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Reviews for Masquerade, who is who?

By : dark-huntressmoony
  • From ANON - delia cerrano on June 15, 2013
    Good job. A sequel would be nice. Love reading about how devoted and loving they are.
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  • From ANON - nari-chan on June 14, 2013
    aww that is the perfect ending and i loved it :)you have to continue it! its too good of a story to not continue it! please make a sequel !
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  • From ANON - nari-chan on June 01, 2013
    aww i love that you made them have a daughter! its so rare thank you ! liliana is beautiful and im happy that things are perfect like they should be. but is there going to be a twist? another villain to spoil there happily aver after?

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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on May 20, 2013
    Wait, you can't finish it yet...I want to read of Harry & Draco official bonding/marriage, the baby coming, oh all kinds of stuff.
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  • From ANON - nari-chan on May 19, 2013
    im glad that they fond him in time. i was really worried about Draco. im happy that the baby is healthy and save i cant wait to see the little potter-malfoy. please update soon !
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  • From ANON - Diana on May 19, 2013
    Update soon!
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on May 02, 2013
    Good, glad Harry came out of it with Dracos help. Can't Harry Think deeply, go into a trace, or give Jason versil...oh truth serum?
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  • From Anti-Form_Sora on May 01, 2013
    Ah!!!! Too short, too short, too short. Update soon please~!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - nari-chan on May 01, 2013
    wow... powerful and amazing. Jason should go to Azkaban and never leave. i hope Draco is found in time and the baby is ok :( please update sooon
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  • From ANON - Diana on May 01, 2013
    Update soon!
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on April 17, 2013
    Harry can't be that stupid can he? Jason just comes walzing back with a smile? Harry knows Draco is pregnant - why would he leave now! He has to show more faith in Draco. He knows Jason has caused trouble before.
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  • From moodysavage on April 17, 2013
    ah... well. That was very OOC. From how they have been so gaga for each other I don't think Harry would believe that short note for a second. And he definitely would know that his ex should be no where near him when he is supposed to be getting married. Harry isn't that stupid and he'd be ready to tear someone apart for messing up his happy ending.

    Harry being that stupid and not believing in Draco would also hurt Draco... extremely. Draco would have a very hard time forgiving Harry for this and he'd be justified in feeling that way.
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  • From ANON - nari-chan on April 17, 2013
    that sneaky son of a.... wow. have i mentioned how much i hate him? well i do! i hate cliff hangers 'goes to a corner to pout' please update soon!
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  • From ANON - nari-chan on April 13, 2013
    that was sexy and sweet. i lived it. can u make harry tell Draco that the sorting hat was going to make im go into the snake pit lol? if not that's cool but i want to see his reaction to harryntelling him this.... well please update soon.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on April 12, 2013
    Oh yes I am really enjoying this story. I feel that Jason isn't going to give up his free meal ticket that easily. After all he was publically embarrassed. Besides he probably enjoyed riding "The Promised Ones" coat tails.
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