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Reviews for The House That Lovers Built

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From ANON - delia cerrano on December 03, 2012
    I could just kick Harry but I Kind of also understand where he is coming from. Draco is more secure in his emotions. Harry
    because of his upbringing (no parents, the Dursleys, etc) is less sure of emotions & more dependent on his friends. I've always thought he gave way too much importance to his friends to the point that he seems to allow them to control his activities & way he looks at things. I think that's` what Draco is afraid of - that his friends control him & won't let Draco into their golden circle - and GAY? are you nuts! He can't be gay. They won't let him. After all he's to be with Ginny or Cho orrr?? I hate when there is a lot of angst but little to no happy to offset it. You didn't ask but I'm just saying.
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  • From bloodshound on November 28, 2012
    i can understand where he's coming from. in that sort of hothouse situation, it's really hard to pick what's real and whats exaggerated by the situation... especially as the house is quite literally doing all it can to push those feelings.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on November 27, 2012
    Good to see another chapter, especially a sexy one that goes into what they are thinking. It really will be interesting to see how they relate to each other when they get out. I imagine at first Harry will run. Hope they're smarter but I'm thinking he will ugly comments or more likely let Granger & Ron make hurtful remarks. Then he will start to think & feel & realize what he thinks & feels and go looking for him. Draco will just be very quiet & take whatever then leave making Harry feel like a heel(I hope). Hope he makes Harry work for it when he comes around all "sorry they didn't mean it & I should have stopped them & stuck up for us". But what do I know? I just love Harry & Draco so much.
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  • From makochan0217 on November 26, 2012
    It's been a minute since I've found time to stalk one of your stories, but I must say that I found the right one. A house that is forcing Harry and Draco to be lovers. Yum-my. I do love how Draco can sense what the house wants more than Harry does, but I can understand Harry's reluctance to admit that it could last outside of the house. Especially since Harry and Draco haven't exactly been friends before now. I loved the scene in the pool where they had to call each other by their personal names. It's so much better when you're having sex with someone to call them by their first name instead of the family name. I wait for the new chapter with baited breath. Oh, and kudos to Harry for not telling Hermione about the blood magic. She *would* try to lecture instead of seeing it as useful and expedient.
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  • From wherdatcomfrom on November 22, 2012
    I love the fact that you aren't letting them get away with just using physical actions coax their way out. If the house let them out this easily, it would look as if Draco wasn't the great potions master he claims to be. I also hope his other potion isn't a complete failure, but doesn't quite solve their problem.
    Great story, as always. I bow to you.

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  • From SParker on November 20, 2012
    about #8...

    1. Whuuuu??!!?? Did she get down & dirty in this chapter???
    Is it possible you've found your groove again or decided the hell with it.

    2. When I said singing, not with bands, I meant just your typical
    'oh-my-god-is-he-serenading-him?' type of singing. Never seen it
    done before.
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  • From bloodshound on November 20, 2012
    i'm interested to see where and when the love in the story name kicks in. atm it's the house that a misused potion built that's forcing the occupants to get physical. Har's body might be getting into the swing but the rest of him is yeah... get me outta here, asap. faster if you can manage it pls. neh, wouldn't normal lovers have blow ups and rows? it penalizes har for not paying attention to his house mate, how does it deal with a real blow up, rather than discomfitedly ignoring each other.
    drat, i had something else i wanted to ask but i got stung on the face by a bee that blew in the bus window and am a bit feverish... and it's gone. oh well, hopefully i'll remember later. >>
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on November 19, 2012
    Such a sexy scene! Good job. Seems to me though that Harry feels he is being dragged into a relationship, temporary or not, & is already figuring he's going to split from Draco asap when the house turns them loose. Draco is going to be so hurt though I think he has a hunch from the way Harry acts that Harry's heart isn't in it. Harry is being so dumb not to at least see where it could go.
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  • From ANON - NeuroticNeko on November 06, 2012
    Nice... Update soon. Draco and Harry are so cute around each other
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  • From bloodshound on November 05, 2012
    is it just me or is draco really taking advantage here. it's like he knows he can blame pretty much anything in the way of intimacy inducement on the houses requirements so he's really pushing the opportunity to get close to and have a piece or several of har. Only har's not just content to go along with it. he'll do what he must but i don't think decadence... which is what the house seems to be pushing, with his intimacy is up har's alley. Draco seems to be almost reveling in it.
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  • From ANON - sp777 on November 05, 2012
    #7...Awww, I thoughtfrom the title that Harry or Draco was going to serenade the other and I thought 'Finally! Someone is doing a story were singing is included.' I've always wanted to read a story like that. But oh well it wasn't meant to be. Still I like reading on slow process it's taking for the both of them, though I suspect Draco is almost there.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on November 05, 2012
    Harry just won't give Draco a break & give him the benefit of the doubt! Maybe they could really come to care for each other if they second guessing each other (mostly Harry) & assuming bad intentions (again seems like mostly Harry).
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  • From ANON - bitemeslowly on November 01, 2012
    Wow! I love this story! You are doing an excellent job and I can't wait to read more! I knew it would be amazing when I seen it was yours. When me n my friend decided to read this she says "But it is only 6 chapters." To which I replied "Yea but I bet it will be the best damn 6 chapters you've ever read" And we both agree. I love how you write these two interacting make it funny, hot, loveable, and just everything I could ever want from a story all wrapped into one. I've never been excited for a Monday..ever! But I am now! lol
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  • From bloodshound on October 30, 2012
    the house is really getting more blatant about things huh. is that cause malfoy and har aren't co operating as well as it wants them too?

    took him a while to let go and go with the flow... which doesn't mean har doesn't want outtie asap. then angain, is it me or did that happen rather quickly all things considered... maybe it's like a desert island effect and with the house effectively throwing them at each other, even har could only hold out so long.
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  • From SParker on October 29, 2012
    about #6.. know when Draco lifted that fork, I was like, 'Just
    go for it Harry!', then I thought Harry would have hexed my ass
    for saying it. :-)

    Then Harry goes and 'sucks' the joy out of a good time. *shakes head*
    Could he be more of a killjoy?

    All in all, finally some action!
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