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Reviews for Unintentional Inveiglement

By : onecelestialbeing
  • From Bkd on June 16, 2013
    I've been checking for updates and was so bloody happy there was another! This was the first Snape/Hermione Fic I read and I suppose I've grown quite attached.

    I'm going to be brutally honest, because I know I appreciate it when people don't sugar coat their reviews of my Fic.

    I appreciate the depth you've given to your story. There's a lot more to it than raunchy sex and Snape's feelings have developed in such a believable way. He didn't just immediately fall in love with Hermione in the first chapter, which happens in a lot of other fics. I don't think he fully loved her even after they first got it on, either. It's great that you've fleshed his feelings out a bit more in the last few chapters, now he openly admits to himself that he cares about Hermione the most, calling her 'my girl' to Crookshanks was a nice little touch. Hermione is almost the exact opposite which I like. I mean, obviously she didn't immediately fall in love with him but she's at least a bit more open about her feelings towards Snape. She's not quite so young in your Fic, in how she reacts to Snape and his actions, which again works incredibly well.

    Anyway, I'm trying to say you're characterisation of the characters given their situation is pretty spot-on.

    Sometimes the story seems to drag on for a bit. There's whole heaps of chapters where the characters mull over things, their feelings towards certain things - and at times it's all a bit repetitive. I gloss over those moments, mostly because they're a bit messy and go on for a fair bit (like this review haha).

    This chapter was awesome purely because of how you ended it. Snape and Hermione have been at it for 37 chapters now and not once have they been close to getting caught and it just livened things up a bit. I mean, you had Hermione getting hit with that curse by Draco but I think there could've been a lot more drama surrounding the whole thing. In saying that I like that you avoid drama as far as Snape and Hermione's actual relationship is concerned - they don't get jealous and they don't fight and it makes their relationship seem a whole lot more mature, which is brilliant.

    But yeah... it would be nice if you had more I dunno... action or something so your story has a bit more rise and fall.

    I tried to be constructive, not destructive because I really do like your Fic.

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  • From demonsangel on June 15, 2013
    Great chapter and honestly, not the worst cliffie I have run into. *puts a bat away* So I won't be needing that this time XD
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  • From AmaryllisLight on May 25, 2013
    *fans self* Woo! Looks like things are getting deep for this couple! Ok, to start, I am in complete LOVE with this pairing. It's my OTP for the Potterverse, and this fic has firmly cemented the pairing even deeper into my preferences. I also really like how you are progressing the relationship between them slowly and naturally. It's so believable I find myself actually jealous of Hermione. I am disappointed though, that there is NO FOLLOW BUTTON on this site. I so desperately want to read what comes next. Could I possibly trouble you to send me an email when you update? I would greatly appreciate it. Um, I don't know if it puts the email at the top, so it's Anyone other than the author who reads this, you message me, YOU DIE.
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  • From ANON - J.M. on May 23, 2013
    Whew! I came by after a few weeks hiatus and found not one, but TWO new chapters! Needless to say I was over the moon :) Keep up the awesome work.
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  • From ANON - Missycam on May 22, 2013
    Love it! As always ^^
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  • From ANON - Missycam on May 15, 2013
    Fuck! Fuck!! Fuck!!! Poor Hermione!
    Update soon please ;-)
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  • From ANON - vee on May 10, 2013
    You're my favorite author for sure... I've read several of your finished stories not realizing until just now they were all by the same person. I'm so excited only a couple of chapters into this that you have a story you're currently writing and updating. Please continue! :)
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  • From ANON - Nicole on May 05, 2013
    Can't wait to read more! I LOVE the way you have portrayed the characters!! Please continue!
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  • From ANON - CrimsonFoxx on April 30, 2013
    Omg, you're killing me here!! Thank you for the update. We've missed you snort to hear about your wrist. Hope it gets better soon. Can't wait for more!!
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  • From ANON - Cat on April 30, 2013
    I love this, though I hate that its a cliffhanger. I hope you heal well and that things can get better after they figure out why you're not healing right to begin with. Post soon!
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  • From ANON - Missycam on April 29, 2013
    What's next now?! ;-P

    Thank you!
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  • From Bkd on April 29, 2013
    Oh bloody hell. I was HONESTLY going to post a review, ranting on about how much I missed this story, begging you to update soon and hello! You've updated!
    It's a giant, crazy coincidence but I'm so bloody happy!
    I liked this chapter. Well, I liked the cliffie - everyone loves to hate a cliffie. Especially ones like that. It was filled with drama and action and the end was so... I dunno. Gasp-worthy. I'm glad Hermione got hit with a curse - as horrible as that sounds. It feels like her being attacked will force Snape to confront his feelings for her - in a more emotional way. I love that. I've been waiting for some fleshy romance from them for a while.
    I'll be honest - at first I sort of wished you had played up Snape's jealousy in previous chapters, but it works so much better the way you've written it. I dunno, there's an honesty in Snape/Hermione's "relationship". I mean, there's no games and they get each other. I like it.
    I sort of gloss over the bits where Hermione goes about her everyday life with Ginny and Harry. I guess I'm not into the story for those parts even though I know they're important for the Fic.
    The internal contemplation/reflection drags sometimes - dont hate me! Just telling you what I think.
    I got into this for the smut - because why else would I be on adultfanfic - but I love it for the story.
    I really like this story - cant wait for the next chapter. Keep up the good work :)
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  • From ANON - gena on April 21, 2013
    Nice ending with their clothes on ^_^ please update soon and wish you will soon feel better. Love love love you!
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  • From ANON - Sarah on April 20, 2013
    I love reading this story and I love how committed you are to your stories but, darnit girl, get a little mp3 recorder and record all your ideas until your wrist is well enough to operate again. It needs rest. Or get a friend to transpose for you a bit to let it rest. We'll still be here when you come back, I promise.
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  • From ANON - Mephalrith on April 15, 2013
    Gah! Every couple of days I can't help but check for a new update and complain that you don't write this wonderful story faster! And then feel bad...
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