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Reviews for Blood Ties

By : christineyoung
  • From ANON - Anon on September 05, 2012
    Wonderful, can we haz another chapter? Pretty pretty please?
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  • From ANON - Lillyput93 on September 05, 2012
    Sooooo awesome!!!! People on ff are assholes. Their just jealous cause your stories are awesome and they couldn't string together two good sentences if their lives depended on it. That's why I dont post to ff. anywho how are Ron and Harry going to react? Ps I would like to request that u do a story where dumbledore is evil and voldermort is good.
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  • From ANON - K. Ly on September 04, 2012
    Sorry this got taken down on Glad to see you will still update here! Update soon!
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  • From ANON - Anon on September 04, 2012
    I fallowed this story on regular fanfiction and I will fallow it on this one! I love the story and I will continue to fallow it tell it is done.
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  • From LadyOfTheNight on September 04, 2012
    Gotta love Fanfiction dot net... :/ It's funny because on the site's TOA it claims that Fanfiction dot net is a passive site... and that we are solely responsible for the content we publish... aka they don't care what we post; they do have rules but that is just to cover their butts from lawsuits.

    I find it hilarious that people are forming groups to clean up the site when the admins are not interested in even trying to do that... lol If the Admins cared they would review every submission before they could be published on the site but let's face it... they don't have the will or man power to do that... The only way admins delete stories is if they get a bunch of reports... sorry that happened to ya, and it sucks that people don't review on this site more frequently... I always look at the hit counter for my validation! lol

    Just know that here on this site people are not such jerks and can appreciate creativity in all forms and I wouldn't hold your breath about them adding MA to the other site... they will never do that :/
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  • From DB1 on September 04, 2012
    @17 interesting chapter. Update soon

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  • From dracoschick007 on September 04, 2012 sucks!!! I can't believe they deleted your story or anyone else's for that matter! If they don't stop they wont have any readers or writers left!! Anyway great chapter! I was wondering how her first feeding was going to go. Another update, please!
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  • From ANON - colao on September 04, 2012
    quite delish, thanks!
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  • From ANON - ambur on August 31, 2012
    So does he actually love her? He's been prettt cruel to her so far. I LOVE your writings and stories, but this one is a bit hard to read.
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  • From ANON - Lillyput93 on August 29, 2012
    I'm liking the story. I have a request for your next one. I'm on a serious fumbledore is evil and voldermort is good kick and since ur so awesome I think u could do something really cool with that kInda Plot since ur so creative. Anywho like except in real life I would have to smack them bOth for bein stupid. Ps ignore the bad typIng I'm reviewing on my iPod cuz my laptop crashed again.
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  • From ANON - Anon on August 26, 2012
    AHHHH evil cliffies... looking forward to tuesday! maybe now that youre updating less frequently you could lengthen the chapters a bit? hint hint ** wink?? eh? ehh? very excited to see what happens!
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  • From AbbyRose on August 25, 2012
    I can't wait for a dramatic revealing of them as a couple to Harry and Ron in the Great Hall or something. Im super excited!
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  • From CafeAuLait on August 25, 2012
    Great build up. I didn't see that coming.
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  • From DB1 on August 24, 2012
    @14 omg please update soon!!! Can't wait to read more!!

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  • From ANON - lillyput93 on August 23, 2012
    30 Chapters? SWEET! Is Draco going to switch sides? That would be awesome.
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