some typos but on the whole, this looks to be an extremely fun ride. ^^

    Will he get to meet Nate, cause he's a serious sweety.

    most interesting, i wonder what's brought har to the attention of the local V lord.
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  • From Markhal on August 04, 2012
    Good beginning. I am impatient to read more and know more about which creature is Harry now.

    Thank you very much for your story!
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