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Reviews for All My Agony Fades Away

By : astartelydianna
  • From ANON - Kas on February 08, 2013
    I started reading this story because your other fanfics are so good and I have to say that you didn't let me down. I can't wait to read more.
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  • From TalisRuadair on February 07, 2013
    I too happen to have a hectic life and two kids to boot. I love writing as well, however, I've found recently that writing several chapters ahead may be beneficial. I always write by the seat of my pants and never fully think things through, so I'm bound to hit a brick wall or two. Also, my muses tend to be as demanding as the high priestess card from the tarot, so I tend to be pulled into too many directions. I understand the difficulty with finding mistakes. I too do not have a beta on my work, and unless you want to check out my Hermione and Draco stories - two complete ones are posted on here, I find reading through a chapter aloud before posting a chapter may assist with locating those errors. I have read plenty of fan fiction and I have to admit that I have not seen anything in your two stories that scream error. Believe me I have read a few fictions where I can tell the individual writing has only studied English and is not a native speaker. At the same time, I can tell when someone seems to have a learning disability that inhibits their writing. I look forward to your new chapter. Hmm...I just thought of something that might be lacking in this story, which I myself tend to lack in my writing. I tend to be a character driven writer, so I sometimes forget about staging a scene. You may be missing a bit of description, but I tend to get bord when there's too much. I think that's why I have so much difficulty with it in my own writing.
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  • From TalisRuadair on February 06, 2013
    I do like what you are doing here. I also like the other one that you are writing regarding the married fiction. Regarding suggestions for this pairing, I would have to suggest Snape's Story and another I think is called Healing Hands. That latter one you might have to look farther back in archive, as it was finished a couple of months ago. However, I must admit that both of these deal with a bit of darker information when it comes to discovering Snape's past and Hermione's there as a healer in both. The former she's a mind healer and in the later she takes the place of madam Pompfrey.
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  • From tbird1965 on February 03, 2013
    Very good. Better Percy then Fred, I say. I still can't believe JKR killed Fred. You should have more reveiews on this story then you do, it's very, very good. There are a few grammatical and spelling errors, but I never think that's a big deal if the story is good and the characters are kept, well in character. Your Snape is still simply amazing. still hate these freaking captchas.
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  • From tbird1965 on February 03, 2013
    Mmmm. Your Snape is so wonderfully "Snape-ish". I love it. (I don't normally review on this site, because the captcha's annoy me, but I really, really enjoyed this first chapter!)
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  • From MissMisc3 on February 03, 2013
    This is great! Thanks for writing! :) I hope there's more to come.
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  • From IrishChic20 on February 02, 2013
    Really enjoying this fic so far. I like the way you're letting their relationship develop slowly and naturally. Keep 'em comin'! Gail x
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  • From Lauren_W on February 01, 2013
    Great story! I always love this kind of plot and you write very well. It feels new and I commend you!
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