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Reviews for Corvus

By : LadyFreak
  • From demonsangel on October 09, 2012
    You you forgot about us! *cries* How could you Lady? *sniffles* Then again, you did post the chapter and we have another one on the way...*squees happily* Loved the chapter! That was a fun explanation of magical lines and abilities! Long story short, granger is going to have nothing on corvus XD For her sake and sanity, I hope she becomes his friend lol. Hope you feel better soon hun!
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  • From HeartStar on October 09, 2012
    I hope you feel better hun...
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  • From Jan on October 01, 2012
    Very interesting familiars Corvus has, can't wait for chapter 10 ^_^
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  • From cocobyrd87 on September 28, 2012
    Great chapter! I like where this is going :) A Basilisk is the perfect familiar for Corvus! Update soon :)
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  • From ANON - dominique1 on September 28, 2012
    this is so good i love that you defined his animals anyway i just want corvus happy. but remember one think this is your story write the way you want it i forgot to ask will this be slash
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  • From demonsangel on September 27, 2012
    Yay! Sev borrowing! I feel honored my lady *bows* ...or should I curtsey as I am a girl? NAH. NOW, on to the review! what is the word I am looking for...decent? no. not it either. Love? Ah, yes LOVE! Such a cute chapter, I love it! Corvus is adorable and I would so act as a spoiling aunt if I could. So sweet and polite. And I love his thirst for knowledge. I like that you gave him familures and the ability to speak with them. It seems hinted in the actual stories, but they never dive into it. So sad really. I was a bit confused though as I think at first you said Crow. But the book was Ravens. The confusion comes because they aren't the same thing. I may have read it wrong though as we know I am known to do. Anyways, can't wait to read more! Is Dray (yes, I really did just call him dray) going to have a familure too?

    Miss you! Get on more! ^^
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  • From ANON - dominique1 on September 22, 2012
    so good in happy that cor has family
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  • From ANON - wirra on September 22, 2012
    Some people might say that the "dark characters" like Sev and Bella are a bit mellow, I personally like the humanising you've done. Sev is a little OOC at the beginning (the bit where Corvus says he's a Potter). He took that a bit too well but it fits the story so no complaints (simply an observation). I really do like your writing style. It's smooth and elegant without overdoing it. I would be cautious about the gaps in the action (small time gaps where there is a small explanation then moves on to the next important action). They're excellent so far but as the story moves and more elements are added you'll need to be careful in selecting the bits that give to the story and not take. Or this story will move far too slowly (like reading weekly manga that focuses on one small action and leaves you with nothing- can be very disappointing). Please don't feel like I'm pressuring you for bigger or faster updates. I like reading stories knowing that a good chapter will be added. I think I just dug myself a grave...shovel anyone?
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  • From cocobyrd87 on September 21, 2012
    Yay, they made up! :) I really like this story! I like the different twist to it and it flows nicely. Update soon!!
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  • From ANON - asiacheetah on September 21, 2012
    I like that Corvus is forming a solid family and support group around him. He more than deserve one after such a rough beginning.
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  • From ANON - Shadowwolf03 on September 20, 2012
    I was gone for a few days and when I got back to town the first story I went looking for was yours "Corvus".

    Chapter 7 and 8 continue to build the character interactions of, not just Corvus and Draco, but all the adults whose lives entwine with the two boys.
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  • From demonsangel on September 20, 2012
    Aw, little boys are so cute! I keep forgetting they are just 8 XD Can I steal your sev? I want to just take him home and love him to death ^^ Very sweet chapter. Can't wait for the next one. Amusingly enough, my first security word for this review is "magic" XD
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  • From ANON - dominique1 on September 16, 2012
    i so hope someone tell sev what happen in sev takes a strip from draco's ass in front of corvus i would also like to se bella's husband freed in everyone that hurt corvus destroyed
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  • From ANON - dominique1 on September 16, 2012
    draco needs to be kick in the ass the funny thing is i hope that tom looks at him as heir get tried of tom harry sev harry so on ihope to see viktor krum harry our marcus flint in harry want mpreg. i was worried about reading because if it good in you don't finish it would suck i would also like if rab in swv or together think that would be cool in different i so want the light side to pay for hurting harry
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  • From ANON - dominique1 on September 16, 2012
    love it i want harry with victor krum our marcus flint i hope his richer than the potter plus i hope lily is a heir to founders in harry can disown her want mpreg
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