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Reviews for Perfect

By : christineyoung
  • From ANON - dorawc on April 16, 2015
    noooooooooooooooo this can't end here. could you write the next chappie with mione's POV? T^T it's so lovely. even though it's an adult ff place. i love your short story of their bittersweet story. his struggles
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  • From ANON - hpfan addict on February 25, 2015
    You're talented,-and I really enjoyed this piece of work,-i loved how well you sought to fit the growth of the "Dramione," relationship, into the canon,-i think it was really well done!!!-i also thought the way you pieced the lyrics of the song, before each paragraph, acted seamlessly, as the preface for a new header -that being said, there were some typos,-"her" instead of "he" -and a couple of other minor ones as well, honestly -stuff a Beta, should've caught call in all, well done!!!-
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  • From tsita on January 25, 2014
    Aww poor Draco! That's so sad!
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  • From ANON - Reid on December 10, 2012
    That was very nice. Sad, but nice.
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  • From ANON - nathoca malfoy on November 05, 2012
    OMG!!! Make she return!
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