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Reviews for The Power of Three

By : Queenie_Mab
  • From ANON - delia cerrano on December 22, 2012
    Great chapter! Hope James his head out of his wherever soon...suicide isn't the answer to anything. If he feels unwanted then you'd think he would pick up & go find a place where he was or make himself a place & look for someone to share it.
    Al & Scorpius may be technically brothers but they weren't brought up that way & there is no blood there. It might be a little weird but incest? I don't see it.

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  • From ANON - Diana on December 22, 2012
    Update soon!
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  • From Talented_Mrs_Lupin on December 21, 2012
    Okay... so the house is Harry's right? please tell me he tells that stupid bloodtraitor whore to get out or his house! stupid bitch...sorry i hate Ginny which is funny because i am currently writing with her. LMAO
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  • From ANON - Kain on December 21, 2012
    Well James seems to be on the right track to getting the help he needs. Now only time will tell if Ginny will realize that her children need her to get her shit together.
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  • From ANON - Kain on December 21, 2012 weren't joking, nearly everyone here has moments of being a complete ass and things seem to be getting worse for them each chapter. Like the pace of the story, keep at it.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on December 21, 2012
    The chapter started out sooo sad then James' attempt made it worse. Ended very well though with Albus & Scorpius being together, Harry overhearing Draco then Draco saying he would explain it to him. James is so much like Ginny. From what you described he even looks like the Weasley side. Isn't there any Harry in him? I'm sad he goes to suicide & hatred right away. He'd never have made it through the Dursleys & the rest that Harry had to go through. Ginny knew things were never right but she wanted him anyway & got him. You'd think the children would have noticed the pills, changing feelings/attitudes etc.

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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on December 21, 2012
    Luna is a trip an James is way to much like Ginny for me to like him. Selfish & non thinking. But he is a teen ager so he thinks of everything as to how it affects him. And Ginny? Well about what I would expect from her. She is the one who pushed and assumed etc until they were married.
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  • From ANON - Kain on December 20, 2012
    -whistles- well that escalated quickly. Kudos on the fast update and happy too see that it won't be a Weasley bashing fic and everyone is going to be flawed. And James's reaction, while cruel and a little narrow minded, is still understandable and you portrayed it very realistically. Interested in seeing where things go from here.

    And delia cerrano.............I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that your not too fond of the Weasley's. I mean damn, Ron stated that he was going to stick by Harry regardless of what happened and was actually pretty decent by the end of this chap and you still found cause to piss on him lol. It's natural for a guy to get pissed when he finds out something bad happened to his sister.

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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on December 20, 2012
    That was really a Magnificent job on that "explaining" chapter! Can't wait to see what happens next! It's good for Harry that James is going to have to stay with him. James sounds like he was brainwashed by Ron & Ginny. She's always been a piece of work. So is Ron. They are like throw backs or something.
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  • From ANON - Diana on December 20, 2012
    Update soon!
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  • From ANON - Diana on December 20, 2012
    Update soon!
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on December 20, 2012
    Boy is Harry going to have a colosally horrible miserable day! Ginny must have felt something was off but then she never has thought much about what Harry was needing or thinking. I bet she's going to be the drama queen now to try to keep the public attention as long as possible. Also she will probably try to twist the children against him. Harry is being more than generous with her since the Weasleys were poor & it was all Harry's money in the 1st place.
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  • From ANON - Kain on December 20, 2012
    This is an awesome story and While i am in full support of DracoxHarry, it is easy to see why Ginny is so vexed right now. I would be pretty pissed too if i found out that my marriage was a lie and that my children wouldn't even bear my name anymore. Hopefully things can be settled peacefully and they can move on from this, I am not a fan of character assassination. Ginny gets far too much hate from the more rabid DracoxHarry shippers. Even if she doesn't necessarily get a central role in the story a lot of the time, she is still one of the nicest people introduced in canon. Granted her relationship with Harry started out as a massive crush and faded out of focus for a few books and then just sort of "happened" in book 6, she is never shown as being pushy with him and even agrees that they needed to put their relationship on hold due to the war.

    Sorry Queenie_Mab if this came of as a little long winded it is just that when reading DracoxHarry fics I tend to see other peoples reviews painting Ginny as some evil vapid hell bitch and while those reviewers are entitled to their opinions and have a right to say what they want, I also have the right to defend her character. Keep up the good work
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  • From ANON - Diana on December 19, 2012
    Update soon!
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on December 19, 2012
    Oh to be a fly on that wall! I hope neither of the boys gives into those harpies or backs up!!
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