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Reviews for Unintentional Inveiglement

By : onecelestialbeing
  • From ANON - Missycam on September 21, 2013
    Heartbreaking, that's what it is...
    Thanks anyway ^^
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  • From DarkFlamingPhoenix on September 20, 2013
    Don't worry, I'm crying, too. T_T God, that was heart-wrenching.

    This chapter was very interesting. I can see it veering away from canon a bit, as Snape killing Dumbledore is no longer common knowledge. And yet, with that visit from Severus, you're setting up his distance from the trio for the seventh book. They never do see each other again...

    I will be SO SAD if that holds true. >.>
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  • From ANON - bumblebee on September 16, 2013
    So happy the story is updated. I hope snape comes back to hermione. Feel.better and keep updating
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  • From CryingCinderella on September 15, 2013
    Oh cried writing it...well...we won't even begin to talk about the tears that those of us reading shed. How on earth can he say that it is the last time he'll see her? And what a right bastard indeed! Yes, we should all be very grateful that he risked his life in leaving spinner's end to come and say goodbye to his mussed-haired girl, but he couldn't hold her a moment longer? He couldn't have at least come and tucked her into her bed? For shame indeed! Poor Hermione, if she wasn't beside herself before...though at least you kept his characterization to the letter of consistency. Once again she nearly burst out with those three little words and once again- because he knows he can't admit that not only does he know that she truly does but he might also love her too- he's kept her from saying them. Oh my...I was quite angry at the close of this chapter- but I'll settle down. Eventually. I must say that I really enjoyed your characterization of her father! Everyone chooses to latch onto the mother and make her the go-to parent. It does seem much more fitting that she's a bit of a daddy's girl. So having him be as he is, and witty with his banter with Mrs. Granger is truly a treat! I do hope that our scruffy little ball of orange fuzz is off being wonderful somewhere, perhaps laying low with a spider or has found his way to Spinner's End...perhaps the Headmaster's chambers once Severus returns to Hogwarts...and not that dreadful unthinkable other thing that you mentioned. I do hope that Severus is wrong. Of course we know it isn't the last time that she sees him- though it may be the last time she gets to kiss him until after- well- let's not thing about that either. At any rate, hope the doctor is able to prescribe you something good! Cannot wait for the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - serasvictoria666 on September 15, 2013
    i cried a little too. so sad!
    cannot wait for the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - lemonade on September 14, 2013
    Oh no!!! It's sort of romantic that he wanted to see her one last time and that he knows she loves him. I know, I know he stopped her from saying it, but that's only because he already knows deep down. *sniff* I think he needed to see that.
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  • From StarFire on September 14, 2013
    Good God Woman.... Rip my heart out and claim it why don't you! Can't wait for more, I hope wristy gets better soon! Thank you for this wonderful story! Lots of Love.
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  • From ANON - Grace on September 14, 2013
    I've just read all of this in one go... Wow, you're a very good author. Sorry to hear about wristy, I hope it gets sorted. Please update soon!
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  • From ANON - Nightqueen on September 13, 2013
    OMG my heart just broke for both of them. They love each other and I swear they both know it too! Goodbye sucks especially since neither one truly wanted to say it. Severus thinks he's protecting her and she just wants to be with him. Together they could be truly formidable, apart I think they will become more of a distraction. I've told you before this is one of my favorite stories!!! I hope every thing works out with your wrist. I'm sending lots f well wishes and good thoughts to you!!!
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  • From ANON - Poopiehead on September 09, 2013
    This story is unbelievably good! Seriously, I just love reading it--everything seems so thought out and well-written, and the characters' feelings and thoughts are practically tangible. I can't wait to read more, you are a very, very talented writer!
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  • From CryingCinderella on September 01, 2013
    I'll say this my dear, you do have a way of mastering their characterizations. Snape's breakdown was touching. It's really deep and moving, something he would indeed be mortified by should anyone ever know of it. Thank you for this brief indulgence. You've wholly managed to really capture their essences respectively. Though I do hope there are some brighter times ahead for them. Of course, it's going to get darker before it gets lighter, I imagine. Hope your wrist feels better!
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  • From ANON - lemonade on September 01, 2013
    Poor them! It's a bad situation for everyone. Damn Dumbledore. I wonder if she'll have the nerve to owl or patronus him. It might be tricky to patronus him, because she never knows when he'll be with the dark lord.
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  • From ANON - Missycam on September 01, 2013
    My heart is breaking for the both of them
    Thank you for the chapter anyway
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  • From ANON - serasvictoria666 on September 01, 2013
    WOW! that was amazing. first HP fic ive read and I love it! especially the pairing.
    definitely looking forward to reading more of this fic and your other stories. :)
    and i hope your wrist is feeling better.
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  • From LexiBee on August 29, 2013
    Oh my god. Oh. My god. I love your story so much... I can't words. *falls over* Seriously, I just spent the last couple days reading everything you have so far from the beginning and I'm obsessed. I thought having 42 Chapters to catch up on would keep me occupied enough until your next update but I just couldn't bear to pace myself, I had to gobble it all up at once! I can't wait to see where you go with the story now that shit has hit the fan. Best fic EVAR! For real, you really do these characters justice.
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