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Reviews for No Outlet for Anger

By : wherdatcomfrom
  • From ANON - delia cerrano on January 27, 2015
    Re-read some and just read the rest. Fine story, going along well. Always like powerful Harry!! Still don't like Ginny but alright I'll go along with how your handling her (as if I had a choice) but please control Molly...another one I don't like (usually loud & mean/selfish). Love the mystery person Harry is trying to cure or get healthier! I hope it is Severus...that would be so terrific. I'm ready for you to get rid of Astoria (too bad because she didn't do anything) and Ginny (yea!)and bring Draco and Harry together and those mischievius two, Albus and Scorpius. P.S. I did't and still don't like Albus either...not at all!!
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  • From Kain on January 26, 2015
    I am more than appeased. Glad your not going the route of "evil Ginny who everyone including her children hates". In most Drarry's that is the cop out most writers go for to make there pairing work. She fucked up here but hopefully things to end too badly and she realizes that holding on too her hate for former enemies isn't going to get her anywhere or help anyone.

    Hmm so a conspiracy eh? People not just looking for payback but also to get more money and possessions. This story has a very interesting premise. A real grey/grey morality feel to it. It's a given that people would feel so much resentment after the war and try to get back at the pure blood families they feel deserve it but too take it this far won't help anyone. Just going to create more venom for themselves and the people the new laws effect and make the 'heroes' no better than the old regime they put down. Harry in this fic has that quality of forgiveness that many others with his past and in his position wouldn't have.

    I take it that part about blood spells helping to preserve a line was a bit of foreshadowing?

    I am usually very anti-Slytherin/Malfoy/pure-blood but you actually have me feeling somewhat sorry for them here, kudos.

    Excellent update.

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  • From JezeBelDK on January 24, 2015
    Just found this story and I really like it! The hatred of the pure-blooded and consequent laws leaves a community unable to forgive and forget - not a healthy society. One small thing: in chapter 7 you mention Narcissa's husband... but in the first chapter we're told that he was kissed?
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  • From Kain on January 23, 2015
    Been a while, glad to see an update. A little sad that your going the 'Ginny cheats" road but I suppose there would have to be a reason for them to call it quits and open the way to future Drarry.

    -waits patiently for the next chapter.
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  • From thrnbrooke on July 10, 2013
    I found your story again!!! It's still a great read! I sooo wanted more.
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  • From ANON - Anon on May 21, 2013
    I am really enjoying this story and am interested in seeing where you are going to take it. I think examining the reaction of the 'winners' of the war to the 'losers' is a theme that has not been explored enough. To be magnanimous in victory is not easy and takes strong leaders to achieve especially after what is in effect a civil war.
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  • From kadajclone on May 20, 2013
    Welcome back, and another riveting chapter
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on May 20, 2013
    This is so sad!! And I don't see how it can be fixed with the way the laws are and no one seems to want to use their common sense. I bet there will be some serious angst coming up. I hope there is some hope and comfort for the children if not the grown ups. Sorry but just can't like Ron & Ginny. Yes I know she is a product of her suroundings BUT she has a brain and decision making ability! Same with Ron.
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  • From kadajclone on October 27, 2012
    Ain't gonna lie, almost got some man tears going at the part with Lily and the budding friendship between Albus and Scorpius is sweet. Both are so innocent and have no idea as to why certain things have happened and it sucks that the new generation has to pay for the actions of the adults.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on October 27, 2012
    I'm sort of feeling my way here as I'm one of those who really don't like Ginny and want Harry & Draco to be together. I know I read too many stories etc but that's how it is. I'm trying to just go with your story & be open minded...really hard. Like the boys very much but still having a hard time with their mothers. I know. I know. Scorpius' mother hasn't even done anything bad yet. I said I was trying..I'm just not there yet.
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  • From nekluvshp on October 01, 2012
    This is such a fascinating idea!!! I can't wait to see what happens next and hope you update soon and often!!!
    As far as the whole "Ginny being the bad guy" issue, I don't see a problem with it. SOMEONE has to be the bad guy. I have a set of one-shots where Ginny's a bitch about Harry and Draco being together. In another, much longer story, she's perfectly fine with it and even comments that it made sense why Harry never picked up on her advances. It all depends on what you need for the story and Ginny being the way she is makes complete sense for this one.

    However, one thing I do agree with Janna on, is that I find it unlikely that Harry and Ginny would've actually ended up together. I have an entire argument for this, but I really don't feel like typing it all up at this moment. Whether anyone agrees with me or not, doesn't matter in the least.
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on September 30, 2012
    Soooo can't wait to see where you take this!!!
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  • From kadajclone on September 30, 2012
    Jesus Christ, Ginny barely had a role beyond a few comments and already one rabid harry/draco shipper has bashed the fuck out of her in the reviews lol. While i don't condone Ginny's comments or the laws that have been placed in this fic as it makes the 'light' seem like hypocrites, some people have got to understand that the Malfoy's.....Draco included were no saints and war leaves scars and people hold on to grudges and while Ginny's comments make her come off as a hyper bitch, it doesn't make her a terrible human being because if the shoe was on the other foot and the good guys rolled snake eyes, you can bet that if the laws were for halfbloods, muggleborns and blood traitors that Draco would very well be saying similar things and being a fan of his doesn't mean you can overlook the fact that throughout most of canon he was an absolute shit, a very attractive shit, but a shit nonetheless. And as far as Ginny being a 'stalker' goes....beyond that indecent with the card in the second book which was made when she was still very young and had a bad case of hero worship/crush she spent the majority of the book being screwed with by Tom Riddles diary. In later books she didn't do anything that could be considered stalking and even moved on for a bit and dated other know, like a REGULAR teenager and dating 2 or 3 guys over a period of time does not make someone a whore and it was Harry who planted one on her and thus made them official in the sixth book. And please offer some evidence on to the whole 'obsession' harry had for draco. This so called obsession took place during a year where harry KNEW malfoy was up to something and noone would believe him. Obsession does not always equal love/passion/lust w/e it could also just be an intense curiosity and need to prove that he is right rather than let malfoy get away with whatever he was planning. And Janna, i am honestly not trying to knock you as i also see the appeal in Harry/Draco pairings but Ginny is nowhere near as bad as fanon makes her out to be and is shown several times to be a pretty decent person and the paring between Harry and Draco could work for some people without having to butcher her character.

    Whew..... ok now on to my real review. This is an intriguing start Anna and i am interested in seeing where this goes. The law is totally fucked up and I feel Azkaban for the guilty parties would have been enough since not all pure bloods were prejudiced and i am sure that there are many that chose to stay neutral for their family's. The good guys and the ones who were once persecuted have now become no better than the ones they have fought and only harry seems to realize this. And as i have mentioned i hope that you can pair harry and Draco up if that's your intention without having to character assassinate certain other individuals. This is a very good start, keep up the good work.
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  • From Janna on September 30, 2012
    I can't wait to see how self-righteous Ginny is when Harry finally comes to his senses and leaves her stalker whore butt for a man, and not just any man but Draco Bloody Malfoy. I don't think Harry should have married Ginny in the first place really just how many people end up happily married to their stalker? As for calling her a whore if she truly loved Harry she should have waited for him I mean she was what 14 she couldn't wait a year or two for Harry. I mean she should have realized that the war and staying alive were for most in Harry's mind she had to know at least some of the things that Harry went through every year because not only is Ron his best friend but he is close with the twins and at least civil with Percy (at least before he broke away from the family. Not only that she her self is friends with Hermione. What truly surprises that she didn't know he was gay sooner think about it despite dating he he was still obsessed with Draco.
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