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Reviews for Unintentional Inveiglement

By : onecelestialbeing
  • From ANON - kkkk on July 23, 2013
    Please don't kill him, please don't kill him, please don't kill him. That is all.
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  • From CryingCinderella on July 22, 2013
    The precious retreat into Severus's mind- his mother, his past- it's brilliant. I had meant to mention your characterization and craft of Eileen earlier- but forgot. So I'm glad we briefly revisited her here. I cannot help but wonder what Hermione would think if indeed she did know that he had crafted those spells, it's bound to come out eventually- because I believe he shouts at Potter when the twit is chasing him- that he is the half-blood prince. Poor Hermione. And on top of that you didn't give us any of that delicious delicious smut that you usually do...ah well. They did get close, but Merlin only knows what's lurking and creeping about. With Harry away with Dumbledore- we didn't really know what was going on back at the castle. Of course this begs the question- the end is approaching- yes? Which reminds me- while I was *patiently* awaiting this update- I went back to reread a few of my favorite chapters- #10 being one of them because of that delicious shower scene- and while I know I had previously commented on the little quirk where he said he knew exactly what she wanted but was curious to see how long she would take to ask for it or at the least take it- I had also wanted to fist-bump you over the brilliance of his line about it being a thinly veiled attempt to see if he would flee from water and soap. That was comical genius. But back to this chapter- the 40th- letting us see him unraveling all the more makes our hearts bleed for him. Especially when we know what's coming. I just hope Hermione's heart doesn't break apart in the process. They really have fallen in love with each other and care a great deal for one another and you've done a brilliant job of having that happen slowly and steadily over time, unlike some of these stories where they have a one night romp in bed and BAM it's I love you and let's be together forever, mushy mushy gag gag. You've brought it about in such a natural and organic manner that we can't help but cringe when we think of what's coming. You're going to wedge them apart and it's going to be an agonizing hell. Can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From Mrs_HH on July 22, 2013
    Noooooooooooooooooooooooo forboding flailing feels nooooooooooooooooooo

    And that is my review.

    But it's so good. Loved the backstory stuff and the kiss goodbye...understated but more poignant than a poignant thing in a poignant competition.
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  • From ANON - Nightqueen on July 12, 2013
    Good you ask? It's always good. This is one of my all time favorite fics I can't get enough! I hope your wrist is recovering well and that you're not in a lot of pain. This relationship you've built and continue to build between Severus and Hermione is amazing. Watching them both slowly discovering thoughts and feeling for and about one another is beautiful to behold. I know many unpleasant experiences await my most favorite couple but I have complete faith that no mater what the relationship between them is only going to grow stronger! You're a beautiful writer with a ton of talent! I can't wait for the next chapter!
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  • From CryingCinderella on July 12, 2013
    I must also add- as if I haven't added enough- that there had better be some more nookie before 'the deed.' I can wait for the perfect build that you've spent 39 chapters thus far crafting for them to their "I love yous" on...that's all well and fine, the mushy sentimental heart-string tugging bits can wait; and I think organically they need a bit more time to ruminate and breathe anyhow. But there needs to be more heat, at least once more- so that she isn't totally bereft and so long forgotten when the shit hits the fan...oh poor poor Hermione!
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  • From CryingCinderella on July 11, 2013
    WHICH REMINDS ME-- I meant to talk about this last night- but completely forgot. When I initially came back to this story- having been so many moons ago since I'd followed it- I skimmed up trying to remember where I'd left off and just gave up and read the whole thing over from start to finish. There was a bit early on- back when they were still at Grimmauld Place (two bits now that I think about it) that were just sheer comic brilliance. When Severus referred to Harry & Ron as Frick and Frack- I think it was when she was having her sobbing fit in the hallway and he said something about praying to Merlin that Frick and Frack hadn't heard her- I thought you ought to know that I used to refer to paired idiots as Wingus & Dingus, but ever since rereading that bit I've been referring to them around the office as Frick & Frack. And at home. And everyone is like "WTF?" And I just laugh and say "Severus..." and they look at me with a peculiar worried look about their face. The other thing from their oh so humble beginnings way back when was that cheeky little tart of a line in the shower!! The whole "I know exactly what you want I'm just waiting for you to say it." That was the first serious outburst of uncontrollable giggling madness when I was reading yesterday that sent two of my fellow workers in a tizzy over my sanity. Naturally I was using this as a procrastinatory approach to actual work. But my god- that shower scene overall, like all of your delicious smutty scenes- so well crafted and so intricately detailed to the highest height of smutty goodness- it's impossible not to get all hot and bothered when reading them. Naturally you deserve a Woody Award- though I do think they're only for porn films, though this is a damn close replica. Mmm. Smutty goodness. That is all.
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  • From CryingCinderella on July 11, 2013
    Ok- had another little brief break from my long standing day of work. So- your cheeky little attempt to bring her to him on the three major holidays that no lovers miss- Xmas, b'days, and v-day...very clever. Even if she did do it in such a way that it downplayed them both, I was impressed with their ability to share these very special days together, even if he may not realize it. And- the little comment he made somewhere between chapters 20 and 39 about her going off and settling down with a brood of swotty little fuzz-headed brats...does this mean he's hoping that they will someday have children? Even if it is just his subconscious speaking? It intrigues me the way these little things slip so subtly from his mind that even he doesn't notice them. Of course, him finally admitting that he never wants her to leave- and that he always wants her...that's just heart melting, even if it is done in his own standoffish very Snapeish way. Of course we wouldn't have it any other way. That was all, for the moment. Cheers!
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  • From CryingCinderella on July 11, 2013
    Ok- now that I've at least pumped myself full of coffee and have gotten through one half of the day...I can more properly add back in things to that rambling review that I left at ass'oclock this morning. The thing that I had definitely meant to mention (which I added to the FB commentary) was the hair. Her Princess Merida Hair. The way it keeps coming into play, it has literally become a character of its own, and I love it. Generally I have a love-hate relationship with her tangled mass of hair, as in I love to hate it. Poor Hermione's hair almost always get the chop in my stories because it's such a mess- a la Emma Watson when she went drastic- but you've made her hair so loveable, and such an intricate part of his love of's impressive. You've woven it- no pun intended- into the story in such a fashion that really makes it an absolute part of the story; the way he wakes with it smothering his face, the way it defines her in a way to him, even going so far to refer to her as his mussed-haired girl. (which by the way I know I mentioned earlier that i love the way he finally staked his claim to her) I was practically sobbing when she lost a chunk of it in that potions explosion because all I could think was "poor Severus!" And then thank goodness for that freckled friend of hers reminding her that a simple growing charm is an option. Between her hair and her cat...I just cannot commend you enough for the incredible way that you characterize these additional characters- the hair, the cat. And then of course your inherent ability to channel Snape to the hilt, even in his throes of sheer ecstasy. Ok- enough of me rambling. I need to get back to work! More please!
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  • From CryingCinderella on July 11, 2013
    Well...he's getting less and less concerned about getting caught- which means we're rapidly approaching 'the deed.' I loved that tender heartstring-tugging moment when he rested his head against the back of her head and held her tight. Because he knows in a matter of days? weeks? I can't remember how far apart we are in the cannon timeline- that he will commit what in her and everyone else's eyes will be the ultimate betrayal and all of the wonder and ease she's brought into his life will simply fall away. That he will lose her and that's that. Of course he won't let her admit aloud that she loves him; aside from the fact that it'll be too bloody hard for him to cope once she learns that he's killed Dumbledore, he's still deeply in that hole of self-doubt of actually deserving love. You're doing this so well- which is why I withdraw my original complaint of backing away from the story. Because nobody that expects to live after leading us on for 39 chapters will have this end any way but well for the two of them. :-) I mean, I fully expect a good rousing bout of heartache and suffering and 11 seasons worth of what it took Mac & Harm to get together (not that shoddy 5-season fake happy of Mer-Der) before they get their good ending together- hell there might even be some almost death involved. But you won't be as cruel as Rowling was when she stole him from us- not now that you've so beautiful crafted someone who can requite a love that he never knew himself capable of having let alone receiving? (I may actually have crossed the line into insanity after not sleeping all this while- but I had to put that out there.) More updates. Yesterday. :-p Which I know being nearly a week out on mine I've no right to demand, but again with the clicking continually of the "next chapter" button- I'm sort of at a loss here...that astronomy tower moment was so beautiful; desperately beautiful. And again with Crooks- just spot on. ~wraps arms around self and cries~ She's never going to survive this, Merlin please give her the strength to survive this.
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  • From CryingCinderella on July 11, 2013
    Bugger. Bugger. Bugger. Ugh- you've kept me reading for a bloody solid 24 hours straight, woman! ~collapses~ I had stopped following this story ages ago- but my goodness...I don't even know where to start- my eyes are too sleepy and I'm going to cuddle up to my Severus before I nod off entirely- but I will say this- I love how Crookshanks has worked his way into this. Your personification of the cat and his meddling, are brilliant. Your crafted love scenes, are so laden with lust that by god it's a wonder the screen doesn't erupt into hot sexy flames. You certainly know how to get the most pleasure for your punches. I can't hope to be greedy and expect an update before next week, I'm sure- but I do hope that wherever he's off to, he will come back for the moment unscathed. We all know what's coming and I only hope that she can see beyond that. He loves her, even if he can't admit it yet. And she loves him, even if she won't admit it yet. You've done a brilliant job of making this palpable and believable and wonderful to be along for the ride. But after that reading marathon I must admit I'm sour at not having more to currently read. I was so used to clicking the next chapter button that now I'm sort of at a loss. Had I not been so engrossed in the story I may have taken time to comment and review after each chapter- but it basically would have resulted in the same thing- amazingly detailed hot hot smut, and your characterizations, particularly of Severus are dashingly accurate and extremely consistent. Though I must say- sex in the hospital wing? Those poor depraved beds, if walls could talk. And I love how you've kept the all-knowing Dumbledore oblivious! All too often stories get ruined with his meddlesome twinkle. Hermione and Severus have done a damn good job at keeping their relationship well hidden- if a bit foolishly risking things at times, and there's no need for him to suddenly just know what's going on when he's busy being a right arse and asking Severus to kill him. I do love their little internal thought tracks and the way he is so ruled by what happens to him and the internal conflict it brings him. The way we never truly break deep into his inner psyche but see little bits of his resolve slowly crumbling when he's around her. It's going to devastate her- I mean absolutely DEVASTATE her if he doesn't crack and give her some inkling of what's about to happen. Because when she learns that he's killed Dumbledore, she might just jump off the Astronomy Tower herself. Heaven forbid. I can't type anymore, my fingers are sore. I found you on facebook- I think. Yay for facebook. When I'm more coherent, I'll go back and revisit this for chapter-a-chapter reviews...I think. The characterization of him since the beginning has just been stunning. And the whole inclusion of the cat- brilliant. I think I said that already, Crooks being so brilliantly laced in- from the moment he had her tearing out of Gryffindor tower, I knew...well knew that he was up to something, the little half-breed. And indeed, despite being easily distracted by spiders and catnip, I love how he knows how to get what he wants-- OH! Which reminds me- sitting in Severus' lap and Severus said "...Shouldn't you be off looking after my mussed-haired girl?" I gave a shriek of delight- which woke hubby from the bed. I'd been giggling and nattering my head off for a good while before that and he kept slapping at me and telling me to go to bed (5:30am here now and I've been reading since yesterday early afternoon) and then when he finally called her his- I lost it. He woke up full on and slammed my laptop lid down and said "I don't care if he's just bloody proposed to the bushy-haired swot- he's interrupting my sleep! you're done!" I laughed incredibly hard. And then I sneaked my laptop out into the study and have been sitting here finishing up reading ever since. And I just realized that I thought it stopped at 37 but there's too more chapters!! FU...husband is up and making coffee and glaring at me. I've got 8 billion things to do today too. But this story is just so well written and damn addictive. I just- the characterization (also- I'm at the sleepless point of delirium because I've been up reading this story nonstop- which my boss is going to have a coronary over when I tell him I didn't get things finished last night because Snape and Hermione were getting it on in the hospital wing...) AT ANY I must go read the last two chapters you have before collapsing into my coffee cup and shuffling off to work! More review-reviewy later. Thanks so much!
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  • From ANON - Missycam on July 10, 2013
    I really, really, really love this chapter!
    Thank you
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  • From boohoo858 on June 20, 2013
    First review I've ever wrote but you deserve it! This fanfic is one of THE best I've ever read, I can't wait for more!!!!:)
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  • From ANON - Aranel on June 18, 2013
    Kinda scared that you'll kill snape in the end, which would really ruin my day. Don't know how they could live happily ever after but him pumped full of snake venom isn't looking like something I wanna see again. Great cliffie, I think voldie is in a mood and snape might come back in bad shape. Can't wait for the next chapter!
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  • From ANON - Missycam on June 17, 2013
    Oh how I love Crooks! ;-P
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  • From ANON - T on June 16, 2013
    I love this story. You capture the characters so well and have so much depth that everything is believable. Sorry you had a rough week. It doesnt how in your writing.
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