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Reviews for No Obvious Truths

By : Danyealle
  • From ANON - emma elizabeth pressnell on February 15, 2013
    wow i love it !!!!
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  • From Jan on February 11, 2013
    Oh I really like this story, poor Harry has suffer so much already, hope he gets better soon... Though I'm sure it will come with some if not lots of pain too.

    Please update chapter 7 soon ^_^
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  • From HavocTellenoi on February 08, 2013
    Six chapters! It's like a teaser. I want more! This is getting rather good. Can't wait to see what happens next.
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  • From ANON - Layne on February 06, 2013
    LOVE IT....LOVE IT....LOVE IT!! It's like real good cake... I just can't get enough :-) This to so different form all the other HP stories. I can't wait to read the next chapter. My heart went out to Harry and I am truly hooked on this story.
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  • From djaddict on February 06, 2013
    I have really been on tenterhooks waiting for the court case to be over! Really glad there were no problems.

    Hope Harry gets better soon now.

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  • From ANON - Anon on February 05, 2013
    Well, there's that done! Now perhaps poor Harry can finally start getting the healing he needs.

    As ever, your writing is wonderfully compelling, and I really appreciated how you did not gloss over Lucius' past. While I'm not a total slave to redemption arcs, it's equally unbelievable to have everyone just conveniently "forget" Lucius' reputation.

    And now, of course, we wait to see the reaction from Albus Dumbledore... :D
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  • From ANON - ladilyn on February 05, 2013
    I really like this story. I look forward to seeing where you take it Of course, I really enjoy your writing, not just this story but also HP and Breeding Darkness. You write very well and your characters come alive. I really like how you portray Arabella Figg in this story especially.

    I look forward to more updates.
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  • From demonsangel on February 05, 2013
    Great chapter. Glad everyone made an effort to get things done as quickly and smoothly as possible. Can't wait to find out Dumbles reaction to everything.
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  • From ANON - bre95 on February 03, 2013
    aaaawwwwww. This is the first time ive read a fic with Harry sick like this. But from here, he can only get better. Im wonder what Lucius' and Tom's touch with Harry means? Really hoping there is a update in progress. Dont stop writing!! Its really good!
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  • From jujukitty on January 27, 2013
    poor harry, but luc has his lawyer army *giggles madly at the visual that causes* behind him, dumbles isn't going to have a chance in hell of swaying this one later lol. keep up the good work :D
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 26, 2013
    Alright, finally, I have time to read again! And I'm all caught up, too.

    I was absolutely right, and you are exactly the person who can do this story justice. You've managed to move me to tears with Harry's condition, and the notion of Albus as pragmatic and willing to allow Harry to suffer for the "greater good" is so much more realistic given his position in the Wizarding world. One can't be all warm and fuzzy when effectively running things at Hogwarts.

    Severus is just brilliantly, completely Severus, all sharp edges and hidden warmth, and Lucius is compelling. Like so many others, I loathed him in the books, but here he is fleshed out and given wonderful depth. I love the way the Muggle world puzzles and intrigues him, and the Pepsi addiction? Just perfection!

    Honestly, your talent for bringing out the depth in the characters is amazing, and even the smallest of details, like Narcissa worrying that Draco will need to be prepared for how frail Harry is, add so much to the story. It becomes my reality as I'm reading, and that's exactly what I love to have happen when I read.

    And the plot twists! Gods, I adore your devious mind, woman! I'll be waiting to see what comes next, eagerly!
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  • From ANON - yngoldfogee on January 21, 2013
    Another great chapter and I'm looking forward to the custody hearing, especially if Dumbledore turns up. Eagerly awaiting your next chapter.
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  • From ANON - GoddessonmyKnees on January 20, 2013
    Great chapter. I am glad that they have been able to do this without Dumbles getting involved.

    Can't wait for more.
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  • From ANON - Louise on January 20, 2013
    I enjoyed this chapter. It was good to see Harry getting out of the hospital and moving closer to getting healed.
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  • From ANON - Sara on January 19, 2013
    Great chapter, I'm glad that Harry might be getting the help he needs soon :)
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