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Reviews for Wondrous Lands and Oceans

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From SParker on October 30, 2012
    about #14...

    Well damn, this chapter should have been called 'The Negotiation'.
    So, was there an understanding reached besides the one between the
    Quartet, since I think they no longer can be called the Trio.

    I see Charlie making an attempt, but will it still be a while, before
    anything is solid? Personally, I think it's time for a chain of command.

    Is that where you are headed? Oh, and we will be able to see that mock
    flight Harry gives Hermione right? :-)

    Besides that, I think you are pacing this nicely.
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  • From bloodshound on October 30, 2012
    i think they might both be a little broken, but it's nothing they can't heal from, together.
    hmmm, a call to arms? well, good grief... as if hurricane doesn't have enough curve balls to throw at them already, bodiless malevolence? what did the mummies do to draw that down on their heads... if they did anything.

    well damn, they're being all human and accepting and stuff. it will be interesting to see how har and draco react on this road trip with the golden trio reformed.
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  • From SParker on October 27, 2012
    #13 con't ...

    To be clear about what I mean about a one shot about the
    two, it just seems like there is a closeness between the two
    already and I just wanted to see the pov from her side.
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  • From undeademopixi on October 27, 2012
    Very nice! I can't wait for the next chapter, I'm dying to know about Bodiless and what they will do with a new enemy! Do you think we'll be meeting any more of Hurricane's human inhabitants in this story? I'm very curious about how all the different groups are holding up! :)
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  • From SParker on October 26, 2012
    about #13...

    1. You know what, I had one of my random thoughts [big shocker] and
    I can't help but think...why not do a one shot on Ginny & her bird?

    The way you speak about them and the vibe I get when I read a paragraph
    or two..I assume in a way is a reflection of you & your little feather
    duster [j/k]. :-)

    I was thinking as the bird gets bigger, what are Ginny' thoughts? Anyway,
    it's a random thought..


    2. Well now, we're starting to get deep into the story with a bit of intrigue
    and slight noir. By the way, how many chapters you got left for this?
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  • From undeademopixi on October 24, 2012
    Just read up to date! My boss threatened to take my phone away, but she's at lunch now! Lol

    So, this is incredible so far. I could read about this world forever! Wonderful attention to detail, and I love the slow subtle progression of the bond. Harry has started reading Draco's thoughts without even thinking about it! Very interested in the ocean, and the possibility of having a child through the wild magic is very intriguing.
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  • From bloodshound on October 23, 2012
    *blinks and tilts head. so, group therapy of a sort? Well, it was effective anyway though it must have been a real kick to har to know if he wasn't about, andy probably would have picked herself up rather than wallowed in grief.

    As to har and dray having kids... well, teddy won't be a kid forever and he might well welcome 'siblings'.
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  • From SParker on October 22, 2012
    about #12...

    I think I want to say more than anything, and I'll probably say
    it often, I can't wait to read how they 'danced'[?] their own
    ritual to create a child. Personally, I think you'll make it a
    wonderful scene.
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  • From SParker on October 16, 2012
    about #11..

    1. Awww, I think the idea of a child of their a good one.
    Once they get things settled between them and establish some type
    of order within the camp. Man, politics..poilitics.

    2. it's good to see Ron & hermione warming up to Draco a tad, maybe they can
    work together a little to form a slight bond, so they can at least see how the other
    is like. That way they can see neither one is trying 'one up the other'.

    3. You know, I'm all for Andromeda leaving. If she can't relent and TRY to meet her nephew
    halfway in trying to get along, then move along I say & stop adding onto the stress Harry is
    already getting, trying to maintain working order in the camp.

    4. Oh and for what it's worth, the emotion was just right in this chapter. The emotion of excitement
    that something new was found and the emotional strain of a longlasting familial relationship that is
    being tested.

    Personally, I say keep to your strength and damn the rest.
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  • From bloodshound on October 16, 2012
    I'm beginning to hate reviewing you 'deep' stories. it means i've actually gotta think rather than just put down my observations.
    for a pair that can read each others minds, draco is still a bit insecure neh? or maybe that's just possesive but he seems to need constant re assurance that he's important to har. On a level with Teddy even.
    I don't agree that full disclosure for those in camp would be the best idea however.
    that sea mimic thing is weird.

    now this chappie i can really sink my review teeth into.
    Draco is acknowledged and even though he doesn't think it, valued and by more than just har. i'm glad that was bought home. Draco needed to know that. i hope the fish is good for the bird. perhaps if they moved to the flower meadow they could hunt fish more easily. Also, yeah, that woulda been smart, taking gin with them or at least getting directions.

    i can feel for andy, really i do, but har is right. She's been hiding in her grief much to long and not really living at all. I mean sure, she had plenty to grieve about and she doesn't have the resilience of the young a person can't hide forever. i think she resents Hurricane because it's hammering that point home. In the WW she could just drift. Here, it's all hands on deck and eyes to the sky. she can't afford to do that anymore and she's homesick. Draco is just an easy target to shift the blame too.

    I look forward to seeing har's plan.
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  • From bloodshound on October 12, 2012
    possessive, isn't he. Still, he knew har came with baggage (though i wouldn't call teddy that). Teddy has an important place in har's life and always will, but when Teddy grows up and no longer needs him as he did, the place he currently shares with Draco will become draco's completely. Draco just needs to be patient. Meanwhile, they have a whole planet to explore and if they did manage to create a child together, he'd have to share har with it too.
    right now the camp needs them, but i don't think that will always be the case. Once it doesn't need them so much and teddy grows to be old enough to care for and defend himself, they can rove where they wish. Just checking in from time to time to see how everything is.
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  • From SParker on October 12, 2012
    about #10...

    I want to say something about Draco & how he has been reacting
    lately. I dont want to say it is possessiveness, but it seems
    deeper in a way, like he knows he & Harry don't belong with the
    others, because they are different.
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  • From moodysavage on October 07, 2012
    You know I haven't started reading this yet. Every time I see you put up a new chapter I just smile. Real life is crazy hectic and it's hard to keep up on my reading. I'm saving your story for one of those days when I get a wallow day when I can lounge around and just do what I want and read till I'm bleary-eyed. I'm saving it as the story I read and know I will love when I get a day to treat myself. Just thought I'd let you know why you haven't heard from me on this :)
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  • From bloodshound on October 07, 2012
    Right, note to har. No more cold, hard har ing. The eggs and the critter sound very interesting, even if the don't prove immediately useful.
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  • From SParker on October 05, 2012
    about #9...

    If you're talking about the emotion of just an individual, then when I
    think about it, yes you don't give the usual descripition of what that person
    is going through at that given time.

    BUT, what I've noticed is that you do bring out emotions in a much bigger picture.
    Instead of just the individual, it is the whole scene. Th scene itself is what puts
    the reader on edge and makes them anticipate what will come next.

    You are very good at that.

    If you want to try for the individual, then do a little at a time.

    Sooo, about the chapter...

    I have a theory! It expands on what the guys were thinking about why a different solution
    wasn't brought up, while dealing with that woman...and what MAY have happened before they
    got there.

    What if...there WAS a group of people on that island that somehow become controlled by some
    unseen force and they wound up attacking & killing each other OR they just simply encountered
    a creature they couldn't fight and their bodies got dragged to the ocean AND the leftovers got
    washed to shore. :-)

    It could of happened.

    Also, in a way, it isn't fair that Harry can't be cold-blooded, but if it was Draco it would be
    alright. It's like certain people with certain personalities can only be a certain way and can't
    move out of the norm.
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