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Reviews for Snapes Girls *Complete*

By : Talented_Mrs_Lupin
  • From DB1 on March 07, 2013
    @26. I hate when ppl use sex as a means to get their partner to agree to things. Not fair. Great chapter though. Update soon

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  • From guiltypleasure on March 07, 2013
    Hormonal Hermione, watch out! She has certainly taken over. LOL

    I can understand poor Severus needing a moment to catch his breath, the middle of the night and in-between classes is a bit much. It is a wonder the man still has the strength to walk.

    She was definitely out of control though, changing every room and putting things where she wanted them without even consulting him was way out of line.

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  • From demonsangel on March 07, 2013
    I think Sev handled that better then I would. I would have either a heart attack or killed someone for just messing with everything like that without even asking XD Great chapter!
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  • From guiltypleasure on March 06, 2013
    Ok, awesome chapter, I love how he is reading muggle books, that did crack me up a bit.

    Why on earth do all men think like this? These are not stupid uneducated men either, I just don't get it. Being pregnant is not easy mentally or physically. I had the need for constant reassurance since I was huge! I felt big and unlovable and what better way to show you care than to be made love to. Didn't the guys ever hear of a cervix?

    Unfortunately with me, I was on strict bed rest most of my second pregnancy with NO activity at all since it induces contractions. My third, I was on strict bed rest with NO activity once I learned I was pregnant. Yep, no sex at all from the moment I found out. My second daughter was premature and my son was scheduled at 38 weeks.

    But I have two healthy teenagers so I cannot complain. Well, I missed out on a ton of sex so yeah I could complain and I did then too. :P Just imagine sleeping next to a hot guy and not being able to having sex for 4 years. LMAO, yeah I can laugh now.

    So let Hermione have all the sex she can handle as I live vicariously through her. :D

    Severus was so sweet though and the mention of Remus and Tonks was hysterical.

    I hope that Narcissa is able to grab Draco and tell him she loves him and that if he is happy that is all that counts. Having her or Lucius turn away from him would be truly heartbreaking. It is now that Draco needs his parents on his side more than ever. Hermione was spot on telling her that she should treat him with the love and respect that he deserves. I hope she does.

    Thanks again for a great chapter.

    Personal note: Please don't say that my situation is "far worse" than yours. We each have our own pain, disappointment and loss. We each have had to deal with so much and one pain or loss is not greater or less than the other. We both have had to grieve. ((((((hugs))))

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  • From StarFire on March 06, 2013
    Another wonderful chapter!!! I love the fact they are having a boy! So, now that the Headmistress knows it's Sev's baby, are they living together now?? Can't wait for more! thank you!!
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  • From demonsangel on March 06, 2013
    Sev has access to wizarding and muggle books yet he is only reading muggle? Silly man lol He could have probably been having lots of sex if he had read a bit more. Sounds more like Draco is bi then gay o.O But who knows besides you. Can't wait to read more!
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  • From guiltypleasure on March 05, 2013
    Well, thank you for not making him stay away any longer than he did, though I do think it was too long anyway. :D

    I truly got choked up when he went to see her in the hospital wing. What a loving gesture it was to pull up her shirt stroke her belly and kiss her. It was a just wonderful.

    No of course it won't be easy, but anything in this life worth having is not. Two people coming together no matter how much they love one another is not a cure all and it is never as blissful as you may think it is.

    On a personal note, I am truly sorry that you cannot have children, I do not pretend to understand how you feel but I do want you to know that my heart goes out to you. My first daughter passed away so I do understand grieving for a life that never will be. ((((hugs)))
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  • From guiltypleasure on March 05, 2013
    To: Nathoca K

    I'm so sorry to read about the loss of your friends baby. It is something a parent never thinks can happen. I live in New York and have been there. I have friends all over the world that I have formed a bond with that have also lost a child. There are resources out there to educate the parents and the people around them. People unknowingly tend to be cruel and will say things they think is right but is quite the opposite. I strongly suggest seeking out help to finding the right way to be there for your friend. I am honestly saying that if you or your friend would like to speak/write to someone who has been there please feel free to contact me.
    I hope you get this message. ((((hugs)))
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  • From snapeisthebest on March 05, 2013
    WOW! I think this may have been my favorite chapter so far. The way you fit the song in was perfect. While I was reading this, I could actually hear the song (one of my all-time favs) in my head. Great job!! Can't wait to see what happens next.
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  • From StarFire on March 05, 2013
    Loved it!! Great Chapter, loved how they got back together there. I think two months was perfect. I also think that She should have a boy, Severus would be extremely happy with either but I think a boy is just want they need. Thank you for spoiling us so much recently, can't wait for me.
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  • From demonsangel on March 04, 2013
    Glad they worked it out. They will make great parents. I can't wait to read more. LOVED how Sev handled the slytherins. Must have been a hell of a shock to them that he would not only take points from his own how, but that many AND assign them detention. Though honestly, I could probably see him doing that even if he only knew a girl through him teaching her. That behavior was just unacceptable. Can't wait to read more!
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  • From ANON - Nathoca K. on March 04, 2013
    I just finished to read this chapter and then the bell rang. Its past midnight here in Brazil now. It was my neighbor. His baby boy died today, he was 8 months old and his name was Gustavo. Thats my sugestion. Sorry... Im really sad now...
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  • From ANON - Snow Queen on March 04, 2013
    This chapter was intense. I wasn't expecting Snape to react that way to Hermione's pregnancy. I do think a brief separation would be good for them(two weeks to a month) so both can come to terms with their soon-to-be-born child and to resolve any issues they have once they've calmed down from their initial panic and anger.
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  • From guiltypleasure on March 04, 2013
    Personally, I think he should go to her and explain that he does love her and he is scared. Plain and Simple.

    I really don't want to read that they are apart and she can't abort the baby and he finally comes around in the end.

    Just my opinion.
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  • From LaMerr on March 04, 2013
    I'm casting my vote for a quick reconciliation, he's open to emotions and not as closed off I think he'd come around faster because of his emotional attachment, my 2 cents
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