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Reviews for Until the Solstice Rises

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From ANON - Hestia on June 23, 2016
    Oh my, those were all brilliant. I can't believe what you can come up with from the prompts people give you. I really liked all of them, you are so talented.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on December 20, 2012
    These shorter one shots really get in, hold your interest, and are done in such a happy way. I am enjoying them tremendously. Love really happy endings. They are so rare in real life.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on December 18, 2012
    about #14...

    Of course, you're not doing badly, as a matter of fact I think you're
    doing a pretty good job bringing out the emotions/premise of the characters
    [..and readers :-) ..] in such a short time. But, does it drive you crazy to
    not be able to cut loose?

    ...and now I'm curious about this 'group', can anybody join?


    I like this new direction you have put Harry & Dray in...a couple who have 'normal'
    arguments that deals with friends & mutual understandings. One would think you were
    going through that yourself. ;-)
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on December 18, 2012
    No, you don't do badly at all! You do "goodly". That was a very very good story of how they view each other and why they do
    so. They worked it out so well...happily for them and me.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on December 17, 2012
    about #13...

    *almost falls out the chair..* O_O

    Say...ummm...I've noticed more & more that some of your one shots
    here have too many open endings, what about some closure? That way
    there won't be any questins like...WHAT HAPPENED NEXT???

    Other than that, you have a good thing going here...
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on December 17, 2012
    Mmmm nice story and a (thank goodness for wimpy me) good happy ending.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on December 15, 2012
    about #12...


    *runs to window to look outside...and sees fiery meteor showers raining down on
    the earth, cities are devastated, earthquakes have destroyed parts of California,
    dogs are living with cats & monkeys are in the trees with birds..*

    OH my Gawd! Did YOU just do a mpreg????? Not youuuu!!! O__O
    I thought that shit was set in stone!

    But, then I suppose you had to do this, in order to get ready for what you have planned
    in tha' future.

    Oh, and for what it's worth, Draco deserved that 'middle finger' that is now his life...and
    you did a good job with emotions in this piece. :-)
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on December 15, 2012
    Oh no! I HATE that ending! I like that Draco is suffering because of his decisions but he's not suffering enough to fix it!
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  • From makochan0217 on December 15, 2012
    Aw, Draco, you're an idiot. You're such a coward. Well, eventually, Harry will have the family that he wants, and if it's not with Draco, at least it'll be with someone who can make him laugh and smile again. /sad
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  • From makochan0217 on December 15, 2012
    How sad is it that Draco needed to use Veritaserum to get Harry to tell the truth about his feelings. While it ends sweetly, unless Harry is willing to be more open, there could be problems.
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  • From ANON - BAFan on December 13, 2012
    Ch 10. Grrr! Stupid AFF! Or possibly stupid Kindle, not sure which is to blame for suddenly cutting off my ability to review, but it's frustrating as hell to write comments that don't post!

    So anyway...great job as always keeping the characters true to canon while still allowing them to grow and mature when placed in decidedly non-canon situations. Um, hope that made sense.

    And I really wish we could have shared in Draco's reminiscences, loo!

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  • From ANON - BAFan on December 13, 2012
    Ch 9. Sigh. . . I had to go back and re-read A Year's Temptation in order to properly place this ficlet, which is why I'm so late in reviewing it, and now I'm reminded of the treasure trove of your stories and I want to read them all again and I don't know when I'll find the time! :-(

    Sigh. . .

    So anyway, Chapter 9: beautiful (of course), evocative, provocative. Loved it.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on December 13, 2012
    Whew! They made it. Harry admitted he loved him and ended up as they should...loving each other. Now I'm happy...for a few minutes. Greedy want more please. Want them to have a relationship in front of everyone. They deserve it after all they've been through. Too bad if Ron & Ginny get mad (I don't like them anyway) or anyone else either. When someone finds that special person they should go for it not hang back or pretend because if your friends don't want you to be happy they are not your friends.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on December 12, 2012
    So good Hope there is more to this episode! Want to see Ron, Hermione, Harry & Draco interact. And of course more, much more of Harry & Draco.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on December 11, 2012
    about #9..

    Oh yeah! I completely forgot about BM. But I have to admit the Mongoose
    series trumps that one, with its hands behind its back. :-)

    Speaking of forgetting, it's been awhile that I've read A years Temptation, that I'm
    confusing it with another Veela story that had to do with Draco making his home with Harry
    in some type of nest/home he built.

    ..and with the way AFF has it set up where you have click on page after freakin' page to
    find one story, it's no longer worth rereading other author's stories anymore.

    On that note, I completely liked the night time flight part of this story, kinda wish you
    made it longer & simply about them enjoying their time together in the sky.
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