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Reviews for What the Hell is Going on?

By : DarkKat
  • From DisneyMagicForLife on January 22, 2021

    That's as very good.

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  • From DarkKat on January 29, 2015
    I wanted to thank delia cerrano for the review. I wanted to put this up as I was curious as to just what 'begats' was to mean in reference to my story?
    I have to admit that it has me confused. Also the fact that I had to look it up. The only thing I have come across was in connection to the bible
    (which I still don't understand as I haven't read any bible).

    I will explain my idea behind this story for everyone that is confused or curious, my point was to show just how different the world was because of the curse.
    It was also to show how everyone moved on from the revelations of the curse. Also how different the world was in truth.

    I will agree that this story is weird. Most of mine are as, I dream up most of them. What can I say? It's how I work. Have fun reading and writing everyone.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on January 28, 2015
    It was like reading the begats but it was interesting.
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  • From AFFModerator on January 12, 2015

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  • From BAFan on January 02, 2015
    Ch. 5

    "The Great Hall had a lot more students in it then before since all the people that were dead in the cursed life, were alive and had kids."

    Okay. . . . How exactly did that work?
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  • From BAFan on January 02, 2015
    Ch. 1

    After reading the first chapter, I can see the title of this story is appropriate, as I have no idea WTH is going on! :-D Hopefully things will get clearer as I keep reading.

    Oh yes, you don't need an apostrophe for plurals that aren't possessive. So "Dad's" is incorrect the way you've been using it. It should be "Where are my Dads?"
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  • From ANON - staar on November 02, 2014
    So cute and so Hot !!!!!! love the twist you put into the story !!!!! hope their is more to it
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on January 06, 2013
    That's what I say: What the hell is going on! It was confusing with all the new & old matchs & what really happened, what they thought happened, new characters and on & on... But it was very entertaining.
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  • From cullenandpotterlover on December 22, 2012
    This story is great!!! I had a feeling it would be Lucius. I can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From cullenandpotterlover on December 20, 2012
    This story is totally awesome! I can't wait to see who Harry's mate is. I'm hoping it will be Lucius.
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  • From ANON - savannah19742001 on December 19, 2012
    No answer on Orion but I can't wait to find out...great job and I look forward to more.
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  • From ANON - savannah19742001 on December 19, 2012
    Where is Orion?....Guess I have to read chapter four...Great chapter and look forward to more.
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  • From ANON - savannah19742001 on December 19, 2012
    Okay this story is awesome...I love the premise.
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  • From ANON - savannah19742001 on December 19, 2012
    This is going to be a brilliant story. I can't wait to read the second chapter.
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