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Reviews for Here to Live and Die

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From Sasunarufan13 on July 11, 2013
    God, Nuisance is so cute and intelligent at the same time - you have a knack for making creatures sound/act cute even though they aren't (like Kreacher - well, he isn't cute, but you manage to make him act in such a way that I don't dislike him like I did with his character in the books).

    I actually hadn't thought of other creatures appearing after Nuisance, but it does make sense. If Nuisance was able to appear out of thin air/wild magic, then other creatures could come into existence as well (somehow I doubt you'll leave it at Nuisance alone).

    Like always a great chapter :D
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  • From ANON - qwerty on June 28, 2013
    Hmmmmm. I get a foreboding sense from this kires. I'm with Draco, Harry shouldn't have charged in like that and they should have left him alone. He's clearly very powerful and becomes more so the more he's around people and their thoughts.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on June 28, 2013
    about #11...

    Well I gotta admit...That was 'THE most unusual, highly unexpected, kinda baffles
    the mind' chapter. WHERE on earth did you get the inspiration for that/him? Because
    the answer I thought you would give was the creature picked up the inspiration for the
    look it chose because of Harry's forgotten patronus [forgotten as in..Harry doesn't think
    about such things anymore, which is sad, since the stag was his father's animagus form].

    But, it is an interesting creation, along with the name.

    Also, you know I almost forgot about this story, since you have so realize you have
    7 stories going at once, just in this section alone.
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  • From Sasunarufan13 on June 28, 2013
    Despite the fact that it's weird how Nuisance showed up, I actually felt a bit sorry for the ... animal? for not finding someone who wants to be around him. He made me think of a cat or a dog that nobody wants to adopt or be around. Which is weird to think of a fantasy creature LOL
    But it could come in handy if Nuisance understands everybody.

    It was an interesting chapter - can't wait to find out how things will develop with Nuisance ^^
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  • From ANON - SP777 on June 14, 2013
    about #10...

    Damn...Open Wings really has a way of making you feel like a 5 yr old. :-/
    But he had good points, he would make a great Official leader. Because he
    doesn't exactly lead them right...he just speaks for them? They're just part
    of a smaller collective?

    By the way, is there a name for said group?

    2. I was HIGHLY impressed with Harry & his display of power...and I'm glad no one went
    ape s*** when they saw what he could do.

    I'd say more but I'm tired...
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  • From ANON - SP777 on June 03, 2013
    about #9...for real.

    1. Oh? You have an original story? Where is it? What's it called? :-)

    2. Wow, this chapter felt more emotionally charged than the others. Maybe it
    is because of the fact, the situations Draco & Harry are in right now are more personal.
    Trying to have a family & now hoping Harry doesn't do anything too drastic that would get him
    hurt or killed. Apparently those riders need a quick Harry Potter History Lesson. ;-)

    3. Yeah, that dance was difficult, but you would think Draco would have an easier time than Harry,
    since Draco used to dance more than him. I hope he doesn't give up and try again. YOU CAN DO IT DRAY!!!

    4. ...and yes I enjoyed the chapter though I hadn't said it yet. :-) I think I put the wrong number in my last review.
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  • From ANON - Moon on May 31, 2013
    I love this story and all of others posted here. I was wondering about the absence of art within the tiny community. I was wondering if I had just missed it. Is there no musical instruments or at least songs and singing? Those types of things are normally so common and present in every society. If these people were attempting to make a new life in a foreign land surely they would bring art expression with them. I can't remember reading in the books about any wizard characters playing instruments or if they were considered muggle and non muggle. I just thought about this and if confused me a bit.
    Thank you for sharing your writings!
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  • From Sasunarufan13 on May 31, 2013
    You have an mpreg story? *blinks* What's it called? I've read most of your fics but I can't remember those containing any sign of mpreg. Maybe I just have a bad memory

    Anyway, it's interesting that the Riders are sort of worried about Harry - at least if Draco has understood their message right. I don't really understand why they just didn't go to Harry and talked to the bond about it, but I guess they had a reason for it. Maybe they thought Draco would be more successful in convincing Harry to not to anything stupid.

    And like always Teddy was adorable ^^

    Looking forward to the next chapter!
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  • From ANON - SP777 on May 24, 2013
    about #8...

    :-] Oh yeah, I can DEFINITELY see the fearsome scowl & the dreaded Malfoy
    pout as Draco gives.....Hermione the Look of Doom as she interrupts his Righteous
    SERMON of INJUSTICE done to his person, ego and pride! Though the makeup sex was bril'.. :-)

    ..and what do you mean you suck at heterosexual pairings when you write...same concept,
    basically the same problems in relationships, just different sex that's all.

    Also, the dance you described sounds like it might a wee bit complicated for them. Is it?
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  • From Sasunarufan13 on May 24, 2013
    Hermione should have known better than to interrupt Draco's scolding XD Even if she agreed with his point LOL I was imagining Draco standing hissing and spitting like a pissed off cat for some reason LOL

    And hey, Draco is one step closer to having a child with Harry if the ritual works ^^ I think this'll be the first time then that they don't get children through either adopting them or through a surrogate mother - well, in your stories of course.

    Lovely chapter like always ^^
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  • From ANON - SP777 on May 17, 2013
    about #7...

    1. Who says every novel has to have romance in it? That likes watching a good action
    movie, then watching the momentum slow down, because the writer threw in some romance,
    just to appeal to the female [..and male] audience. Not every story needs romance, unless
    it IS specifically about romance or just a relationship in general.

    2. You know, if you don't at LEAST have some type of yelling, at least give Harry a BIG pimp slap
    from Draco for being reckless w/o a plan! As a matter of fact, I vote for a cheek painted red, but I
    suppose that would cause bigger problems...right?

    Other than that, this was good. :-]

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  • From Sasunarufan13 on May 17, 2013
    No matter what planet he's on, Harry stays a reckless idiot. Oh well, I suppose it's something that won't ever change about him.

    I wonder how the others will react to Harry's stunt. Can't imagine they'll be happy about it - certainly not Hermione or Ron, though they probably are used to it and will leave the scolding mostly to Draco.

    I wonder whether the winds are just a part of the planet itself or someone/something is behind them. I guess I'll find out eventually LOL

    Like always an enjoyable read :)
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  • From ANON - SP777 on May 07, 2013
    in #5... 'Draco sneered at him. You trusted them because you always trust everyone. And look where that
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  • From Sasunarufan13 on May 06, 2013
    I'm already anticipating the giant scolding Harry will surely receive when he comes back after testing out his theory. Draco is going to be majorly pissed off I think and I couldn't blame him for that.

    And aw, Teddy is so cute and cunning at times LOL If they were still on earth, he probably would have had a chance at landing in Slytherin.

    As always a great chapter :)
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  • From ANON - SP777 on April 27, 2013
    about #5..

    Because Draco is a demanding little shit and takes up time making Harry deal with his questions
    *rolls eyes* Oh my gawd! U are trippin'! But that is SOOOO true. :-)

    1. So the Tssisid [looks like a backwards word] are equivalent to wyverns in looks...maybe not necssarily
    dragons? ...or yes they do look like dragons and their behavior is similar to birds flying north.

    2. You know I would REALLY like to see the mumms in real life action, they sound interesting. O_O

    3. Oookay, on that issue of trust...Draco doesn't see himself as a result of that? Otherwise he wouldn't be
    with Harry...and do I see a massive sized 'Draco pout' here? :-)

    4. I have an idea...if they really want to be protected from these storms, wouldn't it be wise to test how strong
    Andromeda's shields are?
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