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Reviews for Easy as Falling

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From ANON - SP777 on March 09, 2013
    about #6...

    Wooow! Harry really stepped up to the plate & served them crow! O_O
    [good job author]

    You keep writing him like a serious young man [with a good opinion or two]
    and yes, I'll believe he will make a good Dark Lord. Though I wonder how in the world
    will the humor come in. O_o

    Though I see some humor might be suited sprinkled in here & there...
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  • From ANON - heartstar on March 07, 2013
    lol I love how he got them ourt of the room why aRE PEOPLE STUPID? TELL ME THAT.....more when you can please thank you.
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  • From ANON - colluctari on March 07, 2013
    Was the use of Rosier as the last name significant?
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on March 07, 2013
    I guess Snape is dead in this story? McGonagal seems unsure of herself as to what to do now & how to handle Harry or deal with him. Can't wait for more Draco & Harry when Ron & Hermione show up more in Harry's life.
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  • From ANON - Rina on March 07, 2013
    I was actually hoping for more of a reaction from Draco when he found out that Harry merged with Hogwarts. You know the usual scathing remarks and razor-edged wit that have encompassed their entire school-boyhood, which would happen right after Draco stares dumbfounded at the Boy-Who-Lived-to-Become-A-School. But then I realized that a Malfoy would never be so ungraceful as to stare dumbfounded at anything or anyone even if they were bespectacled war heroes so I let it slide. I'm also glad to know that those two can at least have a (semi) civilized conversation in the same room together without going ape-shit at each other.
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  • From kadajclone on March 03, 2013
    Loved this chapter, very realistic convo between Draco and Harry given their past interactions and I am glad that despite his new found power and direction, Harry is still Harry and only wants whats best for the wizarding world and isn't going to be some douche on a power trip but realizes he might actually need Draco's help but show's him he is not going to be anyone's tool. It will be interesting seeing who he and Draco find to teach at the school and how Harry will ensure that everyone is treated equally regardless of blood status.
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  • From ANON - addiena saffir on February 27, 2013
    oh the deliciousness.
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  • From ANON - addiena saffir on February 27, 2013
    *skips around happily for a few minutes* oops all my Yay!s came out. I like where how it's developing especially how you portrayed Hermione you hugged the middle ground very well for her. What i mean by that is that people usually go to one extreme or another with her: 1-She freaks out at something Harry has done and blows up at him and doesn't seem to trust his judgement at all or 2-She miraculously understands his reasoning and gets why he did what he did because she is just that smart and trusts her friend that much to be almost omnipotent. I like that she questioned Harry on why he chose what he did but trusted him enough to actually ask instead of just blow up at him for being stupid. Can't wait for more.
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  • From SParker on February 25, 2013
    about #4..

    Well now, once a Slytherin always a Slytherin. :-)

    I was kinda hoping Harry had some type of plan before, Draco came there, but
    oh well..

    Maybe this will be the start of a *ahem* SOMEwhat beautiful friendship, where
    they will be constantly butting heads. But, I get the feeling Draco might be surprised, right?
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  • From ANON - angelmuziq on February 25, 2013
    I really like this story! I always did like powerful Harry and abitious Draco who is intrigued by Harry. The one shot was such a teaser, I'm glad you decided to expand on it and I hope that you bring it further than the one shot- to see what the Wizarding World does to push Harry over the edge to take over the whole thing. Keep up the great work as always. Also if you ever get the time and a muse strikes you- I've always wanted to read a really well written fic where there is no Voldemort and so Harry's parents are alive and Harry is raised in a way similar to Draco and see how they react to each other. I love confident powerful Harry and being knowledgable about pure blood practices from birth could put a different spin on things. The situations those two could get into when they know the same things and I'm sure other obsticles would get in their way. Anyway something to think about I hope! Can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - lividfire on February 25, 2013
    *in this chapter
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  • From ANON - lividifire on February 25, 2013
    Oh, this story is so FUN! Harry calling himself a Dark Lord, Draco running foe goverment ahahahaha

    I wonder how they'll come together in this story. I hope it will be fun as their interaction in this story.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on February 24, 2013
    Oh I liked this chapter and the direction the story is taking. But spitting it seems like every time Harry speaks? Ewww!
    Hope he doesn't continue that!
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  • From ANON - heartstar on February 19, 2013
    hmmm interesting draco lol now has his challenge...........
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  • From SParker on February 18, 2013
    about #3..

    1. So, do you find writing this story..easy? Did you have this planned out
    already when you did the one shot?

    2. You know, I'm beginning to think there was a writing challenge on 'making Harry
    a Dark Lord', because this isn't the first time I've seen this plot idea. I'm just
    surprised it took this long for the story idea to make it to THIS section.

    3. I think I've said this once before...but DAMN that was a short chapter!!! O_O
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