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Reviews for Here to Live and Die

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From ANON - SP777 on October 02, 2013 that the end??? That was fast! I enjoyed this, it was nice & different. :-(
    But, a good journey into another world complete with possibilities. :-)
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  • From ANON - SP777 on September 17, 2013
    about #19...

    1. Your descriptions of scenes are becoming more vivid...good job. Do you ever
    get help from betas sometimes?

    2. I think Draco needs to give Harry a little hard time...for briefly forgetting
    about his bonded, you would think Harry had a brief affair with a storm. :-) Yeah,
    if it were me, I would rub it in...and I do believe Draco was the one to convince
    Harry to just 'give in' [practically had to bash his head with a rock].

    3. It's good to know Harry won't go grey at 30, constantly fighting these storms & found
    a different solution.
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  • From Sasunarufan13 on September 15, 2013
    This was a very interesting chapter. At first I was confused at explanation of the storm, so I had to reread it a few times. If I understand correctly, then the storm had some kind of consciousness, a bit like Nuisance, though not completely. But it was conscious enough to identify itself with Harry and approach it - most likely thanks to the wild magic I assume. And so when it started to 'play' with Harry, the storm decided not to be that violent anymore when it reached their home?
    At least that's what I gathered from it - I could be wrong of course, for which I apologize. ^^; I haven't had much sleep so yeah, my assumption may be way off.

    Anyway, the last line felt like it was the end of the story, but if it was, you would have said so, so I'm looking forward to the next chapter ^^
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  • From Sasunarufan13 on September 07, 2013
    I was one chapter off with the storm then LOL Not that I mind, this was an interesting chapter.
    Especially the part where Primrose had silenced the rest - I had suspected something like that, because it's rather unnatural for the others to have remained quiet for so long, but I didn't pay much attention to them, because I was more interested in what Primrose would do.

    Of course there is still a chance that this new guy will try to do something, but for now the story seems to be the biggest threat

    As always a very nice chapter ^^
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  • From ANON - SP777 on August 20, 2013
    about #17..

    Wow. :-)
    They feel like such a married couple, that it IS beautiful to watch them at times like that.
    They are more...'married' than Bill & Fleur and more 'together' than Ron & Hermione. :-)

    I liked this.
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  • From Sasunarufan13 on August 19, 2013
    Well, they did get some relaxation now LOL I'm surprised Draco didn't crush Jeremy during the whole thing.
    I didn't know babies could scratch their faces when they are still so young - then again, I'm never around babies and the last time I saw a baby near me was a long time ago, so my knowledge about babies is very small LOL

    I was also happy to see some Teddy in this chapter :3 I've been wondering about his reaction to Jeremy, so I was glad you put it in this chapter. I am surprised that he gave in relatively easy, but I suppose that could be because he's still so young and Harry reassured him that he was still loved by him (is there a particular reason why the colour of Sirius' hair alerted Harry to Teddy's thought process?). But reading his jealous reaction was still adorable - though that may sound weird LOL

    Anyway, with the threat of a new storm coming up, I assume next chapter won't be as peaceful as this one LOL

    All in all, it was a fun chapter to read and I'm looking forwards to the next one :)

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  • From ANON - SP777 on August 13, 2013
    about' real.

    I liked the chapter & glad in a way that the fight between Harry and Primrose wasn't drawn out.
    Speaking of children towards the end, will Draco and Harry think about trying for more, now that
    they have an idea of what to do AND they don't have to carry any for 9 long months. :-)
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  • From Sasunarufan13 on August 13, 2013
    Aw, a fussy Draco LOL Not something you read every day XD And I see he has discovered the danger of changing a nappy LOL

    If I have to be honest, for one moment I thought Primrose would escape or at the very least manage to throw that weird silver rope around Harry. I don't know why, but I got the feeling that she would last longer. Not that I regret her leaving the story that way. She had become way too annoying. And to think that at first she was a meek woman who didn't dare to do anything else but leave the camp *shakes head*

    And I hadn't thought about the length of the days on that planet until it was mentioned by Harry LOL It's actually an interesting thought, considering there are real planets where the days are longer than on earth (at least if I remember correctly from the book I read about astronomy)

    Like always it was a very interesting chapter ^^ Looking forward to more
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  • From ANON - SP777 on August 06, 2013
    about #16...

    1. You know as you describe how Harry creates the winds, it makes me wish to see such a thing on TV.
    As a matter of fact, I have a thing for flying...dream about it every once in a blue moon, it is exciting
    to 'feel' though it isn't real.

    2. I think that moment you described when Draco wished to be with Harry, but was glad to be with Jeremy, spoke
    about how roles have changed for the both of them. Harry is Protector, Draco is Nurturer [for now]. It was a
    perfect little moment.

    3. I hope Harry fries her ass into the next life. Oh, and I almost forgot what about that island Harry & Draco found in
    the last story where they found the dead...hand.
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  • From Sasunarufan13 on August 06, 2013
    Ah, that explains why the baby didn't get an exotic name XD Harry won the debate LOL

    I'm actually surprised Draco was willing to let Harry go along with his storm - remembering the fit he threw when Harry raised that one storm to neutralize the other one, I had thought he would demand to at least go along with him. But then again, considering they have Jeremy now, explains why Draco was more willing to let Harry go alone. Someone has to take care of the baby and I don't think Draco would really trust anyone else but him and Harry to protect their son.
    (Talking about the storm, is Nuisance hiding with the group? Or is he hiding somewhere else? Just curious ^^ )

    Not sure whether it was smart of Harry to use lightening to destroy the seed that managed to latch into his skin, because it could have reached his heart, but I suppose his magic protected him against the negative side of using lightening to destroy the seed.

    I'm curious as to how exactly the brown seeds are worse - at the moment I can't think of anything else that's worse than mindless seeds leeching off living beings to grow, but I'm certain you'll surprise us :)
    And Primrose is being an idiot - if she survives the next attack, she may want to thank her luck, because I don't think Harry will hold himself back now.

    Will Teddy get his own moment with Jeremy? So far it has mostly been Draco bonding with their son, but considering Teddy is Harry's godson, he would have an opinion about the baby eventually LOL

    As always, it was a very fun chapter to read :D Looking forward to the next one!
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  • From ANON - SP777 on July 25, 2013
    about #14...

    Wow, that was creepy on a scale to 7.
    I take it next chapter is about what was discovered...and will
    there be more reactions regarding Jeremy or is that over & done with?

    You know, it wouldn't surprise me if Primrose was planning an invasion, now
    that she knows that her Thunderrin can 'plant seeds' in living/organic things.
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  • From Sasunarufan13 on July 25, 2013
    Alright, first of, the most hilarious moment in this chapter was when Draco said this:
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  • From ANON - SP777 on July 16, 2013

    You know as I sit here & read this I can't help but wonder...what would the younger Harry
    think of the older one if he could see him now? The experiences the older endured and now the
    strongest wizard who ever lived, even if he is on Hurricane....and bonded to Draco Malfoy??? O_o

    2. Awwww...I feel like a grandmother noooowww! *sniff* :-(
    ...and you're the great-grandmother. :-]

    That was AWEsome! I knew they could do it...and now comes protective parent mode.

    You know it really did make was all about the union & magic, not how well they
    did the dance. Glad Draco figured it out. Points to the Dragon of Hurricane. :-)
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  • From Sasunarufan13 on July 16, 2013
    Holy shit O_O I have to be honest, I didn't expect them to get a child so quickly. I would have thought that an event like that would occur more at the end of the story, as some kind of nice ending for them.
    Not that I complain of course - just surprised. I had expected the child to have Harry's eyes, but the picture I got from the baby's description looks very cute ^^
    I do wonder though how different this particular baby is going to be when compared to a baby that would be born in a "normal" way.

    Anyway, like always a lovely chapter ^^
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  • From ANON - SP777 on July 11, 2013
    about #12..

    I know what I forgot to ask..will 'marriage' exist on Hurricane or will it
    be all about shacking up?
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