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Reviews for Through the Veil and Back Again

By : SpeedyTomato
  • From ANON - eaglexeyes on June 13, 2014
    Love it.

    Keep writing as life allows.....
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  • From Silverstargirl on May 24, 2014
    I hope that Petunia does as she promised and tries to, at the very least, be respectful and to understand. I hope that the books about bonds will finally trigger some understanding in her. I do understand where she is coming from, of course,'s a bit late. xD Oddly enough, I think that Dudley might be the key to helping her to 'get it'....maybe. He is obviously far smarter than he has been raised to be. A part of me thinks that this was always about Petunia trying to keep her family together. She lost her sister because of magic (at least in her mind) and didn't want it to happen again. She didn't want to lose her husband, so she had Dudley's magic bound and the mistreatment of Harry was for the same reason. It's really sad that she was willing to risk both children to hold onto a bigot. I am glad that she has finally come somewhat to her senses.

    I am glad that Sirius' main issue is now almost dealt to get them to the Castle!! :D
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  • From ANON - snape_lust on May 22, 2014
    I bow to your wisdom. You're right: i didn't give you enough credit when I should have. You always fully flesh out your characters and sirius ignoring Petunia's treatment of harry is not within his character.

    Thanks for the update and I look forward to more of your stories!
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  • From ANON - Hericus.Creorca on May 07, 2014
    I am still confused as to why Petunia and Dudley were added to the storyline. First, did I miss an explanation as to WHY the Dark Lord would even care if Dudley died, let alone had his magic bound? Harry had 10+ years of abuse in their house, from all members, and yet now just seems to have shrugged it off. I cannot see this no matter how nice a person is. This doesn't even come close to explaining why those that claim to love Harry are not enacting any revenge either.

    Truthfully, this has made what was an excellent storyline into a disappointment. Yes, I could stop reading it but I keep hoping for a logical explanation. If you don't respond to reviews could you put in an author's note if it doesn't ruin the plot or say that explanation would ruin the plot.
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  • From ANON - snape_lust on May 06, 2014
    First, i want to say i have loved each story I have read of yours. That being said, i'm having a very hard time accepting Petunia as a character, a hard time accepting harry's acceptance of her and dudley given their history and finally accepting everyone walking on eggshells around her.

    Personally, she's such a loathsome character in her abuse of harry that I don't really care if she's unnerved or scared or disbelieving. I just want to smack everyone and tell them to just dump it on her and let her figure it out on her own.

    Perhaps i should go back and re-read the story...did you perchance have harry with a different, better upbringing than that of canon? If so, please disregard my anti-petunia rant. If she's still the same or worse then I hope someone finally tells the house inhabitants to stop tiptoeing around Petunia. She can put her big girl pants on and accept that she's in a different world, a world she scorned and and took out her jealousy and rage on a orphaned baby. Who cares if she doesn't understand bonds and doesn't like it. Screw her and her opinions. She's known about the WW and magic for two decades, this isn't entirely out of the blue for her.

    Whew, ok didn't realize I had such a strong, negative reaction to this Petunia and how they are all treating her. I hope i didn't offend. I debated on just deleting this review and keeping my thoughts to myself. But most authors want reviews as long as they aren't flames, even if they are a criticism. i don't think i've ventured into flame territory. If I have, please forgive me and let know so I don't do it again in the future.
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  • From ANON - ChaosLady on April 01, 2014
    Short but sweet.
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  • From BAFan on March 18, 2014
    Ch. 28

    Good riddance to bad rubbish! Hopefully Vernon either has a change of heart or is out of the way for good. Good chapter.
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  • From ANON - ChaosLady on March 18, 2014
    Excellent update!
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  • From Darkened_Rose on March 06, 2014
    -sulks and sighs- ergh.. another cliff hanger! ah well. keeps me wanting more(which i do.) ^~^
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  • From ANON - ChaosLady on February 25, 2014
    Excellent update!
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  • From ANON - Anon on February 13, 2014
    Please write more soon love it
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  • From ANON - Christy on February 04, 2014
    I keep wondering if worm tail is suspecting anything and what he would do
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  • From banditdoz on January 22, 2014
    Y amazing story I'm sorry for not reviewing before real life got in the way hope your well I love sir hiss :-D
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  • From pittwitch on January 06, 2014
    Great job - love the pacing and ... plotting!
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  • From banditdoz on December 08, 2013
    A truly amazing story thank you for writing ;D Its took me some time because real life got in the way but wow finally at chapter 23 ;D
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